That wolf-boy ~ Jacob Black

By avadakedavra_xo

47K 727 103


1. Bella's first day
2. 'Welcome back' party/saving Bella
3. Discussion
4. School trip
5. Bella's visit
6. Baseball
7. the tracker
8. Prom
9. Bella's 18th
10. Edwards Plan
11. Packing up
12. New York
13. Motorcycles
14. Suicide
15. She's Alive
16. Wolf-Boy
17. Volterra
19. Back In Forks
20. Run
21. Wiskey
22. An Imprint?
23. Change the treaty
24. Meeting The Pack
25. Trouble
26. Argument
27. Apologies
28. Passed out
29. Graduation
30. They are coming here....
31. Training
32. The First Date
33. More training
34. Day off
35. One long night

18. The Volturi

1.2K 20 0
By avadakedavra_xo

( A/N - this chapter is longgggg sorry :) )

"Enough." Jane the pains horrid voice called
Felix and Demetri backed away instantly, Edward and Alice copied, pulling Bella with them, though i stayed where i was.
Edward nodded towards her "Jane"
"who is she?" Bella asked Alice
"Just do as she says" Alice replied
Jane threw Edward an over coat, but i caught it.
"he wont be needing that, thank you" I tossed it back at her
"we where wondering when you'd return Ivy" she shot me a fake smile
"Yeah, of course you were" i rolled my eyes throwing Edward one of his own hoodies I'd brought with me on my short trip, which was only meant to go to Forks, but of course the corse changed. He put the hoodie on and thanked me.
"follow me" Jane announced before she turned on her heel and headed up th alley, Felix smirked and waved my siblings and Bella ahead of him, but he stopped me and made me walk with him instead, he was keeping me creepily close to his side, as they always used to.
As we entered the hall i was dragged over to one side with Felix, where he dumped me right next to Marco and went to the opposite side with Jane and Demetri.
"nice to see you again, Princess" Marco smirked down at me, my whole body seemingly much smaller than his.
"Marco, I told you years ago not to call me that" i sighed
he looked me up and down as his left arm snaked around my waist, I looked over to Edward and saw him tense up as he was looking at his hand on me.
Why's he grabbing you like that? tell him to fuck off.
It's fine Edward...
iTs FiNe EdWaRd - you dont look confortable
Some how he mocked me through thoughts
I'll sort it myself. Aro will want you now
And with that I brought my focus back to Marco

"These clothes dont suit you as much as these" he pointed to his own clothes
"I like these" I whispered just as Aro got off his seat and walked towards Edward and Bella, greeting them like old friends, he took Edwards hand and looked at him.

"What a happy surprise! Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful?" Aro announced "Her blood appeals to you so much it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?"
"It's not without effort" Edward replied coldly
Aro laughed "I can see that"
Bella was looking very confused so I decided I'd explain, though I knew I'd have to shout a little from where I was.
"One touch and Aro can see every thought a persons ever had in their life" I told her, Aro was still focused on Edward and Bella.
"it's nice to have you back Ivy. But I'm shocked, Neither you or Edward can read Bella's mind, is that right?" Aro didn't turn to look at me, but I could tell he was smiling.
"Yes" I sighed
"Fascinating" he released his grasp from Edwards hand and went for Bella's
"I would love to see if you are an exception to my gifts, as well." He asked. she hesitated as she shifted her hand to his. Confusion swept over his face
"Interesting" Aro announced. He released her hand as he moved back to his chair, deep in thought. I guess Edward and I had tapped into his mind
"I wonder if--" Aro started
but Edward and I were fast to shut him down "No!"
he ignored us "Let's see if she's immune to all our powers, shall we Jane?"
Jane turned to Bella but Edward sprung in front of her. Instead Jane focused her gaze on Edward, muttered the word pain just as he collapsed to th ground, she smiled happy to see him in pain.
I couldn't bare it, seeing my brother like that hurt me, so I thought so a second, maybe... just maybe, if I tried it would work.
I tried to step forward but Marco had held me back
"Marco, Let go" I whispered
"I missed you" he uttered into my shoulder, clearly trying to win me back
"isn't that nice? now please, let go, just for a second"
surprisingly he let me go, so I got to step forward, I copied the actions Jane took not 2 minutes prior, then i muttered the word pain as I stared her dead in the eyes then something scary, but incredible happened. Janes eyes shut as she now feel to the floor pain flooding over her this time.
I saw from my side-view Edward get up from the floor and jump for me, he pulled me away from a shocked Marco and dragged me back to where he stood earlier, though my eyes were still locked on Jane. Edward realised and shook me violently.
"Ivy! what are you doing?" he had snapped me out of it
"Brilliant..." I whispered
"extraordinary... I've never seen anything like it..." Aro scanned my face "I knew you were different, Ivy. You, you are the rarest Vampire we know, you can sleep, and now, after spending time with others you gain their powers too..."
"I already knew that, Carlisle figured it out" I huffed
"of course he did, nothing ever gets past our Carlisle..."
I figured Jane had gotten frustrated and bored, so she locked eyes with Edwards, making him collapse to the floor yet again.

