Christmas!- Gerard

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It's almost Christmas so I decided that I should start doing Christmas one imagines. You're welcome! Also I'm doing one for all of the guys and I want to make them intertwine somehow, so if you have any ideas that'd we VERY helpful. *I realize today is the 24th and I'm late but I mean, better late than never, right?* (edit)

It was two weeks before Christmas and you were as happy as can be.

Christmas was your absolute favourite holiday, and everyone knew. Ever since you were a kid, you've loved it. You would always wear red and green to school during the month of December, whether it be a bracelet, an outfit, or a headband, you went all out.

You loved the snow, the colours, the decorations, the presents, the sense of love and joy that you got... You just loved everything about it.

When you were 22 you met your current (and hopefully last, if you know what I mean) boyfriend Gerard.

You met in a coffee shop in the middle of December. The already vibrant colours seemed to get even brighter and sharper. You felt your heart beat speed up. All you could do was stare at him from across the shop. You didn't even notice your sister shake you or call your name.

You could tell he didn't hear his brother.

He was looking at you too. He felt everything you felt and more. Love at first sight, you liked to call it.

Your sister and his brother just decided to push the two of you towards each other. You both struck up a conversation immediately, not wanting to let the amazing feeling go to waste. You noticed your sister and his brother started a conversation and were laughing very hard at something.

Skip to three years later, current time, the two of you going to the mall to do some last minute Christmas shopping.

You still needed gifts for the band and their girlfriends. The eight of you have been doing this for three years now. You would get together every Christmas Eve, have dinner, watch some movies, exchange gifts and have a grand old time. It was always fun.

Last year Frank proposed to his girlfriend, and they're getting married next March.

"(Y/N), what do you think Ray would want?" Gerard asked you as you walked around the crowded mall, hand in hand.

"I don't know... Maybe a really nice case for the guitar his girlfriend is getting him? I know this really great music store that sells some nice quality cases." You replied after thinking for a minute.

"That's perfect! You're a genius!" He pulled you in for a hug that nearly crushed you.

"I try, I try..." You said while trying to escape his grasp and giggling slightly.

You then passed by the book store and paused. Gerard knew what this meant and he sighed in a joking manner and smiled at you.

"(Y/N), we have to buy gifts for the others first. I promise you that if we finish early we can stop on our way back to the car. (Y/N)?" He asked you, as he could tell that you weren't really listening. You were just staring at the book you've wanted since it came out.
Gerard noticed this, and laughed slightly.

"C'mon, (Y/N)." He mumbled in your ear as he gently tugged you away from the store.

*time skip cause I'm on a time limit here*

When you were done all your shopping, you were too tired to go back to the bookstore. Gerard almost had to carry you out of the mall because you were so tired.

Once you were in the car, you fell asleep immediately. You felt the car start and drive out of the parking lot,  but that's all you remember.

The next morning, you woke up in your bed, Gerard at your side. His arm was wrapped around your waist, preventing you from getting up any further.

You looked around at your surroundings. Christmas decorations, red, green, gold, silver, white. Snow on the windowsill.

The smell of gingerbread and cinnamon from the cookies you tried to make three days ago still filled the air.

The sound of Christmas music softly playing from the living room filled the silence of the apartment you shared.

You thought to yourself; "Christmas is my favourite holiday. I hope this never changes."

And with that in your head, you snuggled up to Gerard and fell back asleep.

DONE! I know it's late. But I was busy with school. My teacher packed  us with work on the last week of school, can you imagine?

I know everyone doesn't celebrate Christmas, so I just want to say: Happy (insert holiday you celebrate here)!!!!! I hope you have an amazing time with your family and friends, and be safe.

I also want to say: THANK YOU FOR 2K READS! I was totally freaking out when I read that. I consider it one of the best Christmas presents, even if it was a few days ago! Thank you, it actually means the world to me that I made it this far. That was cheesy. I'll stop now. Bye!!

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