Chapter 42: Auntie Rya Time

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     Megan's P.O.V.

  It was now the weekend and everybody was just relaxing and stuff. I was currently with Abigail and the dogs at the house. The guys all went to the gym for the morning and it was just us. However, I got bored and decided to call Saraya. Luckily, she was available, since Zack had to go take care of some business.

  "Aww, my precious girl." I cooed to Abigail as she was in her little bouncer. I heard a knock on the door and smiled to myself. "Auntie Rya's here." I said before I got up and opened the door. "Hey, Pumpkin." she told me. "Hey." I replied, hugging her. "Where's little Abby?" she asked. "Over here."

  I led her to where Abigail was and her eyes lit up. "Hi, Babygirl!" she cooed. My daughter made a smile and baby laugh and it warmed my heart. "Oh, come here!" Saraya said as she took her from the bouncer. She carried Abigail as I smiled. "You hungry?" I asked my best friend. "Yeah." she said.

  "I'll order burgers and fries." I told her. I got my phone and dialed the burger place. They took my order and said it would be done in about 15 minutes. I went into the living room and laughed as I saw Saraya lifting Abigail up and showering her with kisses.

  I got on the couch and pet Sasuke as Luna and Eddie just lay down, sleeping.

  "So, how's marriage doing for you?" I asked. "It's great. After my breakup with Alberto, I gave up on love. When I met Zack, he changed everything and I couldn't ask for anything better. He makes me feel like myself. I'm so glad I married him." she explained. "Any plans for the future?" I asked. She shrugged. "Although, I have something to tell you." she explained.

  "What is it?" I asked. "Do you have a pregnancy test anywhere? I've been feeling sick and weird as of late and I don't know if I could be pregnant or not." she explained. "Did you two ever use protection?" I asked. She shook her head. "Yes, I got one in the bathroom. It's in the cabinet." I told her. Saraya got up from the couch and went upstairs.

After ten minutes, she came back down with a huge smile on her face. "Well..." she said with a grin. My eyes widened. "Oh, shit. No way." I said. "I'm pregnant!" she squealed. "Oh, my gosh! I'm having a niece or nephew!" I said as I engulfed her in a tight hug. "You have to tell Zack. He's always wanted a kid." I said. "I will." she replied.

  Our food arrived and we sat on the couch eating as Abigail was on her baby swing. We watched movies and just hung out, you know, typical best friend/sister time.

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