Too tall (Mikey)

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Here's another chapter!

"Mikey! Give it back!" You yelled at your boyfriend.
He was currently holding your phone over his head, laughing lightly. You had been texting your friend, asking if they wanted to meet up at the mall later.
Now, however, you were trying to talk Mikey into giving you your phone back.
He always did this to you if you were paying more attention to something else more than him.
It was actually cute.
He pushed his glasses up on his nose, and you took the opportunity to tackle him onto the sofa, stealing your phone back and running into the bedroom. You hid under the bed and texted your friend once again.
You heard Mikey come into the room a minute later, calling your name.
"Are you under the bed or something? Where the hell are you?"
You resisted the urge to giggle.
"I have Netflix set up downstairs."
Tempting. But, still, you resisted.
"We can watch (favourite movie/show) if you want."
You peeked out from your hiding place.
"You mean it?" You asked?
Obviously you had scared him, cause he jumped and banged his head on the Ceiling.
You laughed at him, and he picked you up, spinning you around, then setting you down on the ground again.
"You're too tall for this house, Mikey! You're always banging your head on the ceiling or a door frame or something." You giggled.
He smiled at you, but then winced, rubbing the back of his head. "Tell me about it. Let's just watch tv or something. But first can I get an ice pack? Please?"
You laughed, and said, "Of course we can."
You ended up watching (favourite show).
By the end of the season, you were sobbing. Something major had just happened, and it was very emotional.
Mikey looked at you weirdly. "(Y/N)? You okay?"
You fought the urge to start singing.
"I will be. Can we just go to bed? This is emotionally exhausting."
He chuckled and picked you up, carrying you up the stairs.
On the way, he walked into a doorframe.
You giggled as he groaned. "I think we need a new apartment Mikes."
He sighed and said, "I know, I know. Don't mock me about it."
You laughed again.
Once you safely made it into the bedroom, you climbed into bed.
"Good night, Mikey, love you."
"Love you too"

Basically, they live in a small apartment. This is bad. I don't like it. But I thought it was cute and stuff, so here it is... Yeah, okay, bye

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