Alpha!Sweden x Omega!Finland-Protector *Lemon*

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Denmark-Mathias Køhler
Finland-Tino Väinämöinen
Hong Kong-Leon Wang
Iceland-Emil Steilsson
Norway-Lukas Bondevik
Sweden-Berwald Oxenstierna

Finland's P.O.V.

"Hey lets go drinking!" I hear my friend Mathias say as we watch T.V.

"Why would we do that stupid Dane?" Lukas asks

I invited all of the Nordics over to Berwald and I's house for dinner and to hang out, but now Mathias is suggesting we go to a bar. Honestly I probably wouldn't mind having a few drinks.

"I'll go." I say smiling happily

"Wow, really Tino?" Mathias asks "Great, we can go together, just us two."

He narrows his eyes and smirks, leaning over to me. This is just a ploy to get everyone else to come but it's still a little awkward. It's awkward to have another alpha so close to me, please save me Berwald.

"Back off." Berwald says, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into his lap while ha glares at Mathias

"Stupid Dane." Lukas mumbles

"Aww don't be jealous Lukas." Mathias says moving back over to his Omega and pulling him onto his lap

"I'll go with you, only so you don't fuck everything that breaths." Lukas sighs

"Then I guess I'll go too." Berwald says, then he whispers in my ear "I know your heat is happening soon and I can't let anyone else touch you."

I blush slightly and turn more to him so I can quietly whisper back.

"I don't think it'll happen for another week though." I whisper "But I still want you to come."

He holds me tighter and nods.

"I can't even drink, I'm going to stay at Leon's house." Emil says and stands up

I know Emil has chosen Leon as his alpha but I'm the only one who knows. Emil talks with me and confides in me a lot because he knows I won't tell his brother. Lukas may be his brother but he is a little over protective. Probably because they're both omegas like me.

"We'll drop you there on our way." Mathias says and gets off the couch, lifting Lukas along with him

I stand up as well and walk over to those two with Berwald close behind me. Emil follows after us and we all cram into Berwald's car. I sit in the back with Lukas and Emil as were the smallest of the group. I can only hope Mathias and Berwald don't fight.

We drop Emil off and as we drive away I see Leon walk out and kiss him. Lukas didn't see though which is lucky for Emil and Leon. Soon enough we arrive at the bar and walk in, I hold Berwald's hand tightly as it's a little intimidating. Omegas don't really do to bars so it's mainly alphas and a few betas.

We find a seat and order some drinks. Lukas looks bored and tired but he's happily drinking away. Mathias of course is drinking as much as he can. I take a few sips of my alcohol and feel a weird sensation in my lower region. Oh no is it...

No it can't be heat, maybe I'm just getting drunk quicker because they accidentally gave me a stronger alcohol. Yeah that must be it.

"Lukas come dance with me." Mathias says and pulls alias onto the dance floor, Lukas is half drunk so he doesn't seem to mind

"Everything ok?" I hear Berwald ask

"Oh yeah, I think I'm just getting drunk faster." I say trying to loosen up my shirt collar

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