Chapters 29

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The heart wants what it wants.


Octavia's POV


It was all I could feel.

It was physically eating me alive. I lost the will to my own body, I've never  experienced so much torture in my undead life. I was suffocating, it was so much that I wished I was dead. Death would be better, I wouldn't be hurting so much if I was dead. That was how I felt. That was until I felt it being pulled away from me. I was asleep yet woken, I sensed a present nearby. I wanted to have a look but my eyes were glued shut. My insides screamed, was someone pulling my hair out or something, because it hurt like a b*tch.






It stopped, everything around me did. My body was released from captivity, headache left, leaving without notice. I feel free. My eyes opened slowly, introducing a blinding light. I cringed closing them once again. I blinked repeatedly, trying to adjust to the environment. I was in a hospital room, and new clothes. Who the hell are these people and who gave them permission to touch me.

I sniffed the air, blood–I smelted blood. I looked beside the bed and my eyes widened at the sight. A girl around my age was laying on the floor surrounded by puddles of blood. I had prefect control over myself so it wasn't a problem to be in her presence; even though I was really thirsty I'd never hurt anyone. I tried to wake her up but she wasn't cooperating, she barely had a pulse to begin with. She was in a black tee and matching shorts so I suggested that she wasn't a doctor, so who was? And she wasn't a werewolf or vampire, maybe she was human. I placed her head on my lap not knowing what else to do.

The doorknob started to jiggle aggressively, the person on the other side started pounding it. Rude, I could have been sleeping. They didn't stop until the door had broken down, I hissed sensing a werewolf. I pulled the mystery girl closer to my chest wanted to protect her. To my disappointment, a handsome guy with fire red hair walked in, something stirred in my non-existing heart. His blue eyes connected with mine and they lit up with, he looked surprised yet relieved. His hair was soaked and messy, probably from a recent shower. He looked about 6'1 and  I was 5'7. One thing came to mind, my MATE. How else would I find a werewolf attractive.

His eyes trailed to the girl in my arms and his expression turned to terror. "What did you do to her?!?!" He growled. I hissed  when he stepped towards us. "Give her to me now!!!" He ordered, his voice was filled with authority. Well Isn't this great, I'm dealing with another alpha.

Another person walked in wearing a white  robe and glasses, I'm guessing a doctor. She gasped at the sight. "What happened?" She rushed towards but stopped in her tracks when I hissed. "How long have she been like this?" She asked alarmed. I shrugged showing that I didn't know.

"Alpha, mind link Alpha Campbell to come here now!!" The doctor told him. Alpha????

"I already did." He growled. His eyes were solid goal.


Caleb POV

All I've ever wanted for myself, was to be happy.....

And I was, I had my brothers and pack by my side, I've always been thankful for them however a piece of that prefect picture in my life was missing. I dreaded that piece, nothing was complete without it. I finally had the chance to endure it, my mate. My other half, my equal.

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