Chapter 35

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Aurelia's POV

The light of dawn seeped into the dark room. I rubbed my clouded eyes and laid flat on my back, I felt fatigued, due to disturbing sleep I had. It had been along time since I dreamt about being at the coven, my nightmares were all about living with that horrible alpha for years. However, this one was about Victoria, I was back in that cell with her and her mother taunting me.

All I wanted to do was move past all of this, but how can I when I don't even want to talk about it. I had to grow up at an early age, I had mentally mature due to my experiences. It was frustrating, I spent years trying to overcome my childhood trauma, even so, I still end up where I started; with Victoria. I allow her to disturb my life repeated. Not only did I let her get away with taking my powers, I had the chance to tell everyone what she did and the kind of person she was. Instead of doing that and exposing her, I walked about like coward. Now everyone thought she was some type of savior or whatever. She's a cruel woman and she has no idea how to care for someone.

I rolled out of bed then went straight to the bathroom, after my shower, I got dress. Campbell decided that we should take Amber out on a last minute shopping for the trip. The pack's material had ran out, due to the amount of kids and men attending, so we needed some more.

I stepped of of my room in a pair of white addios slides and addios joggers suit. Upon entering the kitchen, I got attack by  the sweet smell of chocolate, bacons, eggs, cinnamon, and banana bread. Campbell was a the stove, while Amber was seated eating breakfast.

"Good morning." I greeted.

"Good morning, mom." Amber smiled.

Cam looked back then smiled, "Hey you."

I sat beside Amber and kissed her forehead. "What's all of this?" I asked looking at all the food.

Amber snickered, "It's food."

"I know silly," I shook my head. "but who's going to eat all this."

"Caleb coming over," said Campbell, he placed a plate of pancakes beside all the other dishes and sat beside me. "We won't get this kind of meal at the camp so why not enjoy it now."

"Oh." I got some of the bacons and eggs and hot chocolate for myself. My appetite had slightly increased over the past few days, Campbell made sure that I ate three meals each day.

"Honey, I'm home." I heard a booming voice. Few seconds later, Caleb and Octavia walked in hand-in-hand. "Well aren't you people lovely."

"Hey." Octavia waved shyly. I haven't seen her since the first time we met.

All of us greeted her with a warm smile, then they sat before us. Octavia didn't attempt to take any of the food, Caleb was the one who shared her a plate then he dug into his. Vampires don't necessarily have to eat food however they can.

" Haven't seen you in a while," I looked up at Caleb. He pointed his fork at me. "Are you avoiding me?" He asked.

"I was," I nodded. "But It wasn't  a  unnecessary thing to do." I admitted.

"Of course it wasn't, you were probably dying without me." He said going back to his meal.

I rolled my eyes. "How do you stand him?" I asked Octavia.

She gazed at me suprised, I guess she didn't expect me to address her. "I don't know." She shrugged with a small smile.

"Ha ha, shordie don't forget that you owe me $5000." He said with a smirk. I glared at him through squinted eyes.

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