Australia x Fem!Reader-Australia Day

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(A/n):Head cannon that Australia's birthday is Australia Day which is the 26th of January, happy Australia Day :)

Australia-Jett Kirkland
Hutt River-Aaron Kirkland
New Zealand-Toby Kirkland
Wy-Wendy Kirkland

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I'm walking down the streets of Brisbane, Australia. My friend Wendy asked me to come for Australia Day and celebrate her brother's birthday. Despite being a few years older than Wendy we get along pretty well.

My only issue is her brother. He's loud and kind of annoying, his name is Jett I think. He's cute and all, quite hot actually, but he isn't my type I don't think.

I knock on the door of Wendy's house and I hear a rush of footsteps to the door. Jett answers it with a bright smile and excitement.

"You're Wendy's friend, (Y/n)!" He says excitedly "Wendy won't be back for a few hours, she's hanging out with one of her other friends."

That's strange, she asked me to come over...

"Oh well then I guess I'll just go." I say quietly "Happy birthday as well."

"Wait, why don't you come in? No one else is here yet." He smiles

"Should I really come to your party? I won't know anyone." I say shyly

He nods and pulls me inside. I see a table set up with different types of food and drink and Australian flag decorations all over the place.

"Wow looks like it'll be a fun party." I say

"Yeah it would've been." He mumbles

"Where's your sibling?" I ask "I know about Wendy but what about the others?"

"They couldn't come to Australia in time, lots of traveling for Australia Day." Jett explains "Toby couldn't get back from New Zealand and Aaron's to busy with some sort of project."

I notice the change in his demeanour and he looks really sad. I wonder...

"Hey Jett, did no one come to you party?" I ask

"Yeah." He sighs while nodding "Everyone was to busy or couldn't get here in time."

"Well then, why don't we celebrate your birthday?" I ask

He looks up confided and I smile, running over to the music. I press play and the music blasts through the speakers. I begin to dance and Jett joins me happily dancing. Slowly we begin to move closer to each other and soon we are basically dancing in top of each other.

It's nice, I feel bad for Jett so I want to make this day perfect for him. Maybe he isn't as annoying as I originally thought. We continue dancing and a slow song begins to play. Jett softly grasps my waist and I place my arms around his neck.

"You know how to pick music." I giggle

"I can't take all the credit, Wendy helped." He replies

"Want to go swimming?" I ask

He nods and we run over to the pool. I wore my (f/c) bikini under my clothes so I can just jump in. After removing my clothes I cannonball into the water and nearly onto Jett, who catches me and holds me around my waist.

"Hey Jett, I'm really sorry no one came to your party so I'm going to do whatever you want today." I say, looking into his green eyes

"That sounds like fun mate, but you have to promise to do whatever I say." He replies

"I promise, within reason, to do whatever you say." I giggle

He nods and presses a kiss to my cheek. Then he pulls me under the cold water with him and tickles my sides, making me scream in shock. I quickly swim away and Jett follows after me.

After a few hours of swimming we get out of the pool and wrap towels around ourselves.

"Hey Jett, What's it like having a birthday on Australia day?" I ask

"Well it's actually ok, sometimes people forget about your birthday but it's not like Christmas or something where presents get merged together." He says

"Yeah that would suck, Australia Day seems pretty fun." I say looking into the starry sky "It's my first time experiencing it."

"It's really cool!" Jett states happily "They light fireworks and famous stars all come together and sing songs that you can watch on television or see in real life. My favourite birthday was when I went to the Great Barrier Reef for my birthday and went diving with the fishes and pretty corals."

"Sounds fun, you'll have to take me some time." I say

We turn to each other at the same time and I feel the world stop and we look into each others eyes. We slowly move closer and closer to each other until out lips are brushing against one another.

Jett makes the first move, pressing his lips against mine in a rough but caring manner, making my heart soar in excitement and happiness. At this point it's pretty much confirmed I don't hate Jett anymore.

A loud bang rings in my ears and I quickly move away from a Jett in fright. There are a few more bangs and we look to the sky where rainbow fireworks can be seen.

"Wow they're beautiful." I say in amazement

"Thanks for sharing my birthday with me." Jett says wrapping a strong arm around me

"It was fun, I'm sorry I didn't get you a present though." I say

"You being here was my present, I've kind of liked you for a long time." He says, a blush rising to his face

"R-really?" I ask in shock

He nods and I smile while blushing.

"Well I like you to..." I whisper quietly

His emerald green eyes lighten up and he presses another kiss to my lips in happiness. I kiss back and he pulls me to sit in his lap. My towel falls off of me and the cold air hits my body causing me to freeze. I move closer to Jett for warmth and his body is much warmer than mine.

He wraps both arms around me tightly and continues planting kisses all over me,

"Hey (Y/n) you said you'd do anything for me right?" He asks with a smirk "Does that mean anything?"

I nod slowly and he flips us so I'm below him.

"Be prepared for me." He whispers as his kisses become more passionate

Jett really is different to what I thought. He isn't just loud and annoying, he's sweet and caring. I'm glad to have a boyfriend like him. And what's going to happen tonight is just going to confirm that we were made for each other.

Hetalia Oneshots & Lemons *Requests Open*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