Possessive!Spain x Romano-Back Off

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(A/n):Requested by wolfcatgirl29 , hope you like it :)

Romano-Lovino Vargas
Spain-Antonio Fernández Carriedo

Romano's .P.O.V.

"Hey bastardo, Gilbert's coming for dinner so I'm-a cooking tonight!" I yell to my boyfriend Antonio


In three seconds flat he has appeared out of the doorway.

"Why? Wouldn't you rather we go see a movie or something?" He asks

"We can do that-a tomorrow, Gilbert's going back to Germany, Well Prussia as he calls-a it, tomorrow." I sigh walking to the back door

"Come on Lovi~" Antonio says wrapping his arms around my waist

"Don't-a call me that, now I have tomatoes to pick." I reply pushing him off of me and heading out to the tomato garden

I grab a basket and walk over to the tomato plants carefully selecting the ripe ones and placing them into my basket.

I can't help it if I want to see Gilbert, ever since I started officially dating Antonio I haven't really seen much of my friends. Antonio doesn't like me leaving without him because apparently I can't protect myself. I know Antonio loves me but I wish he would at least fucking let me go out alone sometimes.

I've known Gilbert longer than Antonio and I think that makes him a little jealous, Well he always seems to be jealous over someone. I just want Antonio to understand that I love him but I need space.

I finish picking tomatoes and walk back up to the house with a small glare. I open the door and inside Antonio is sitting on the couch sulking.

"The fuck are you-a doing?" I ask walking up behind him

"Lovi~!" He exclaims happily, turning around to meet my eyes

"Quit-a sulking and help me make pasta." I sigh

He smiles and nods, walking to the kitchen with me. Maybe if I let him help me he won't be to upset about Gilbert coming over. I begin to chop up onions while Antonio cuts the tomatoes. I accidentally smell the onions and my eyes start to tear.

"Aww Lovi's crying." Antonio says wiping the tears from my cheeks

"I'm not-a crying bastardo!" I yell turning away

He hugs me from behind and presses a kiss to my temple, then cheek and finally my neck.

"Ngh, enough, we need to finish-a the food before Gilbert comes." I say pulling away

"So Gilbert ruins it?" He mumbles

"What?" I ask, not hearing him

"Nothing!" He smiles, retuning to his normal happy demeanour and finishing up the tomato's

I begin to boil the sauce and grab the flour for pasta.

"You're really good at cooking." Antonio says watching me

I feel a small smile tug at my lips from the compliment but I don't completely smile.

"When you-a have to live with a bastardo like you, cooking-a is a necessary skill." I reply

"Aww Lovi I can cook." He says

"Don't call me Lovi, and you nearly burnt-a the kitchen down trying to make cereal." I say

"I wanted it crispy." He sulks

I sigh remembering that day, Antonio is always doing crazy shit like that. Sometimes I wonder who is going to protect me from him.

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