2p England x Fem!Reader-Movie Time *Lemon*

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(A/n):Requested by alicemare13 , Hope you like it :)

2p America-Allen.L.Jones
2p Canada-James Williams
2p England-Oliver Kirkland
2p France-Francois Bonnefoy

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
I sit in the warm booth of my friend Oliver's bakery. I sit across from my other friend Allen who is suspiciously glaring at everyone.

"Everything alright Allen?" I ask

"I don't like this place, who knows what Oliver's putting in those cupcakes." He mumbles

"I'm sure it's fine, he's had this place for ages now." I reply

His red eyes narrows and he leans closer to me.

"Don't eat any of the cupcakes here, he puts dangerous things inside." He whispers

"I know, he always makes me special ones that don't have anything bad inside." I giggle

"Of course he does, he's obsessed with you," Allen says leaning back

"He's not obsessed with me, he doesn't even like me like that." I mumble

"Haven't you seen the way he looks at you?" He replies

I shake my head softly and giggle, not believing him at all. Oliver and I had been friends for years there's no way he would see me as anymore than that. Even though I've had a crush on him for ages he hasn't led on the thinks of me as more than a friend.

I sigh and sip at my tea, making sure I font feel weird or drugged because of it. I don't think Oliver would drug me but he might do it accidentally.

"Where's Francois and James?" I ask

"Coming I think, you're coming to the movie right?" Allen asks

"Depends if Oliver is coming." I reply

"Of course it fucking does." Allen says sarcastically

"Swear jar." We hear a voice say as footsteps approach

Oliver is standing there holding his swear jar filled with money. Allen grumbles and places a dollar coin in the jar.

"Oliver do you think you'll come tonight?" I ask, looking up into his blue eyes

"Of course poppet, I know how much you've wanted to see this movie." He replies with a big smile

Allen, James, Francois, Oliver and I have been planing to see a new movie coming out and we planned this weeks in advance. With their 'lifestyle' I never know if they're going to be hiding from police or not so it can be hard to plan. I've made them all promise to not do anything illegal so we can have our time together.

The door bursts open and Francois and James walk in. I smile happily as they come sit next to us. We wait for the last of Oliver's customers to leave and after they go we pull on our warm coats.

We begun to walk to the theatre and Oliver grabs my hand as we walk. I feel a burst of warmth and happiness at the contact and smile contently. Allen wiggles his eyebrows at me and smirks.

We arrive at the theatre and I notice a group of boys staring at us. More specifically me. One of them walks up to us and he looks like an overly confident asshole who thinks he's the best.

"How's it going cutie?" He asks slapping my butt

I gasp and turn towards him angrily.

"Go away." I say angrily

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