Chapter 34

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I opened the door, and met the gaze of a  little boy who had chocolate brown hair and tan skin. His smile met his  brown eyes when he saw me. "Hi, I'm Tommy." He held out his hand for me to shake.

I bent and gave him a firm squeeze. "Hi? I'm Aurelia."

"Is Amber home?" He asked placing his hands by his side.

"Yes, she's  playing with Blade. Are you a friend of hers?"

"Yes, from school."

I stepped aside to give him access. "You can come in." I offered, he nodded running off to Amber. Amber gave Tommy a wide smile and high five when she saw him. They started playing together with Blade and some of the toys Campbell brought. I couldn't help the grinned than came to my face due to seeing their pure interaction. I felt no regret for allowing Amber to stay here, not only was she happy, she was safe and around people who care for her. I didn't want that to change, and I hoped it didn't. We've always been on the run, watching our backs everywhere we went. Since Amber joined Cam's pack, I've never worried about that.

I haven't talked to Victoria or anyone else, except Campbell, since what happened two days ago. I know that they were trying to help me, I'm grateful yes, however I wished there was some other way. I didn't want anything to do with Victoria, she's the reason for everything that happened in my life. I'm sure that she knew nothing about parenting, if she thought giving me the antidote would fix that, then she's worst than I thought.

Now that I was powerless, I had nothing to protect me from her because she had her magic. I can fight but in this case that doesn't matter . I can't stay here when I know that she's a danger to Amber and I. I warned her not to come near us, I doubt that will stop her so I need something that will.

"Mom?" I heard Amber tiny voice.

"Yes baby?" I looked at them on the floor playing with Blade.

"Can Tommy and I go outside? I want to shift." She asked with pleading eyes. I thought about it for a second, it's not that I didn't wanted her to play with Tommy, I was just worried about them finding out that Amber was a hybrid.

"Amber you can go." Campbell said from behind me. "One of the warriors will be watching both of you."

"Thank you Campbell." Amber jumped up with Tommy and they ran outside with Blade on their tail. I turned to Cam and glared at him.

He raised an eyebrow. "What?" I rolled my eyes and walked away upstairs, I heard him chuckling while following me. I got angrier with each step I made upstairs, and I didn't even know what I was angry about; Campbell following me annoyed me even more. Instead of going to the room I went into the bathroom and slammed the door.


I opened the bedroom door to find Campbell playing games, I stopped him when he suggested to move the play station. He had his headphones  on and his eyes were glued to the screen. I sneaked into the closet with my towel wrapped on tightly. I dressed in my tees and joggers, I was  more relaxed and comfortable than I recently was. I got out of the closet to find Campbell on the bed. He looked up from his phone and grinned. I froze and tried my best to glare at him.

With a smirk, he got up  and slowly stalked towards me. He lifted my hands in his and kissed them both while looking down at me. "What's wrong?" He asked. His smile had disappeared and he seemed genuinely concerned. Was there ever something wrong with me, or have i become moody for no apparent reason.

"Was it because I give Amber permission to leave with Tommy?" He questioned.

Was that it? I signed. "No, nothing is wrong with you doing that. I just don't understand why or maybe I do understand and I just can't wrapped my head around it." I babbled on. "I can see that Amber likes you Campbell, for that I'm afraid for her. I don't want her to go through the same things that I did, as a child." I Murmured. I didn't even know that I  felt that way. I guess Campbell had a way for me to spill my guts.

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