Chapter 44

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Octavia's POV

(1 week later)

The harder I tried to stop myself  from thinking, the more thoughts whirled through my head. At first, I'd come up with nothing more than fuzzy pictures that drifted away when I tried to examine them, now that Victoria's spell was broken, I was drowning with stained memories.

Somethings are better off unknown.

My body racked with never ending sobs and tears. I remembered everything I went through, and it was hard to process. I remember the excruciating feeling of  electric shocks rocking my veins, the thirst I felt when they deprived me of blood or anything form of nutrients, and, to top that, the effects of the Brurelium. I was their personal lab rat for several years.

Caleb was helping the others with the ceremony we had planned, as a tribute to Mikayla. I didn't want him to see me like this; when he ask if I was okay, i lied. Aiden and Victoria was dead, but it didn't matter, it didn't change the way I felt.


I gasped hearing Caleb's voice outside the bathroom door, I used my hands to silence the sobs and tried my best to remain quiet. He graced the door with gentle knocks as he continued to called out to me.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked, concerned. I heard the door knob jiggling. "Why's the door locked?"

"I'll be out in a second." I answered.

The knocking stopped and he signed. "Octavia," he calmly stated my name. "Why are you crying?"

He continued when I didn't rely. "I'll start singing If you don't come out now." He mentioned.

I let out a soft chuckle through my tears, knowing that he was definitely not the best at singing. "I'll be out in a sec, I need a to shower first." I whispered, knowing he would hear me.

I made out his fast-moving footsteps fainting away, further into our room. I honestly believe that he gave up and went away, then he gave back and opened the door with the key. I stepped back, startled. Within the first few seconds, a frown crept up to his sweet lips, then he was holding me in his embrace. I didn't pull away, and he didn't ask me any questions, we clung to each othe while the last of my tears poured out. He then lifted me up and placed me to sit on the counter while he stood between my legs.

That was one of the many things I loved about Caleb, he was understanding. Even when he had no idea what was going on, he'd still try to make things better. I've never experienced this before; the lust, compassion, commitment, the igniting feeling I got when we were together. I wasn't sure about many times, but I knew everything I went through, I could always turn to Caleb.

I swiped at my eyes but the tears came any way. I pulled back a little, feeling slightly better, I moved my hands to his shoulder. Not as a release but to give us both some space. I looked down on the marble floor below us, avoiding his face so I wouldn't see his raw emotions.

"I think Victoria's...... spell made me forget, then she.......placed..... memories than weren't there." I sniffled. "I was fifteen years old when I got separated from my parents, then I got trafficked into Aiden's pack for their experiments." I shook my head, hoping the memories would go away, even though it wouldn't be happening anytime soon. "I wish it all would just go away, Caleb. I hate myself for not being strong."

"Hey, hey," his hand slid down to the side of my face in a warm caress, his long fingers cupped my chin, and lift my head up.  For a long moment he looked in my eyes, with his flaring golden orbs searching my red ones. "All those things that hurt you, baby, had nothing to do with you, at all." He whispered. "Perhaps, that's why it's hard for you to move on. Know that I will be here Octavia."

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