Christmas! 3- Ray

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Part 3! This takes place the year Frank proposed. You'll see. Mikey's will probably be the year Gerard's takes place, and then I'll do one huge imagine for all four of them. It sounds weird now, but it'll make sense by then.

You and Ray were hosting this years Christmas Party for the band and their girlfriends. He had just gone out to get some last minute groceries before the stores closed.

You were very excited because everyone knew about Frank wanting to propose to his girlfriend.

You and Ray were already engaged, having dated for five years before he proposed in London, three months ago.

You smiled while you recalled the memory of the horse drawn carriage pulling the two of you around the nearly empty cobblestone paths. He took you to a small, beautiful, old fashioned village to propose, hence the cobblestone paths and carriage.

You were drawn out of your thoughts by two arms slinking around your shoulders.

"Hi, Ray. Merry Christmas Eve."
"Merry Christmas Eve, (Y/N)!"

You turned around and pecked his lips, which he smiled at, afterwards.

You looked up at him. "Can we start making the cookies for when the others get here? Pretty please?" You made your eyes wide and jutted out your bottom lip.

He looked at the clock.
"(Y/N), they'll be here at seven, and it's only four. Let's wait until 6 to start everything."

You sighed and nodded, also allowing Ray to lead you to the couch to watch Christmas movies and cuddle.


At 6 o'clock on the dot, you sprung up from your place on the sofa. Ray gave a startled noise as you almost hit him in the face.

"Oh sorry! Anyway, it's 6 o'clock, let's start dinner and cookies now."

You grabbed his hand, dragged him off of the sofa and into the kitchen.


After about ten minutes, you had started to put the ingredients into the bowl. Eggs, flour, milk, etc.

When you were mixing all of the ingredients together, you felt something softly hit your head.

You turned around only to find Ray standing there in his apron, starting dinner. You shrugged.

But then you felt it again. You whirled around quickly and got a face full of flour.

"I'm an innocent child." And with that he turned around and continued with dinner.

Not even five seconds later you see him go towards the flour bowl and pick some up. When he turns back towards you, his eyes go wide, like a deer caught in the headlights.

You stared at him with your arms crossed and raised an eyebrow.

"You want to try that again, Toro?" You asked threateningly.

He smirked and said "Well there's no point in hiding it, now that you know."

He threw the flour at your face.

You shrieked and hid your face behind your hands. The flour went in your hair, down your shirt and all over your hands. 

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