Christmas! 2- Frank

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So, this is a year before my Gerard imagine takes place. If you remember, I wanted all of them to connect, so here it is.

You and Frank had been dating for 4 years. They were the best four years of your life.

You got together on Christmas Eve, four years ago, at a party you were both at. You were in a band, and played the guitar as well as sang. You were close friends before you started dating, and both had feelings for each other.

Skip to four years later, you were living in a good sized apartment, with a dog and a cat. They managed to get along pretty well.

It was Christmas Eve. Today was your 4th anniversary.

You and Frank had done all of your Christmas shopping in November already, so you didn't have to be out and about on the busy streets.

You were currently lying on top of him, your head on his chest, his arms around your torso. Christmas music played in the background, quietly, but loud enough that you could hum to it.

The smell of gingerbread filled the apartment from when you tried to bake cookies half an hour ago.

You sighed in content. Frank turned his head so he was looking at the top of yours.

"You okay, (Y/N)?" He asked you.

"I'm perfectly okay, Frank. Thank you for making my life so much better."

You looked up and kissed him.
When you broke apart for air, you looked at the time. You sighed again, but this time it was out of longing. You didn't want to end this moment.

Frank noticed this, and immediately asked what was wrong.

"We have to start getting ready for the Christmas party at Ray's house." You replied, suddenly excited.

"Let's go! Hurry up, I don't want to be the last ones there again!" You rolled off of the sofa and onto the floor, then popped up again and sprinted to your shared bedroom. Frank's laughter could be heard.

*time skip to when you get to the party.*

When you knocked on the door, Ray's girlfriend answered. She smiled widely at you.
"(Y/N)! Frank! You're here! Come on in, Ray and I are just finishing off with dinner." She opened the door wider so you could enter.

"Ray! Frank and (Y/N) are here!" She yelled while closing the door.

Soon after, Ray emerged from the kitchen. His hair had a reindeer antler headband in it, and he wore an apron with the words "Kiss the Cook" and a picture of Mistletoe underneath. He was covered in flour and chocolate chips were noticeably spread throughout his Afro.

His girlfriend giggled at the sight of him, and you couldn't help but laugh either. You only then noticed that she had flour in her hair too.

"What happened to you guys?" Frank questioned.

Ray replied, looking sheepish.
"We...uh... Kind of had a small food fight...?"

You laughed again. "Sounds like fun. Merry Christmas, you guys!" You hugged Ray and his girlfriend. You were left with flour all over you.

"Aww man!" You shouted, and everyone laughed.

You looked at Frank.
He looked scared.

You took a step towards him.
He took a step back.

You opened your arms for a hug.
He curled his arms around himself.

You smirked.
He smiled nervously.

You attacked.
He ran.

You were close on his heels, however, and he didn't make it far before you jumped on his back and brought him to the ground.

You latched yourself onto him like a koala, making sure you got a lot of flour on him.

He groaned.
You giggled.

You got off of him and helped him up.

A cough signalled both of you to swivel your heads back to the doorway where not only Ray and his girlfriend were standing, but Gerard, Mikey and their girlfriends as well now.

You blushed and said "Hey, guys. Merry Christmas." While awkwardly waving.

Then Frank did something unexpected to you.

He said "I was going to wait until the gift exchange, but now is just as good of a time as any."

He got down on one knee.

You gasped and covered your mouth with your hands. Was this happening?

He smiled at you.
You felt tears well up in your eyes.

"(Y/F/N), you have made the last four years of my life the best. I love you so much, and I don't think I would be able to function properly without you in my life. You make everything feel right. You're amazing. I love everything about you. So..." He opened up a black velvet box with a beautiful silver ring with Aqua and silver stones on it and continued.

"Will you marry me?"

Everyone clapped and cheered, but it all sounded like background noise. Your vision tunnelled and the only thing you were aware of was Frank Iero looking at you lovingly and hopefully.
You were slightly aware of Mikey's girlfriend recording you.

You knew you had to answer quickly, as Frank shifted uncomfortably.

"Yes, Frank, I will marry you."

He looked relieved. He stood up and slid the ring onto your finger. You looked at each other and stood there for a few seconds before kissing each other.

You heard wolf whistles mixed in with 'awws' as you guys continued for a few more seconds.

When you pulled apart you faced the group.

Mikey's girlfriend stepped forward. "Can I tweet this out?" She asked shyly.

You both nodded. Within minutes of it being posted, people were commenting about how happy they were for you.

You smiled at everyone in turn.

"Merry Christmas, guys."

This would definitely go down as the best Christmas ever.

I enjoyed writing this one. I hope you enjoyed reading it!!!!

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