Gerard imagine *requested*

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Thank you so much for requesting!! I appreciate it a lot because it makes me feel like I'm a good writer.

I am actually so sorry that this is so late. I tried to post your two requests within one day, to make up for it. Hopefully you forgive me.

*Edit: it's now Gerard's bday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY GERARD I LOVE YOU!!*

Here you go!

You walked down the empty street briskly, not stopping when you passed the alley with the suspicious men, or when you saw an acquaintance of yours across the path.

You were a "man on a mission" as people would say. You were trying to get to your best friend, Gerard, as soon as possible.

You knew that going to his apartment in the middle of the night with tears in your eyes and a broken heart, sopping wet due to the rain, was risky, with strange people walking around, and no protection from them, but you had just been broken up with. You had been dating (Ex/N) for quite a while (a year) and you thought things were going good. And things were, until they started coming home drunk nearly every night. Things had died down for a while, and they went back to normal, but you started drifting apart, and he cheated. You had caught him kissing a girl in the middle of the crappy 24 hour coffee shop. After that, he had said that things were over. Just like that.

You shivered from the cold, and wished you had brought a warmer jacket with you. Maybe an umbrella.

Not five minutes later you arrived at his door. You knocked on it, not expecting an answer at this time of night, but also knowing that Gerard would probably be awake drawing or working on some lyrics.

Thirty seconds later you heard faint footsteps from behind the door. The lock clicked, signalling that it was being opened, and then you saw Gerard, sleepy and sort of out of it. You had probably woken him up from his probable place in the couch. Which was a bit of a surprise.

His eyes widened when he saw it was you, and he now seemed full of energy as he pulled you inside, setting you down on one of the comfortable black chairs in his living room. You were still crying.

"(Y/N), what happened?" He asked you, full of concern.

You let out a shaky breath and managed to choke out your explanation  between tears and hiccups.

"H-he broke up w-with me! He was ch-cheating on me with s-some other girl!"

Gerard looked extremely angry.

He stalked away into the kitchen, most likely getting you some water.

While you were crying on the couch, you looked down at your wet shoes and then at the floor.

A trail of wet footsteps led to you from the doorway.

You gasped, instantly taking off your jacket and kneeling on the floor, mopping up the water with your already wet coat, making it worse.

"Why do I ruin everything?" You sobbed.

When Gerard returned, he looked at you sadly. "(Y/N), don't bother with that, it'll dry up soon!" He grabbed your shoulders gently and stood you up, leading you back to the couch.

You sat down again, this time leaning into Gerard and crying onto his shoulder.

His arms wrapped around you in protection and his warm cheek was pressed against your cold, wet hair.

You cried for a good hour, Gerard there the whole time. You were glad he was such an amazing friend, always there for you when you needed him.

When you finally calmed down enough to speak without breaking down again, you thanked him.

"Gerard, thank you so much. I know it's late, and I probably woke you up, and you probably have a really busy day tomorrow, so thank you." You pressed a kiss on his cheek. He smiled at you.

"It was no problem at all (Y/N/N), honestly. You're always welcome. But I have to ask you to stay the night. It's not safe out in the streets alone at this hour. I would hate myself if anything happened to you," he said, his eyes pleading as well. "Please stay."

"Well how do I refuse that offer? Thank you again. I owe you big time." You replied sleepily. 

He noticed you were getting tired, so he scooped you up in his arms and carried you into his bedroom.

He had taken your shoes off, and tucked you in before climbing in himself. Sharing a bed was never a problem for the two of you, considering  you had been doing it since you were kids. Nothing ever happened, anyway, so why would it start happening?

He wrapped an arm around your waist and pressed a kiss on your forehead. "I love you (Y/N), you're my best friend. I just want you to be happy."

You smiled in your sleepy state. "I love you, too, Gee."

And with that, you fell asleep in each other's arms, happily and contently. You were still upset about the breakup, sure, but you would get over it. You knew you would.

What you didn't know was that Gerard would soon become your boyfriend turned Fiancé, turned husband.

Sometimes you find the love of your life where you least expect it, whether it be in a strangers smile, or the best friend someone could ask for.

Even if it takes a while to figure it out.

Why, hello there!

Don't know how I feel about the ending, but hopefully you all enjoyed it, and hopefully I didn't mess up the request....

(If you're a Fangirl)

Anywho! I've decided to go through with the Multi Fandom imagines book. I hope at least some of you will read it. I'd really appreciate it, if you would, because writing means so much to me, and I like it when I see comments or votes on my work. It makes me feel happy, which is something I don't feel everyday anymore.

Hopefully you enjoy that, because it's something I'm very much looking forward to writing, and something I've been thinking about for almost 6 months, now.


I hope all of you enjoy your day/night, depending on the timezone. Right now it's 10:10pm.


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