Chapter 22: One Month Later

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Megan's P.O.V.

I was at home, waiting for Jon to come home. Also, the next Raw was going to be here in Davenport. Right now, it was Sunday. He and the guys were at the gym and I was at home by myself, since I wasn't feeling very good. I've been feeling really weird and not myself lately.

I've been waking up in the morning having to go throw up. I've been having cravings for weird food combinations. I've had mood swings. I feel tired all the time. I'm one month late on my period. I knew something wasn't right. I knew I didn't have the flu or an illness, since I keep my diet under control and stay as fit as possible.

I was on the couch, sitting down and eating some apples with peanut butter.

I suddenly felt my stomach turn. I immediately put my plate down and ran to the bathroom. I burst through the door and knelt down in front of the toilet, letting everything out. I held my hair back as I emptied the contents in my stomach. When I was done, I brushed my teeth and went back to the living room.

"That's it." I said.

I grabbed my car keys and went out the door. I went to my car and got inside. I started the engine and immediately drove off. After about 10 minutes of driving, I was finally at a drug store. I can't believe I was going to have to do this. I never thought it would actually be happening. I was extremely nervous and scared.

I went inside and got myself two pregnancy tests as well as some medicine for my nausea. After paying for them, I went back to my car and drove off.

I finally got home and went to take my tests. I didn't want to take them, but I had to prove if my theory was right or wrong. I took some of the medicine first, feeling sweet relief come after. I unboxed both of the pregnancy tests and took them. After doing my business, I set a timer for 10 minutes and waited.

I went and found Jasper on the couch, laying down. As soon as he saw me, his head perked up. I smiled and went to him, scratching his fluffy head. "Don't worry, Babyboy. I'm fine." I told him. He whimpered and got onto my laps. I petted him as I patiently waited for the results of the tests.

I sat there, just petting Jasper until I heard my timer go off. I immediately put him down and jogged to the bathroom. I silenced the timer and looked at the tests. As soon as I saw the results, I gasped and covered my mouth. My eyes brimed with tears as I tried not to cry. The two little pink lines that made me feel like they were smirking at me.


I'm pregnant with Jon's baby.

I put the tests down, finally letting out sobs and cries. I went to the living room and got my phone off the charger. I immediately decided to call Saraya because I needed someone to talk to. I knew that April and possibly one of the twins was with her. I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up. After three rings, she did.

   "Hello?" she asked. "Saraya. Where are you?" I asked her. "I'm at Starbucks with April and Nicole. Why?" she asked. At this point, I let a sob out, covering my mouth. "Megan, what's wrong? You're making me worried." she said. "Can you guys come over to my place? I need to talk to someone." I told her. "We're on our way." she said. "See you, Rya." I said before hanging up.

   I sat down on the couch, burying my face in my hands. I sobbed as Jasper whimpered, as if trying to comfort me.

   After what seemed like 10 minutes, I heard my doorbell ring. I got up and answered it. I saw all three of them outside. "Oh, Sweetie. What's wrong?" Nicole asked as they came in. I led them to the couch and they sat down. "I need to tell you guys something." I sobbed, wiping my mascara stained cheeks. "What is it?" April asked.

   I went to the bathroom and got the tests. When I came out, I handed them to Saraya. All of them looked and gasped. "You're..." April said. I nodded as I let out a sob. "Yes. I'm pregnant with Jon's baby. I don't know what to do." I cried. They all stood up and engulfed me in a group hug.

  "Oh, Babygirl, it's okay." Saraya reassured me as Nicole rubbed my back. We pulled away as I wiped my tears with a tissue the older twin handed me.

   "You have to tell Jon, Megan. He deserves to know." April said. "I know, but I'm scared. We never really talked about having kids. What if he doesn't want it? I don't want to be a single parent." I said.

   "He is too in love with you to do that. He won't leave you. I bet you deep down, he wants kids." Nicole told me.

   They all stayed with me for an hour before all of them except April left to give me some time to think. They told me to call them if I needed anything. However, I don't know how Jon will react. I need to leave for a few days. I know just the person to go to. April said she'd make sure to tell Jon when he gets home.

   I packed a bag with clothes and my necessities. I packed my charger as well as my headphones. I picked up Jasper and exited the house. I locked the door and got inside my car. I said bye to April with a wave. I placed Jasper in the front seat as I drove off. I sniffled as I looked in my rearview mirror and saw my eyes were extremely bloodshot.

   After a while, I pulled up into his driveway. I turned off the car and grabbed Jasper. We got out and I grabbed my bag from the trunk. I closed it and walked to the door. I set my bag down and knocked on the door.

   It opened and revealed him in his pajamas. "Hey, Sis. What's up?" he asked with a smile. It immediately dropped as he saw the tear stains on my cheeks, my smudged mascara, and my bloodshot eyes. "Megan, what's wrong?" he asked as he escorted me inside. I saw Leighla standing there and she looked concerned. I set Jasper down and he went to go play with Kevin. "What's happening?" she asked as they both looked at me. I took a deep breath before I shyly played with my fingers.

   "I have something to tell you. Both of you." I said.

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