England x Tsundere!Reader-New School

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(A/n): This was a request but I lost the comment.

England-Arthur Kirkland

(Y/n)-Your name

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
Great, a new school, new students and new "friends". I'm guessing everyone at this school is just like my old school, either boring or obsessed with themselves. I'm constantly changing schools due to my parents work which sends us all around the world, this time they've made sure we'll stay here until I graduate.

I walk in the doors of the school and immediately a bunch of eyes land on me. It's a group of five boys, one with glasses, one with long blond hair, one with a scarf, one with a panda plushie and one with huge eyebrows. They seem, interesting...

I walk to the front office to grab my schedule and the receptionist tells me to wait there for a few minutes before the boy with huge eyebrows walks in with the principal.

"(Y/n) this is the school captain, Arthur Kirkland." The principal says "He will serve as your guide for today."

"Nice to meet you." I say holding my hand out

He shakes it and my heart begins to quicken as I look into his beautiful green eyes. The principal leave us and Arthur begins to show me around the school.

"Are there any clubs you're interested in?" He asks

"Why would I tell you?" I reply, sounding a bit angrier than originally intended

"YO IGGY-BROWS!" A loud voice yells and the boy with glasses from earlier runs over "Who's this?"

"This is (Y/n), don't run or yell in the hallways Alfred." Arthur sighs

"Hey (Y/n), I'm Alfred Jones." Alfred beams "If you get bored of this stick in the mud come find me and we can have some actual fun."

"I'd really rather not." I reply finally making it to my locker

I pack away the things from my heavy school bag and Arthur watches me the whole time, making me feel a little uncomfortable.

"Can I help you?" I ask with a slight scowl

"I'm just waiting for you, I need to show you your first class." Arthur replies

I look into his green eyes for a few seconds before nodding understandingly.

"Fine, but we're not friends." I sigh and close my locker

We arrive at our classroom and I take the seat next to him as it's easier to just stay with him rather than try to make friends. Besides, he seems pretty nice and very gentlemanly.

A small group of students walk up to me and I can hear mumbles of hate in their voices.

"Can I help you?" I huff

"You're in my seat." One of the students says

"I don't see your name on it." I reply

Arthur looks up at my insult, he looks like he's asking me not to fight but I don't back down to anyone, especially over something as petty as a seat.

"I always sit here." The student growls

"Apparently not always as it was empty when I walked in." I reply "Find somewhere else."

The student stops away and I giggle lightly. Funny how they think I'd just give up and let them tell me what to do.

"You shouldn't get into fights (Y/n)." Arthur sighs

"Don't tell me what to do, you're not the boss of me." I reply

*Time skip to a month later*

(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
After spending a month at this school I've realised it's not as bad as I was expecting, sure some of the people are rude and horrible for no reason but others are actually pretty nice.

Arthur and I have become really close friends, I want to be more but there's only so much I can do. I haven't really been the nicest to him so I don't think I he'd like me back but I've noticed he's similar to me in ways. Our Japanese's friend described us both as "Tsunderes", whatever that means.

I'm sitting at one of the desks in an empty classroom for some quiet study and someone walks in, I look up to see Arthur smiling softly at me.

"Hey (Y/n), studying?" He asks

"Obviously." I reply "What did you need?"

"Actually there's something I'd like to tell you." He explains

"Ok, make it quick." I say standing up from the chair and facing him

"Well, I really like you and I feel as though we connect on a different level to everyone else." Arthur says grabbing my hand softly "So will you be my girlfriend?"

"Hmm fine." I say wrapping my arms around him in a hug

He hugs me back tightly, pressing his lips against mine and I kiss back. I suddenly don't feel as angry as I usually do, is this the power of love? I guess only time will tell...

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