The Christmas Party (overview)

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Here it is! A day late, like we all presumed. I'm bad with deadlines I'm sorry.
The way I'm doing this is different. It's more like a preference type thing but not really. You'll see.

Yo. So it's a year later and I'm posting this anyway, because it's The eve of the eve of Christmas Eve. If you haven't already, you should read all four of my other Christmas imagines because all of them are connected. Anyway, I have other stuff coming soon but I haven't posted in so long, and I've been itching to write so here it is.

If you chose Gerard: When you and the others were finished laughing at the picture that Frank took, and the movie, you opened gifts.
You opened Gerard's first. Inside the box, was the book you had been staring at longingly at the mall. You looked at your boyfriend shocked. "You actually went back?!"

"When you fell asleep in the car, I ran in quickly to buy it." He kissed you gently. "I love you. Merry Christmas."

"I love you too, Gerard. Merry Christmas."

If you chose Frank: You and Frank stared at everyone as they opened their gifts happily, shared kisses, and hugged.

You had decided not to get anything for each other this year because of the house you had just bought.

Clearly Frank "forgot" this. He handed you a small, golden box. You stared at him. "I thought we agreed not to get anything this year."

He looked sheepish. "I couldn't resist when I saw it."

You opened the box and gasped. Inside was a beautiful silver chain with a charm that looked like a heart. Inside of that was a picture of the moment Frank proposed to you. An empty space was beside it.

You looked up at him confused.
"For when we make more memories together. On our wedding day, our house... Maybe even... Our first child, someday? Not right away, obviously, but I mean, maybe in a few years, ten years even, I'd wait my whole life for y-" his rambling was cut off by a kiss from you.

"Thank you, Frank. I love it. I love you." You smiled at him.

If you chose Ray: You smiled at Frank's girlfriend as she put the necklace on.
Ray tapped you on the shoulder, and whispered, "Should we tell them now?" with a questioning gaze.

You had wanted to keep it a secret until Christmas so you could tell everyone, but obviously Ray needed to know beforehand. You were pregnant with his child, after all. Keeping that from him for a month wouldn't be right.

So with a small nod and a shy smile, you stood up and coughed dramatically to get everyone's attention.

"I have some news." You reached behind you and grabbed Ray's hand, pulling him up beside you.

"I'm pregnant." You said with a grin, and everyone got up to congratulate you.

If you chose Mikey: You were still sleepy when everyone had started with the gifts, but when Ray's fiancée announced that she was pregnant, you woke right up. You were over the moon!

When everything had settled down, you turned to Mikey. He handed you a small box with gold wrapping paper around it.

You visibly paled. You assumed it was an engagement ring, but you weren't ready to commit to that yet. Sure, you loved Mikey, a lot, and you wanted a future with him but this isn't something you two had even talked about.

Mikey saw you grow anxious. "Don't worry, it's not an engagement ring," He unwrapped the paper and opened the box. Inside was a silver ring and a (f/c) stone. "It's a promise ring. I know it's cheesy, but I just want you to know that I plan on having a future with you. I know you do, too. I don't think we're ready for marriage yet, so when we are, whether it be six months from now or six years, we know we'll have each other."

You had tears building up that were ready to spill, but you held them in and smiled at him. "I love you so much, Mikey, you have no idea."

You leaned in an kissed him. The others were watching the scene unfold, and when you kissed they cheered.

3rd Person Omniscient: It was a night full of laughter and love. Everyone enjoyed themselves, and when the time came to go home, no one wanted to leave. Frank and his girlfriend offered to let them stay the night, and everyone agreed as it was already late. They all wanted this night to last forever. Needless to say, they could hardly wait for next year's Christmas Party.

Aaaaaand done! It's a year late, and I'm sorry for that, but I mean, Hey, at least I'm not posting it in the Summer.

I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, if you celebrate it, and if you don't, then I hope your holidays are just as joyous and happy!

Hey, so I have some other imagines lined up, including the second part to "Not What You Think", so tell me what you want first: The second part or the song imagine. Please, I would love some feedback.

Happy Holidays!
(Not edited)

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