Cooking Fail(Mikey)

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Hey!! First imagine! This Imagine was requested by MaddytheMoose (actually I asked her if she wanted on and she said yes) so I hope I didn't mess up!

You and Mikey were at home trying to cook a nice dinner for once, instead of getting take out like you usually do.
And guess what?
It wasn't going well.
You weren't exactly the best cook, and Mikey wasn't either. Which explains why you were both in the kitchen messing up the simplest of meals- Spaghetti. Literally all you have to do is boil the water and put the noodles in there for twenty minutes. Then you add sauce from a pan and eat it. Easy right? Wrong.
"(Y/N)! You burnt it!
"You're the one who put the noodles in the water!"
"You were supposed to tell me when to take them out!"
"Mikey! You should know how to tell time!"
"But I was busy starring at you! It's not my fault you made fall in love with you!" He said.
You felt yourself blush. Then you felt Spaghetti sauce in your hair.
"Yes, darling?" He says innocently in a British accent. Then you feel water running down your back, and you look at  your ridiculous boyfriend.
You slowly pick up the bowl of burnt spaghetti, never breaking eye contact with him.
You smile mischievously, and say "You had this coming." Then you dump the burnt noodles on his head and run as fast as you can while giggling to the bedroom, grab some clean clothes and Sprint into the washroom and lock the door, just as Mikey was running up the stairs.
You hear him knock on the door, and say "Not today, Mikey! I'm going to take a shower and you're going to clean up our mess downstairs."
He groans and says "Do I HAVE to?"
"Yes. Now go, so we can order pizza or something."
You hear him walk downstairs, as you jump into the shower to wash off the tomato sauce.
Once you finish, you change into the clean clothes you brought with you, and dry your hair.
You unlock the door, and there stands Mikey, smirking.
Uh oh.
"Hey, Mikey.... No hard feelings, right? I mean, We're even now..." You trailed off, and ran downstairs into the Kitchen and phoned the pizza place. When Mikey came in, and saw you on the phone, he sighed. Obviously he had given up on chasing you.
He mouthed the words Wanna watch a movie?
You nodded, and ordered your pizza.
You had decided to watch (favourite movie) after the pizza was delivered.
When you finish the pizza, you both lie down on the sofa, with your back against Mikey. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your head.
You put your head on his chest and sighed. "Why did we ever think cooking was a good idea?"
He chuckles, and says "Well it turned out okay in the end didn't it?"
You smile and kiss him. "Yeah. I guess it did."

Hi! Okay, this was really bad, but I tried. I hope you liked it Maddy! Also, go check out her Books, which are amazing, btw! If you have a request, feel free to PM me and send me the details! Bye!!

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