Romania x Fem!Reader-Sacrifice

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Romania-Vladimir Popescu

(Y/n)-Your name
(F/n)-Friend's name
(F/c)-Favourite colour

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Another herd of cows were killed last night, completely drained of their blood and all with puncture holes on their necks. These attacks are becoming more frequent and the animals are beginning to get bigger.

I'm sitting with my friend at a coffee shop in our small village on the edge of a forest in Romania. It's almost dark and we should be heading home soon.

"Hey (Y/n)." My friends (F/n) says interrupting my thoughts "You don't think these attacks have been caused by vampires right?"

"Shh you can't say that so loudly, we could get in trouble!" I whisper yell, hushing her.

"But what of it is, we should get ready to fight." (F/n) states

"Just get some sleep tonight, the elders will figure it out tomorrow." I reply

I hug (F/n) goodbye and she heads home. I finish up my drink and a cold wind picks up, taking my (f/c) beanie along with it. I quickly chase after it but stop as I come to the edge of the forest, no one is allowed in there, to dangerous.

I sigh and turn around but as I do I hear a twig snap.

"Who's there?!" I yell "You're not supposed to be in the forest!"

There is nothing but silence and I grow annoyed and frustrated after loosing my favourite beanie.

"Whatever." I mumble and head back to the comfort of my warm home

Once inside I take off my shoes and coat, quickly heading upstairs to get changed into my pyjamas. On my table there is my (f/c) beanie, just resting there.

"If someone's in my house get out!" I yell trapping my wooden stick from my cupboard

I don't hear anything so maybe I was just imagining loosing it and I placed it down where I got home? Yeah that must be it. I turn off the oil lamp by my bed and crawl into bed, tired from hearing about all the attacks.

What if what (F/n) said was true? Could this really be a vampire? But there are none left...

*Time skip to morning*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I wake up and stretch but I stop as I feel a sudden pain in my neck. I place my fingers over the arena of throbbing and it feels sticky. I see blood and rush to my bathroom mirror but I feel lightheaded all of a sudden.

I shake it off and check the mirror for the damage. I have two small puncture wounds on my neck, like fangs that have bitten into me, which are covered in a little bit of blood. I grab some paper and water and clean off the dried blood.

I place bandage over it and head back to bed to sleep off the sick feeling I have. I drink some water and just as I'm falling asleep there is a series of loud knocks at my door. I groan and head to the front door to answer it.

"Coming!" I yell and finally reach the door

I open it and there is (F/n) standing there looking pale and shocked.

"What happened?" I ask worriedly

"A man was killed last night, he has two puncture wounds on his neck!" She says quickly "The elders have called a village meeting for everyone."

"Ok, I'll get ready now." I reply quickly and run up to my room

I put on (f/o) finished with a warm white coat for the cold weather and (f/n) and I rush to the town hall for the meeting. A few other people have arrived, looking nervous and scared as well, once inside we take our seats and the town elders file in.

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