chapter 24

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"Sleep is such a luxury, which I can't afford‍‍."


Do you know how awesome it is to go to bed and stay asleep all night then wake up refresh the next morning to start the day?

Pffff, neither do I.

Had you ever wanted to enjoy the gift of having a peaceful and relaxing sleep, but your brain have other ideas? Yeah me to. Like dude shut the hell up, I don't need to be putting my life together a 1AM.

It's been three, long and tormenting nights without sleep and pain, my old pal, decided to take a turn in my torture. My muscles were nagging me along with a horrible headache. The Brurelium is definitely taking an effect on me and the bitch is making its mark.

My phone made an alert tone and I lazily grabbed it from the nightstand. My eyes automatically closed and I groaned from the contact with the brightness. I pressed the notification after successfully turning down the brightness. Cam's name popped up and a small smile took over my face, quickly I wiped it off and cleared my throat.

Cam👑: You awake?

Me: What do you think?

Cam👑: it's ok, there's no
way you can sleep when
you're thinking of me.

Me: And I kinda hate you for
giving me sleepless nights

I texted back hoping he noticed that I was being sarcastic.

Cam👑: Not my fault you
Find me so attractive

Me: Are you always this cocky?

Cam👑: 😂

Me: Do you ever sleep?

Cam👑: I was playing COD and
lost track of time.

Me: playing what?

Cam👑: call of duty

Me: ???

Cam👑: it's an online game.

Me: oh

Cam👑: legit don't know

Me: um, no

Cam👑: pubg??

Me: Nope

Cam👑: free fire??
Cam👑: please at least
tell me you know minecraft

Me: I do.

Cam👑: really?

Me: nope

Cam👑: well, I have my work
cut out for me, I'll just have
to introduce you.

Me: Don't you have
alpha duties?

Cam👑: I'll always make
time for you

I looked at my phone not having a clue on how to reply, instead I skipped over to Google and researched the games. They were multiplayer battle games played online, I also looked on how they worked and the basics.

Wanted by the AlphaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon