Russia x Japan-Size *Lemon*

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Japan-Kiku Honda
Russia-Ivan Braginsky

Japan's P.O.V.
I sigh as I hear Germany yelling again. Another world meeting; this time in Berlin, Germany, which means another several hours of yelling by all of the nations. It's not like I can just go home either. I mean I'm small and could probably slip out but I need to make sure nothing bad could happen to my country.

Italy is offering everyone pasta again and China is handing around sweets. Greece is asleep and Turkey is drawing a moustache on him and smirking. The Nordics are talking with each other, well four of them, Iceland and Hong Kong snuck off an hour ago and they have yet to notice.

As the yelling increases I sink back into my chair and try to focus on my paper work. I guess I can at least do something productive with my time here.

"Ve~ do you want some pasta Japan?" Italy interrupts me holding a big pot of pasta, how did he even get a pot that big

"No thank you Itary-Kun." I reply turning back to my work

I feel a soft pounding in my head and I take a deep breath. Just what I need, a headache. I try to ignore it and continue reading my paperwork but soon enough America comes up to me and starts yelling.

"Heyo dude!" He exclaims and wraps an arm around my shoulders

I try to shake him off as I don't like being touched.

"Greetings America-Kun." I say, trying to hide my pain

"Are you ok dude? You look really pale." He says peering into my eyes

"Hai I am fine. Prease just reave me arone." I sigh


"Hmm alright dude, but if you need help you can come to me." He says and walks away, still glancing back at me

Some of the yelling calms down and my headache dulls a little bit. I finish my paperwork sooner than expected so I try to close my eyes and sleep off the pain. That's when I feel a large figure loom over me.

"Japan you're feeling sick da?" A voice asks

Oh no... it's Russia. I turn around and I am met with his violet eyes which see, soft but I know better than to trust them.

"I feer fine." I say looking away

"Don't be lying to me, I'll take you back to your hotel da?" He says and grabs my hand

Due to him being bigger than me I can't fight him off. I wish we didn't have such a size difference. When we are almost out of the doors I hear a yell from America.

"Hey where are you taking Japan you commie?!" America yells to Russia

"I'm taking him to his hotel room." Russia says and I realise Belarus is glaring at me

"I don't think so, you'll probably kill him or something!" America shouts

The pain in my head returns and I feel extremely dizzy. I grasp onto Russia for balance and he looks at me with a little surprised.

"Russia let him go, I can help him better than you can!" America shouts stepping closer to me

Germany and Italy are looking at me with concern but I can barely make out what is in front of me. Finally Russia snaps, picks me up bridal style and walks out of the meeting hall carrying me. I hear America yelling after me but everything starts to get hazy. I can't even ask Russia to stop touching me.

Russia's P.O.V.
I noticed Japan looked sick about an hour ago and I was watching over him. When America went up to Japan and started yelling I wanted to go over there and strangle him, but that would have caused more noise.

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