"Stop!!" Bella shouted
Alice and I rushed to Edwards side, helping him up from the floor, this time seemed to be worse than the last one. Bella though, was stopped my Aro's arm stopping her corse.
he got my attention
"how about you try the new found ability on Bella, hrm?" He smiled, I looked at Bella, then down at Edward, his face was intense - obviously meaning he didn't want me to do that.
"I'm sorry Aro, I cant do that to her"
he tutted "Jane, dear. The girl?"
Janes gaze turned to Bella, she cringed waiting for the rush of pain to make her whole body collapse under her, like it did to Edward, but nothing happened. Jane's stupid grin was replaced by a wave of anger, Suddenly Aro Laughed loudly, scaring Bella.

"Remarkable! She confounds us all. so... what do with do with you now?" Aro announced
Marus, who was obviously bored spoke up "You already know what you'll do, Aro"
"She knows too much; she's a liability" Caius added, I rolled my eyes at them.
"That's true. Unless Edward intends to give her immortality..." Aro looked at Edward "But that's not you intention, is it. Shame."
He then nodded to Felix, who came from Janes side towards Bella, But I could only take a step before Edward had tackled him to the ground.

"Edward dont!" Bella shouted
Alice leaped to help but several of the random Volturi guards held her back, it didn't seem and easy job for the guards as Alice struggles. I huffed realising that I would now have to jump in too.
I went for Edward first, he was the one who was in the most danger, but I hadn't taken 3 steps before Marco had grabbed me, pulling me to the wall.

"Marco... I swear to fuck, let me go.. right now.." I struggled in his grip
"No can do princess," he gripped around me tighter, I still struggled.
Edward was anticipating Felix's next move, though I knew Felix had to be stronger than Edward.
Felix grabbed Edward and turned him to face him, grabbing him by the neck and throwing him up at the celling, making me, by habit burry my face into Marco's neck, my struggle stopped. I heard a crash as he hit the celling than an even louder smash as he hit the marble floor, I turned to look, thinking the worst was over but it wasn't, as Edward was holding his side, pain flooding his body, Felix kicked him so he went flying across the room.

"Please... Aro... stop this! Please!" I pleaded
"stop, stop it!!" Bella shouted, but Aro ignored the both of us, Edward was by his feet so he leant down to study him, I saw that Jane was itching to step in, though Aro gestured her back.
"You stay away from my brother, bitch" I warned her, though she hissed my way. I noticed that Edward was back up, hitting Felix square in the face, but then in a sudden move Felix lifted Edward over his head, cracking him like a nut - I, once again, put my head into Marco's neck, feeling slightly comforted by the hair stoking. there were loads of crashes coming from where Edward was. but then the taps of Bella's small steps rang in the direction of Aro, she didn't seem to get far but I know for a fact she was flung at a wall, I lifted my head, turning to the big, buff guard that had thrown Bella.

"Was that really, really, necessary?" I shouted , the guard shrugged, Alice had broken free from the guard she with before but she ran directly into the one who just threw Bella. I turned my head to look for Bella, she was bruised, I felt like going to help her, I carefully tried to escape Marco's grip, but it wouldn't work.
I huffed before hearing Bella's footsteps again making a run for Aro, this time she made it, she stopped and kneeled to the ground.

