Chapter 11

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"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it." — Mary Engelbreit


Campbell sat next to me placing a heavenly scented meal before me and one for himself.

"Thanks." I told him ready to dig in.

"No problem." He smiled proudly. Cam smiling caused me to smile. Arggg, snap out of it, you're only thinking like this because he caught you and gave you food. You're better than this.

We started eating in silence and I had to hold back moans of how delicious it was.

"What is this?" I asked after swallowing.

"Rigatoni." He replied.

"Can you make anything else?" I asked, not knowing why I was still questioning the guy.

"Yes, not to boast but I'm a really good cook."

"I'll give you that." I smiled finishing my plate, wow I was hungrier than I thought.

"How about you?" Cam asked taking both our plates to the sink.

"If by cooking you mean making sandwiches and cereal, then yes I'm a great cook."

I've never learned to cook because for half of my life I was locked away and the other I was trying to survive. And I mainly used my magic for most things.

"I can teach you." Cam offered. "And I'll be happy to prepare anything for you."

"Ok alpha." I smiled.

Campbell started packing away the dishes into a picnic basket along with some other stuff.

"Hiding  food from Caleb, are we?" I joked.

"No," He shook his head. "I visit my grandmother daily to bring her food." He beamed.

"Oh, is she here, at the pack house?" I asked.

"She has a house away from here." He informed. "Do you wish to accompany me?" He asked taking the basket.

Not really I want to go back to my room because I want to avoid you and the dreadful feeling  I get when I'm around you.

"Yeah why not." I answered completely doing the opposite of what I thought.

Why didn't you say no? Arggg.

We left the house and Campbell started walking in the direction of his grandmother's house.

"How many pack members do you have?" I inquired.

"We have 1300, excluding unborn children." He answered. "Only the teenagers and some warriors stay at the house, others live around the territory with their families."

"I've never heard of a pack having so many person." I said honestly.

"Clyde, Caleb and I joined packs years ago." He said looking down at me.

Ok lady stop asking questions.

Few minutes later we arrived at a small one storey house decorated with a beautiful garden at the front and flowers hugging the veranda. Inside was even more magnificent.

Simple and stylish.

In the living room sat a strikingly stunning elderly woman in a wooden rocking chair knitting. Cam placed the basket on the table and then kissed her forehead.

"Campbell." She smiles widely. "How are you?"

"I'm great, how have you been?" Cam asked just as happy to see her.

"Thrilled, I'm not sensing Caleb presence meaning there's no one to annoy me." She laughed. "Who did you bring with you?" She referred to me. I looked at her eyes which were both gloss over, noting she's blind.

"She's a......friend." Campbell said finding the right words.

"She? You've never brought a girl to see me. What's you're name dear?" She asked.

I haven't said my name in years, weird for a person who talks to herself.

"Aurelia, my name is Aurelia." I answered.

"Well, come closer child, I won't bite." She chuckled.

I went closer and some how she finds my hand and softly took it into hers.

"My name is Evelyn." She introduced herself.

"Nice to meet you Evelyn." I smiled.

"The pleasure is all mine dear." She smiled back. "Why are you hiding your gift?" She inquired.

"What do you mean?" I asked playing dumb.

"You're a witch, aren't you?" She asked.

"Well, yes..kinda, well...-" I stammered.

"Then why aren't you embracing it?" Evelyn asked.

"It's complicated I guess." I replied.

"Every thing is complicated for this generation. That's the excuse Campbell use every time." Evelyn let's go of my hands going back to knitting.

"Somethings really are complicated." Campbell said to Evelyn but was looking at me.

"Whatever you say." Evelyn shook her head. "What did you bring today, son?"

"Rigatoni ." Campbell answered placing his hands in his packets.

"Mhmmm, I remember teaching you that recipe." Evelyn smiled at the memory.

"Aurelia, can you believe that my house almost got burnt down because of Campbell, Clyde and Caleb." She laughed and Cam groaned.

"How did that happened?" I smiled sitting in the chair beside her.

"Caleb accidentally used gasoline instead of cooking oil for frying eggs."

"How does someone accidentally use gasoline?" I laughed.

"Ask Caleb, that boy burnt off his brows, they took so long to grow back." Evelyn chuckled shaking her head.

We stayed a few more hours, Evelyn ate and shared some embarrassing childhood stories with me, I could tell that she a 'remember when' type of person. The guys are so lucky to have such a loving, energetic and caring woman in their lives, I would kill for someone like her in my life.......

"Aurelia?" Evelyn called when we were at the door.

"Yes Evelyn." I answered.

"It's ok to be yourself, hiding away won't help you. Bottling things up only increase the damage cast when the pleasure explodes." She Consoled.

I knew exactly what she was talking about yet I never mentioned it once to her.

"It's was nice seeing you Evelyn, I'll visit soon." I smiled ignoring her statement.

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