Chapter 26

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I looked around seeing many people in awe, children were screaming and running around to go on rides. Families were sitting having their small picnics with bright smiles on their faces. Everyone looked genuinely happy.

We were surrounded by aged trees and cultured statues. A huge pond was at the side, where some fathers were playing with their children. A large sandbox was in the middle were slides were located, that area was mostly occupied with kids.

Amber waved at me from the makeshift castle, a heartwarming smile plastered on her face. She looked like a normal child, enjoying life with friends and being carefree. Those were the small things missing from her life, she literally grew up too fast and now she as a second chance to experience what it's  like to be a kid.
I was robbed from that chance and seeing Amber having hers was enough for me. She deserved what everyone else does.

As planned, we spent the day together, we went shopping at the mall, we ate at a diner near by, and currently, we're visiting the playground.

I smiled at Amber when she approached me "You ready to go?" She nodded breathing heavily from all the running and playing.

We walked down the pathway holding hands. The different smells from the picnics were mixed in the air. The town was a peaceful and beautiful place to be. No doubt that Amber was inlove with the place. "Amber, how much do you like it. here?"

She looked up at me with deep brown eyes, "I like it a lot, I tried not to but I did." She answered.

I frowned, "what do you mean 'tried not to like it?" I stopped walked and looked down at her.

"We'll leave soon, it will be hard to say goodbye bye. I would miss my friends and the pack." She said honestly holding her head down.

I signed, "I know that we haven't stayed in one place for too long but you wanna know something?" I asked and she nodded. I kneeled on one knee so I could be facing her. "I haven't thought about moving since I came back with Mikayla. You belong with them."

She jumped into my arms and hugged me."Really?!?"

"Yes." I smiled seeing her happy. "But I cant depend on them forever, I'll have to move out."

"You're going to leave me again?" She sounded hurt.

"Oh God no," I quickly added. "I'm just saying that I will live somewhere in town, close to you."

"Please don't leave me again, mom." She pled. "Pinky promise, for real this time." I hooked our Pinkys together and sealed the deal and this time I meant it.

"I love you mommy."

I love you too, Amber." I smiled.

A mischievous looked took over her face. "If you love me, you do anything for me, right?"

"Depends." I answered.

She pointed behind me, "I want one of those." She beamed.

I looked back, finding a couple of abandon puppies in a box. We walked over to the box of cuteness. 'Free puppies' was displayed in a red writing on the box. Three pups wiggled their tails playing around the small box. One of which was pure white, another was white with brown spot on the ears and tail and the last was a husky.

I immediately fell for the husky and its huge puppy eyes. It's colors, white and black, were mixed evenly on its fur, creating a smooth pattern.

"Ok fine. We'll take the husky, but only if you agree to take care of it."


"Where's Amber?" Asked Cam. He joined me on the couch, placing food on the glass table.

I stole a glance at him then looked back at the tv. His dark hair barely shadowed his forehead, he wore one of his grey hoodies and washed out Jeans. "She's upstairs with Blade."

Amber decided to name the pup Blade, we found out that it's a girl but Amber like the name. We went back to shop for a doggy bed, toys and dog food. When Amber's at school I'll be dog sitting.

"What's that?" I nodded towards the table.

"Soup, for the both of us." He clarified. "And I don't want you to tell me that you're not hungry because I'm not leaving until you finish it." He stated seriously.

I signed and sat up. We ate in silence while watching The Hustle. Throughout the movie I could particularly feel his eyes on me, however I pretended not to notice. Usually, I'd punch anyone for staring at me, but I didn't feel uncomfortable being under Cam's intense gaze. Normally, the guys at 'work' would stare too much and be weird about it, their stares made me feel objectified.

I wondered what he was thinking about. What's he thinking to himself while looking at my like a psycho. Days ago he did the same thing then complimented my hair. At the end of the movie he took the plates away when I was finished.

I took my phone up to find some form of entertainment, after a split second I got queasy and began to sweat. My stomach started to ache as a familiar feel came over me. I hurriedly ran out of the living room and towards the nearest bathroom I could find. I leaned over the toilet, after some unpleasant heaves warm chunky liquid merged from my mouth. It felt and tasted awful. I did it a few more times until I could hardly breathe. Through my watery eyes, I saw red stains in the bowl. Once again I vomited blood. Its horrible taste stayed   in my mouth but I didn't have the energy to rinse it out. I laid on the floor, not caring about it being clean or not, my head was spinning and numbness came back once again. It felt like my lungs were being squeezed together like sardines in a can. I clawed at my throat gasping for air.

Things got ambiguous, I could hear footsteps and screaming, but everything was scrambled. My ears were ringing, the room began to spin and my vision blurred.
My eyelids felt like stones were tied to them. It was a matter of seconds before I felt myself slipping away.

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