"Bella, what the fuck are you doing, step away from him!" I shouted, she looked at me but turned straight back to Aro.
"Do it! Kill me! Just leave them Alone!" She pleaded him as she yanked the collar of her top down, fully exposing her neck to him. Aro looked down at her, completely surprised and intrigued by the stupid human below him.
"Enough." He called, Felix was the only member who immediately let go of one of us - Edward. He finally saw Bella kneeled in front of Aro.

"get away from her - !" Edward moved towards Aro but he was Immediately pinned by Janes ability
"I told you to stay away from my brother" I yelled at her, she didn't react. I could tell that Alice couldn't watch any longer.

"Edward, stop. I've already seen it." Alice called
"Alice, stay out of it" Edward called out though gritted teeth
"I know what to do" she sighed
I could see that Aro was intrigued so he gestured for Jane to stop, she looked away, Edward's body unfolded and went limp.
"Ah yes, another clairvoyant. I saw your gift in Edward's thoughts. What is it you've seen?" Aro asked
"...don't..." Edward warned her
"I'm the one who will change Bella" Alice announced. Edward, bella and I were completely taken back by this, Aro, was also shocked by it.
"Please, by my guest" Aro pointed at Bella's still exposed neck
"Not here. Her father is in low enforcement. if she goes missing, there will be questions" Alice replied
"He is easily dealt with" Caius smirked
Alice tutted "It will happen, Aro. See for yourself"
Alice thrusted her hand forward as she ripped the red glove off, Aro nodded to the guard who was holding her back, he released her. She took a step forward sliding her hand onto Aro's. he shut his eyes, watching the vision.

Minutes later Aro released Alice's hand and it dropped to her side.
"Mesmerizing! To see the things you've seen, that havent happened yet!" Aro exclaimed
Alice moved to Edward side Helping him up, but I was still held against Marco.
As everyone was talking amongst each-other, I felt a kiss land on my neck.
"Marco stop it" I squirmed, trying to get away
"I know you still love me... deep, deep down" He kissed under my ear
"I swear, if you want to be living, I'd let go" I elbowed him in the gut, making his grip loosen just enough for me to be able squeeze through and get to Edwards side.

Aro helped Bella up and began to speak "Your gifts will make for an intriguing immortal. Go make your preparations." Aro pushed her slightly our way and she ran into Edwards chest, hugging him tightly.
"You're letting them leave?" Caius was disgusted
"Dear Caius, the girl's disappearance will be conspicuous at best. And surely you see her potential"
then Marcus spoke up, "Let us be done with this. Heidi will arrive any moment"
Aro gestured us towards the door as Demetri threw open the big carved double doors.
"we will make sure she follows through. I would not delay. we do not offer second chances." Caius informed. I rolled my eyes. completely fed up with this by now.

"ivy!" Marco called as we were making our way to the door
"what?" I asked, turning to face him lazily
"stay with us, your attitude suits our coven much more" he smirked
"I'm alright. I'd rather be with my family" I huffed turning back and walking behind Bella, Edward and Alice.
as we followed Demetri down the hall we saw a group of tourists, lead by Heidi.

"Nice seeing you again Ivy, aren't you staying?" She smiled at me
"hah" I huffed
there was about a dozen tourists following the beautiful woman.
"Nice fishing, Heidi, save some for me" Demetri smiled over at her, she smiled back before turning to the pack of people
"This way please, stay together.." she told them. then they all disappeared around the corner, instinctively I covered my ears already, signalling to Alice and Edward to cover Bella's. we heard the massive door slam shut before huge amount of screams came out from the room. We went faster as Bellas face went a funny colour.

"did they al just-?" she asked, not wanting to actually finish the sentence
"yeah" I sighed. she whimpered and she hugged herself closer to Edwards side. once we got to the big doors again we were free to go. I guided the three though the shadows the best I could and got them back to the yellow Porsche.

"Ivy..." Edward sighed
"yeah?" I smiled getting into the drivers seat. Alice getting in passenger side, Edward and bella n the back
"The car, where did you get it from?" He asked as I started to drive through the crammed streets again
"Grand Theft Auto dear brother" I laughed
"you stole it! Ivy!" he kicked the back of the seat
"oi! I didn't steal it, I borrowed it. it's going back once we get to the airport" I said just as I floored it...

(2,463 words)

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