Frank- I think i just fell a little more in love with you

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Hi! Read this. Cause why not?
(Btw, you're in the eighth grade here. Age 14)

Middle school crushes are overrated.
If you like someone, then you're either making it "too obvious" or people think that you're vying for attention because the don't believe you.

That's exactly why you never tell anyone if you start liking someone.
You've liked people before, but they either ended up being jerks, or liking someone else. Everyone in your eighth grade class was the same. They were the "cool" kids- the "popular kids" if you will. It's not that you were "un-cool" or any of the other offensive labels mean kids would give- you were actually well liked in your class. No one picked on you, and you didn't socialize, so it didn't give them a reason to start.

The boys in your class were absolutely horrible (Some of them were sweet, and actually civilized people. You were friends with two of them). They made dirty jokes, always interrupted the teacher, and always picked on each other in a "loving", "brotherly" way. The only good thing about them was the fact that they treated the girls with respect.

Frank Iero was different. He did treat girls with respect, like the others, but he had a different attitude towards life.
He was hard to figure out. It took you nine years, but you did it. You managed to get close to him, and you figured him out.

He acted like he didn't care, but if you really knew him, you'd know that he cares about his friends and family so freaking much.

He always wore this leather jacket, not because he was a rebel, but because he simply liked it.

He hated bullies and he was open about it. He never really got into trouble (except for this one time in the sixth grade for punching a seventh grader for picking on a second grade boy for bringing a doll to school) and he had average grades.

He was extremely passionate about music, and that was something that you shared in common.

Somehow, during those nine years of figuring him out, you started falling for him. Maybe it was his beautiful eyes, and the way they lit up when he talked about something he loved, or his adorable little laugh that only escaped his mouth when you, or one of his friends, told a joke.

You were slowly falling in love with Frank Iero, and it felt amazing, yet so painful at the same time. You couldn't do anything about it. If you told him... Well that would be risky. He already had a few girls who would kill to date him, who were pretty AND smart.

There were days where you just wanted to run up to him and kiss him, and others where you got really shy and awkward around him so you avoided him.
Today was one of those days.

"(Y/N)! Can you please explain The Particle Theory to the class?" Your teacher asked you.
You weren't really paying attention, so you jumped when you heard your name being called.
A small laugh came out of your friend Amber's mouth, and you glared at her.
"Umm, I'm sorry Ms. Harrison, I don't know."
She made a disapproving sound, and said, "It would do you well to pay attention in this subject, (Y/N)."
A few laughs were heard throughout the classroom.

A few minutes later, your teacher told you to pull out your math books and turn to page *394*. You almost burst out laughing. So did Amber, who was obsessed with Harry Potter.

After math, it was lunch, so you pulled up a chair next to her, and Frank pulled one up next to you. You felt yourself start to blush, as he had grabbed hold of your hand and put a piece of paper in it.
You looked at him, confused, and he mouthed the words read it.

You looked down at the paper, and unfolded it.

(Y/N), Meet me by the water fountain by the janitor's office. I have to ask you something. ~FI(that's short for Frank Iero)

You laughed a little at the way he signed off his letter. Of course "FI" would be Frank Iero. You weren't stupid.

You noticed that Frank was still holding one of your hands. You didn't do anything to stop it until he got up and left the classroom. You went next, telling Amber that you would be right back.

You walked down the hallway that led to the water fountain by the Janitor's office, while passing some of the younger classes.
On your way there, you pass the kindergarten class (which was about a few feet away from the fountain, mind you) and a small child named Charlotte runs out and gives you a hug. You've always had a soft spot for her. She was one of the little kids that didn't hate you.
"(Y/N)! Look what my mom bought me yesterday!" She said rather excitedly while pulling something out from behind her back.
"It's a friendship ring! She told me to keep one, and give the other to my best friend! I want you to have the other one!" She shoves the small ring into your hand and you smile down at her.
"Thank you Charlotte! I love it. I have to be somewhere right now, but I'll see you later, okay?" You knelt down to her level and hugged her tightly. This meant a lot to you.
"Okay! Bye!" She ran back into her class, sitting down at her table to eat her lunch.

A few seconds later, you were at the fountain, looking into the eyes of Frank, who was smiling, and had a look of pride on his face. You didn't know why, but you found it sweet.
"That was really cute, you know," He said.
You laughed.
"Yeah, she's adorable. Our mom's are good friends- I've known Charlotte since she was a baby. Now... Why'd you ask me to come here?"
"Oh! I have to ask you something! Okay, so, (Y/N), I was wondering if you would be my gir- wingman. I really like this girl, and I want to ask her to be my girlfriend. How would a girl want to be asked out?"
Your heart sunk. You still answered, even though you were hurt.
"Well, it really depends on the person. But one thing that works for every person on the planet is being really sweet about it. Tell them how amazing they are, and how long you've liked them... How you fell for them... All that Jazz. You should be fine, Frankie. I wish you luck." And with that, you spun on your heel and speed Walked away from the scene.

Time skip cause why not?

As you were walking home after school, you heard someone calling your name.
"(Y/N)! Wait! I have to talk to you!"
You turned around and saw Frank running down the sidewalk. You stopped, as did he, and waited for him to catch his breath.
"I have- to- ask- you something." He said in between gasps for air.

You nodded, and he continued.

"For the longest time I have been falling for you and your beautiful face, amazing personality, and every other perfect thing about you. You make me laugh, even on my worst days and I find every little thing you do to be cute. I've fallen so hard for you, (Y/N). I've fallen in love. Will you be my girlfriend?"

You were absolutely speechless. He had fallen in love with you? All this time you thought that he didn't like you in that way.

You finally found your voice and said "Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to ask me?"
He shook his head.
"Close to five years after I became friends with you, Frank. I've been in love with you for four out of nine years. So you can only imagine how long I've been waiting to do this."
And with that, you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him.

He stumbled a little, and fell onto the sidewalk.

You were now lying on top of him in the middle of your neighbourhood, both of you laughing like crazy.

"I guess that's a yes then?"

You nodded vigorously, and then kissed him on the cheek. He giggled.

He moved one hand from around your waist, to take hold of your hand.
"I think I just fell a little more in love with you."

Hi! I'm back? I never really left, but here I am again! I thought that this would be cute, so I wrote it. Vote, comment, add to your libraries... All that jazz. I need requests. Please request something.

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