Frank Imagine-Birthdays

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I figured that because it was Frank's birthday last week, I should do an imagine to go along with the message. You are both 17/18 in this.

You knew Frank was excited for his birthday when he started counting down the days from 50. It was his 18th, after all. It was also yours, but you didn't make as big a deal of it as he did.

You also knew that you wanted to make it extra special for him.

You were his best friend, practically his platonic soulmate, though you wanted more than that. You've known Frank since the two of you were born, lying in the hospital-provided cribs for newborns. You knew all of each other's secrets, the layout of the other persons house, and why they have certain things in their room.

You started thinking of gift ideas once he started counting down the days. Since he was turning 18 (an adult, finally), you wanted it to be extremely special and memorable. You wanted him to remember it for a very long time.

Since you lived in a rather small town, there weren't very many shops to chose a gift from. So that meant either sitting with your mom and little brother for an hour so you can get to the closest mall, or making something yourself.

You figured that making something was more sentimental anyways, so that's what you did.

You gathered your supplies, and headed to your bedroom to lie on the floor while you called Frank to tease him about knowing what his gift was.

"(Y/N)! Tell me!" He whined over the phone.

"Frank! It wouldn't be a surprise if I told you, now would it?"

"Who cares about that? I just want to know what I'm getting. Can you give me a hint or two? Or 10? Pleaseeeee (Y/N)?" You could practically see the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. One hint and one hint only."
You paused in the middle of cutting paper, and tried to think of something that wouldn't give it away.

"(Y/N), hurry uppppp I have to eat dinner soon!" He said hurriedly.

"Okay, okay, yeesh... Anyways, your hint is 'you'll love it'."

You smirked when you heard a groan of frustration leave his lips.
"Well, you didn't say that the hint had to be detailed."

"That's not fair! You cheated!" He said, while frowning (at least that's what you imagined).

You giggled. "You really shouldn't be surprised, Iero. You've known me since we were babies. You know what tricks I've got under my sleeve."

He sighed. "Yes, I guess I walked right into that one." You hear him take a deep breath and murmur something along the lines of 'it's now or never' before starting another sentence.

"(Y/N), I've got to tell you something. I-" he was cut off by the sound of his mother opening the door to his bedroom, where you assumed he was.

"Frankie, din- oh! Sorry, I didn't know you were on the phone." She said.

"Hi Mrs. Iero!" You said loud enough for her to hear.

"(Y/N)! How are you dear? Happy early Birthday! Are you eating well? How's your mom? Is she eating well? I know she has a busy schedule with work and all."

You hear Frank groan over the line and you smile. Frank's mom was like your second mother. She treated you like her own daughter, anyways, and it annoyed him to hell and back.

"Thanks, Mrs. Iero! I'll tell my mom you say hello."

"Okay, dear, I hope you can come over for dinner soon. I miss our Friday night dinners. Anyways, Frank, I'll let you have five more minutes so you two lovebirds can say goodnight, but I want you down for dinner immediately after you hang up, or your food will get cold."

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