Frank imagine *requested*

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I hope you like this one! I kind of changed the relationship status to best friends, because I don't know how to write Friends With Benefits... Hope you don't mind. Other than that the plot is the same. (With a bit of my own idea into it, but it's minor)


You and Frank walked around school with your hands locked together. You weren't dating, but the pair of you often acted like it.

Today, however, it seemed more real to everyone around you. You could hear the whispers, and it made you smirk. You and Frank had been a school topic since your Freshman year. No one knew if you were dating or not, and you liked to keep it that way. You put on a bit of a show sometimes, to tease everyone, make them question things further. Sometimes a kiss was involved, or some hand holding, like right now.

Are they dating?
I don't know, but it seems like it.

Do you think they like each other?
I thought they were dating, already!

I called it! Pay up.
You heard someone groan behind you, so you turned and saw Gerard handing a ten dollar bill to Ray, who looked smug. Mikey was smiling slightly at their antics.

"What did you guys bet on?" Asked Frank.

They boys looked at each other, confused.
"You mean... you aren't dating yet?" Ray questioned cautiously.

You were aware of everyone in the hallway staring at you, waiting for an answer.

You gave Ray a look, and said "We've talked about this, Ray. We're not answering."

You knew he just wanted to make a bit of a scene for his own entertainment.

"Everyone get to class! No need for a scene!" Yelled your best friend, who's hand was now around your shoulders.

Let's make things clear- you and your friends were by no means popular. Being the talk of the school does turn heads as you walk by, and keeps you away from the popular kids for being somewhat known, but you were not popular. You liked it that way, though. It kept things interesting.

Everyone turned away as Frank said that, and started to go back to their own world. He turned to you and lead you down the hall to your next class.

When you were at the door, you turned to thank him, and were met by a pair of lips hitting yours. You melted into the kiss, bringing your hands up to his face.

He started walking forward, pushing you back against the wall with a soft thud.

You knew how this was supposed to play out- making out in a supply closet, you leaving first, making up some excuse as to why you were late to class, why you were even in there in the first place. Him coming in after, winking at you, saying something different but believable, rumours spreading, and repeat.

But this didn't seem like a cliché high school movie. The way he kissed you wasn't desperate and rough. It was genuine and sweet. Soft and loving.

You felt like you were on fire. Instinctively, you moved one of your hands down to his chest to see if his heart was beating as fast as yours was.

It was.

When he pulled away after what felt like five minutes but in reality was probably only fifteen seconds, he moved closer to your ear.

"Meet me in the empty classroom when you're done eating lunch." He whispered, out of breath. You shivered.

You nodded and said "Okay." Which came out sounding meek, and shy.

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