Chapter 36

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    'No attachments.'

Third person POV

The weekend had arrived, and the children were ready to explore the adventurous nights to come. This event only happened once each year, It was a lichen's tradition, one of which the pack took honor in. It symbolized unity and awareness. The alphas, along with the child-less men, made them selves available for those who didn't have the support of a father. Each of them took at least two child to give the full experience. Clyde saw to it that each person was appointed to a cabin. Usually, they would camp outdoors but now that rogues were everywhere, it was safer for the kids to sleep indoors. There wasn't much to do for It was almost  dusk, being that, everyone resigned to their cabins.


Amber sat on the top bunk, silently watching the other girls interact with each other. They were some girls from her class, some of which, had been bullying her for the past few months. Amber wished that she had gotten paired with another group, it was her very wish to avoid them. She didn't dear mention it to Aurelia or Campbell, she thought that they already had enough on their plate.

Amber's eyes widened when all four girls turned their attention on her, then started giggling. The looks on their faces told her that they had something planned, something big.

'Everyone should be at the bonfire in ten minutes.' Clyde mind linked everyone. Amber let out a breathe of relief and scurried out before anything bad could happen. She started wondering how girls her age could be so cruel, she never knew school was going to be so terrible. Tommy was her only friend at the moment, he stood up for Amber on her first day at school and since then they were inseparable. Amber wanted to make friends, but she let go of that  fantasy when she remembered her mother's words. 'No unwanted attachments, No attachments, No expectations, then No disappointment.'

Amber went about it her own way. As little as she was, she knew that not everyone was meant to be apart of your life and not everyone will stay. Amber knew that some people would have a positive effect in her life, those being Aurelia, Campbell, Caleb, aunt Mikayla, Clyde and uncle Miles. They cared and protected her. She remembered when her mother didn't think about befriending others, now she had a whole pack who liked her. Amber also valued Blade's and Tommy's friendship, it was what made her happy.

Amber heard a familiar voice in a distance and started running towards it. He saw her approaching fast and held out his hands to hold her. "Hey Amber, ready for the bonfire?" Campbell asked with a wide smile.

She nodded in response and rested her head on his shoulder. She felt safe with
Campbell, she was comfortable with having him around. She realized that her mother felt the same way about him, she noticed the way he cared for them bout.

"Is Amber hunting with us?" Miles asked. The men were in charge of providing food for dinner while the children helped to prepare it, because Amber had her first shift at such a young age, Miles had no choice but to wonder.

"She's a child." Caleb answered in a 'seriously dude' tone. Amber glanced at them, Campbell started walking towards the gathering with her in his arms.

"Campbell, can I hunt with you?" She asked him with pleading eyes.

Campbell wanted to punch Miles for his stupid question, no female had ever joined the hunt, a child at that. But how could he resist Amber's pleading brown eyes and pouting lips, he found it impossible to say no to the adorable little girl in his arms. "I'm certain that you can." He answered with a smile.

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