Chapter 9

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Not being able to sleep, I went by the window, stargazing. When I was younger, they always locked me away from everyone and everything. Only time I was let out was from my continous begging to be with the other kids.

I got punish for things I had no control of. They hated me because I was some what different. People say that every one is made uniquely, special and different, if that's the case why did they treat me as the outcast.

Well, I rather to be an outcast, who wants to be normal anyway?

No matter what you do in life people will always have something to say. There's absolutely no point of trying to be perfect.

The unremarkable sequin-silver plastered against the clear, cloudless blue-black sky gave off a peaceful atmosphere for me. The forest below it is wide and towering, the moonlight creates a mysterious settings leaving it undisturbed.

The sight relaxed me and I closed my eyes, my legs were crossed and my hands rested on my knees.

"Mom, mom, MOMMY!!!!" my eyes flew open at the sound of Amber's voice.

"What?" I asked looking around for the fire. It's no longer night time, I look at my watch seeing that its 9AM. Wow, great mediating skills.

"I was calling you for hours." Amber lied. "Caleb said that we can get breakfast anytime we want. I want now." She grabbed my hand trying to pull me up.

"I need a shower first, I'll make it quick." I informed her getting up.

"Your version of a quick shower is a small concert, an award ceremony and going over fight strategies." She remarked.

I chuckled knowing that it's TRUE, I really do a lot when taking showers.

"I promise, I'll be quick and go change we have to go shopping today." I told her going to the bathroom attached to the room

After a 30 minute bath, which is my edition of a quickie, I got dress in a black joggers suit and matching Nike shoes. Amber walked in with the same copy of my outfit.

"You're a copycat." She pouted with crossed arms. "And what are you going to do with your hair?"

"What's wrong with it?" My hair was straightened earlier but I wash it in, hence, why it went back to its natural curls.

"Are you blind? Your head needs to be tamed." Amber said.

I laughed because her hair is exactly like mine. Her red curls are everywhere and very thick and puffy.

I took an elastic band from my hand and tie my hair at the back then did the same for Amber's.

"Better now?" I asked with both hands on my hips.

"I guess." She answered looking in the mirror.

I took my keys and card from my bags and we headed downstairs. We entered the kitchen and the smell of pancakes takes my senses, all of them. The kitchen was huge. There was a large island in the middle were the guys and Lavinia sat around. All of them looked up at our arrival .

"Hey." They all greeted.

I waved while Amber hid behind my legs. I forgot that this is actually the first time she's around others, no wonder she was shy.

"Amber, how did you sleep alone?" Caleb asked.

Amber looked up at me for approval and I nodded. "Unlike you, I wasn't scared. " She replied.

We joined the others, I sat in between Clyde and Caleb while Amber goes to the spot between Campbell and Caleb. The stool was too high for Amber so Campbell carefully helped her up. I caught myself slightly smiling for no reason and quickly hid it.

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