Chapters 41

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The exact second my name left his lips, a knife perilously headed for his chest. He easily dodged it by stepping to the side, and instead of hitting him, it pierced into one of his minions. No one gave him the time of day, their attention was now on me, questions lingered in the air. I stared in disgust at the monster before me, all I intended was for him to die, by my hands. After years of enduring his abuse, I'd never forget his face; even if  he had newly enhanced features.

I watched his lips twitch to a cocky smirk. "That's no way to greet your mate Aurelia." His gravelly voice spoke.

"Excuse me Alpha Aiden, I think you're mistaken. Aurelia is Campbell's mate." Clyde announced.

"And how do you know each other?" Caleb asked.

"Don't tell me you left me out of all the stories, kitten." He said using the old nickname, which I've always despited.

"Mommy?" Amber held on to my hand. "Who's that?" She whispered.

I looked down at her then back to Aiden, seeing as he was walking towards us, along with the group. He stopped few feet away from us.

"Well Amber, I'm her mother's master, I own her." He blankly said.

"I belong to no one." I said, wrapping my hand around the handle of a knife, with my thumb on top of my fist as if I was gripping a hammer. He found me after all these years, I wasn't even scared for myself but Amber; he knew her.

"Alpha Aiden, I think you should take your leave." Clyde announced walking up to him.

"Clearly, our pack members aren't comfortable with you here." Lavinia added.

"I must agree," Campbell agreed, for a split second he looked at Amber and I then his eyes diverted back to Aiden. "But you can take what you came for with you."

They all gasped and looked at him as if he had gone mad; we all knew that Aiden specifically came for me.

"Campbell, what do you mean?" Octavia questioned. "You know he wants Aurelia, for what ever reason, right?"

"No one's taking Aurelia anywhere." Miles stated.

"That's because I'm leaving." I gave voice to.

"Yes, you're leaving with him." Campbell chuckled. I didn't want to believe how quickly he had changed; from the guy he was a week ago to this, a jerk.

"Dude, what's gotten into you?" Caleb asked, disapproval present in his every word.

"This doesn't concern any of you." He said annoyed. "Leave." He ordered but no one dared to move, for a moment I saw Meg and Miles struggle to stay put due to their alpha's command.

"It's okay Campbell," I heard Victoria's video, I looked back and saw her walking towards me. "Aurelia," she addressed me. "This is what I wanted to tell you."

"Mom, what's going on?" Lavinia asked her mother.

"I told you that I would talk to both of you at once, because of your sister's stubbornness I didn't get the chance." She informed.

"Well you have the opportunity now, stop lying to me." Lavinia pled.

Victoria chanted something and in seconds all of us appeared in a room, an unfamiliar room. The only ones standing were Campbell, Victoria, and Aiden with his minions. I tried to get up but I was held down by some invisible force, I also noticed the others struggling as well. I tried speaking but I couldn't open my mouth, it was clammed shut.

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