Chapter 27

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I ran my hands down my face frustratedly. After hours of going through books, documents, journals and Articles, we still found nothing that would remotely help us with the situation. It was like searching for  needles in a haystack. All we came across was dust, dust and more dust. Every pack's library had their personal primary source for information, obviously what a library is for. Books about the past, our origin, pack's history, legacy and the list went on.

Mikayla, Caleb, Miles and I were in the library  scouring for acquired facts, while Lavinia, Meg and my grandmother were looking  else where. Unfortunately, we hadn't found anything that could help us.

Aurelia's condition had worsened, Graciela thought that she had time before the symptoms got worse, however she was wrong. Last night, Miles found her in one of the bathroom passed out. Even unconscious, she  whimpered in pain. Nothing medically related would help her, after all it's a spell.

We had nothing on the Brurelium, and that was the only way we could help her. Knowing what made it, was a chance of creating an antidote. Meg and Lavinia were the only two witches in our pack and my grandmother was the only fae, and they were blinded to the situation.

A thud from the table made me glanced over at Miles. "Nothing in here." He signed.

"I don't think anything in this library will help us, literally." Meg scoffed slamming the book close. She was just as frustrated as I was.

"Did you guys know that a ceremony called LUNARIAN takes place every seventy-five years. I thought it was just some silly folks tale." Caleb said amazed. Everyone turned to him with a 'really dude' look.

"And how is that, in anyway, going to help us?" Mikayla asked slowly.

"Never mind," Caleb waved us off. "I'll just talk to Evelyn later."

"We are done for the day." I voiced. I stood and walked out disappointed, we went  through everything yet still-we ended up short handed. I had no way of helping Aurelia nor did I know what's wrong with her.

I was worried and irritated, on-the-other-hand, I was point blank angry. I wanted to find whomever was responsible for my mate's pain.  The very second that she's healed and on her feet, I'll take care of them, they hurt her once and I'm certain that they'll do it again.

I stepped in my office and slammed the door shut. My jaw clenched so tight, I thought my teeth would shatter, my heart rate increased and my hands trembled like a charging bull. I felt the urge to shift, it was the only way to relief what I was feeling. My wolf kept growling at me to let him out, yet I ignored it. That's what I've been doing for years, bottling my emotions. 

Someone knocked on the door then entered without my consent.  I growled lowly but stopped after getting a whiff of Clyde's aroma. "What do you want?" I snarled, turning  around. Of course, I had no intention or any reason to be mad at him, nonetheless I was at war with myself and wanted to lash out on anyone.

"Lavinia told me what happened, I came here as soon as I heard."

I nodded knowing that Clyde was a supportive person. All he wanted to do was help, and that's what I need right now-help from my family and pack.

"Angry will do us no favors. You should go be with your mate, I'm sure she's gonna wake up any minute now and wanting you by her side." He advised. "Go, I'll see what I can do."

He placed his hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner.  "Thanks Clyde, for everything." I signed being grateful.


"Oh god, can you guys just kiss already." Caleb exclaimed behind us.

"You are an idiot and I'm quite sure that you're aware of that." Clyde said.

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