Chapter 14

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Aurelia's POV

Mother carried me to Meghan's house and then left. The music was not very loud, thus, most of the other children voices were heard.

"Aurelia, what are you here?" Meghan came into view with an angry look on her face. "I didn't invite the powerless freak at my party." She screamed.

"Meg stop." My sister said to her bestfriend.

"So now you're protecting the waste of space." She scoffed.

"Stop calling her that, just because she can't do magic doesn't mean she's useless. She's still a person, stop bullying." She defended me.

The music had stopped and everyone is now looking at the commotion.

"Look every one, the freak can't even defend herself." Meghan laughed and everyone joined her. "You don't belong here."

"Yeah, go back to where you came from."

"You don't belong here."

"Who invited her."

"Can't even make potions."

"My mother said that you're a disgrace to this coven."

"Her family hates her."

"I can't believe she even exists."

All their words were hurtful, even though Lavinia screamed at them to stop, they didn't.

Meg placed her hand out and cast a spell, a bucket of water fell from thin air and onto me. Then, one of the others threw me into the table. They came over me and started laughing and mocking.

I was getting frustrated as their voices became extremely annoying. A familiar presence takes over my mind pushing me to make them stop.

I can't, I can't. I don't want to go back there. I told myself.

Fine, I'll do it.

Every one around me is toasted away and all the noise stop, only their grunts were heard.

"How do you like the useless freak now?" I taunted looking at Meghan. I don't sound the same, my voice is scrambled with two others. I sounded demonic, horrifying.

"But you can't do magic." She gasped.

"I can't? Well watch this." Dark shadows emerged from me, they're like smoke floating around but at my will. One wrapped it's self around Meghan's neck and she lifted in the air kicking, trying to grasp air.

"Rae, stop." Lavinia's hand touched me, I hated the contact and one of the shadows attacked her protecting me.

She screamed and I immediately snapped out of my state, the shadow retreated back to my body and I ran towards Lavinia.

"Are you ok?" I asked worried. A huge claw marking was on her arm and it was bleeding. Did I do that?

"Get away from me you freak." She screamed when I touched her. I backed away hurt by the way she was looking at me. She was terrified of me. I ran out of the house and towards the woods crying.

Before I made it to the forest, some men I've never seen before blocked my path. Oh no, they know that I've used my powers. They going to take me back to the cell. Before I could run away they got a hold on me.
But they go the opposite way of the cells and I know now what grandmother was talking about when she said the consequences were going to be worse. I was going away for good this time.

"No, please no. I don't want to go." I screamed trying to get away, but they don't budge. One of the scary men inject me with something and slowly my struggle creased, I fell limp in the other's arms.

My body ignored all my commands to move, to fight for our freedom and because of my panic state I couldn't use my magic to protect myself.

The guy walked towards a black van and placed me in the trunk. He cuffed my arms and legs then left me alone on the cold floor.

My lips started trembling and my shoulder shook as a great sob escape me. The fact that I'm leaving my home unwilling sets down on me.

Why didn't they want me? Why didn't they protect me? It was only an accident, can't they see that?

"Hush child." A familiar voice shouted from the entrance of the van back. "There's no need to be crying, it's for the best." Grandma told me.

"Please don't do this. I didn't mean to hurt anyone." I choked up.

"This isn't the right place for someone like you. You're not pure, you'll only bring destruction. It was only for the sake of your mother and sister that we didn't kill you." My cries increased and the doors slammed making me jump.

If only I could move or run away from here.

If only they would accept me.


She was just like them, she hated me too. I was just one of her mistakes. Victoria never loved me, she only told me all that because I was a stupid child. I had no one to turn to, no matter how hard I tried I wasn't one of them. I was rejected because I had powers no one else did and because the kids thought I was powerless.

I wasn't accepted either way.
No matter what I did.
No matter how hard I tried.
I remembered the way Lavinia looked at me, petrified.

One day Amber is going to look at me like that. She will see the real me, and she will leave. All of them will, even Campbell. Whatever He thinks I am to him, will change.

I'm done hiding myself from them, I need to stop caring about what they'll say or think. I need to think about what I want.

I want to stop hurting, I try to hide my pain and emotions but that's not helping me. I want to bury the memory of that scared little girl. I want to be at peace with myself. I want me.

I want to embrace her.

Letting down the mental barrier I placed it all, I took a deep breath and felt the emptiness being replaced. All the darkness consumed me one more. Everything felt right the moment I accepted it all. I felt free.

I looked in the mirror, my eyes were pitch black, no iris nor white. I was now in a leather all-in-one black suit and my hair was straight again falling at my waist.

A thunderous crack came from beside me, one of my portals opened. Without a second thought I walked in.

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