Chapter 38

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Campbell POV.

"We need to ensure the safety of the children before we can hunt." Caleb said and I nodded in agreement.

Our men spotted a small group of rogues scouting around the area, and they didn't seem at all friendly. The teens were to join the hunt with us, however, it will not happen if it's dangerous for them to be out.

"We will leave if they pose as a threat." He nodded at my response.

"I'll mind link the others to make sure no one leave camp grounds." He said walking away.

'Campbell look out for Amber. She forcefully shifted and was heading in your direction.' I heard Clyde.

'How the hell did that happen?!?' I demanded.

'Find out when you get to her, she's running towards the lake. "

My breath hitched and panic took over. "Clyde that's where the rogues were spotted."

"Shit, I'll be there soon."

"When you get to her it will be too late, I'll go." I knew he was going to argue so I blocked him out and immediately too off.

Amber was in danger and there was no time for waiting around. Aurelia trusted me to take care of her daughter and now she's running towards danger. What the hell happened for her wolf to take control? I asked myself. I tried getting to Amber through the mindlink but I was blocked out. That caused me to run faster than I've ever had, who knows what will happen.

I saw the lake a few feet away, Amber was still in wolf form and lying on her side in the grass. I signed in relief when I saw her,  however that small victory was crushed by the sight of three wolves running towards her. Their furs were coated in mud and spots of  blood, and their eyes were red with rage. There intentions were clear as day, and there was no way I could let that happen.

A twig snapped and Amber's head shot up, seeing the wolves she scurried away in fear and started whimpering. All I saw was red, one second I was running on feet, then  I was on four paws running between them. I stood protectively before Amber, and growled as a warning to the rogues, they stopped a few feet before us and growled back. I knew they were aware that I was an alpha by the tempting way they cowered back. They were challenging me because the guy in the middle was forcing them; He growled at  both of them when they tried to back away.

The wolf on the left ran forward bearing his teeth, I raised my paw and scratched his face knocking him over in the process. I could easily take them on, I was certain, still, I couldn't leave Amber vulnerable. Just as the others were coming to attack, howling came from the forest around us. I recognize Caleb, Miles and Clyde wolves among the rest of our pack.

'Get Amber out of here Campbell." Clyde order. I picked Amber by the scruff and took of. She continued whimpering and was physically shaking. I want to make sure she was okay, so, when we were far away, I placed her down and tried to contact her again.

'Amber?' I begged. I tried a few more times and got no response. Her attention was focused on something behind me. I was so concentrated on her that I didn't hear growling behind us. I turned around and the wolf was already jumping at us. Before he made contact, a yellow force field blasted him into a tree. It was the same glow I saw in my room, back then, I thought it was Aurelia, but now.......Aurelia wasn't here.

The force field slowly fainted away to Amber then it disappeared, after that Amber fainted.


Everyone found out about the rogues when the trained warrior left. It took hours  to get them to calm down. The mood was completely ruin, the fathers were concerned for their children and we had no idea if more rogues were around the area. Amber hadn't woken up and she was still in wolf form. Because she forcefully shifted, she had to be awake to shift back.

I  thought about what happened and came to the conclusion that she was a hybrid. That was the only explanation I could think of, Amber was half witch, half were. Did Aurelia knew? I thought. I knew she was secretive but there was no reason to keep this away from me.

A small grunt came from Amber and I sat up. Her brown eyes stared back at me blankly. I slowly got up, not wanting to frighten her, and when for a towel and her clothes in the corner of my room.

"Hey Amber." I said in an hushed tone as I approached her. "I need you to shift back, okay?" I placed them before her and turned away to give her some privacy. I heard some shuffling and cracking sounds then her tiny voice spoke.

"Campbell?" I turned towards her. I frowned at what I saw, her natural red hair was soaked in black dye, I think, and her eyes were puffy. That had to be the reason she ran off.

"Amber what happe–" she cut me off.

Her lips trembled, "I want Mommy." She stated with watery eyes.

"Hey, we're going leave tomorrow." I assured her. "What happened to your hair Amber?"

She shook her head and tears spilled. "You saw," she sobbed, foaming her hands together nervously. "You  saw." She repeated.

"Amber, what are you referring?" I asked confused. I lifted her in my arms and sat on the bed. "Its okay Amber, you can talk to me."

"I accidentally used my powers in the woods." She said through hiccups.

"Amber, you were protecting me." I reminded her.

She shook her head again."Mommy warned me not to."

"Amber, was there a reason why she told you that?" I softly queried. I was angry but there was no need to put it on her.

She shook her head again. "I wanna see Mommy."

"Okay, we'll leave tomorrow morning." I signed. I shouldn't be asking a child these questions, the only person that could answer them was Aurelia. When I get home, her and I need to have a serious conversation.

"Do you wanna talk about what happened to your hair?" I asked gently.

She hid her face at between my neck and shoulder, and shook her head.

I signed and got up. "Let's at least get it out.

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