soulmark | e. mikaelson

By merylinnemrys

31.9K 835 313

๐˜š๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ธ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ช๐˜ต'๐˜ด ๐˜ญ๐˜ช๐˜ฌ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฐ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฐ ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ท๐˜ฆ๐˜ด ๐˜ฐ๐˜ง ๐˜ข ๐˜ธ๐˜ฉ๐˜ฐ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ, ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ญ๐˜ญ... More

๐ฉ๐ซ๐จ๐ฅ๐จ๐ ๐ฎ๐ž
๐€๐‚๐“ ๐Ÿ | Drowning
๐Ÿ | The First Day of School
๐Ÿ | Oh, Brother
๐Ÿ‘ | 8,14,22
๐Ÿ’ | Amber
๐Ÿ“ | The Supernatural
๐Ÿ” | Bree's Bar
๐Ÿ• | The Tomb
๐Ÿ– | Trick or Treat
๐Ÿ— | Dear Diary
๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ | Gone Girl
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ | Your Love got Me Psycho
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ | Give me a Day
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‘ | Kat caught your tongue?
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’ | The Most Wonderful Time of the Year
๐ข๐ง๐ญ๐ž๐ซ๐ฅ๐ฎ๐๐ž | Elijah
๐€๐‚๐“ ๐Ÿ | Drift
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ“ | A Tale from the Soul
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ• |The Lockwolves
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ– | Liar, Liar
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ— | Blue days
๐Ÿ๐ŸŽ | The Big Picture made of a Thousand Pixels
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ| All the ones I care i.
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ| All the ones I care ii.
๐Ÿ๐Ÿ | If only I could slap my mom
rewrite snippet

๐Ÿ๐Ÿ” | Starlight

1K 25 10
By merylinnemrys

Life was certainly more complicated when your supposed soulmate wants to sacrifice either you or your sister to his would-be werewolf-vampire hybrid half-brother.

Alyssandra bit her lower lip, removing her shower cap. It's been a few days since Elijah had explained to them his plan on killing Klaus. Alyssandra's mind was still churning over his revelation, and the rest of that year's crazy events slowly began to fall together like pieces in a puzzle.

It was a different game now, although she couldn't help but feel sour that Katherine hadn't told them that one of them had to 'temporarily' die before Klaus could be killed. How was she even supposed to explain all of that to Jenna? To Jeremy?

The older doppelgänger's words came back to mind, Katherine believed that they'd be in more danger with the more they knew. Both age-old vampires wanted them to stay put and do nothing, when in reality, Aly and Elena knew nothing of what was going on outside of the two of them so there wasn't much that they could do anyway.

She angrily fell back on her bed, glaring at her ceiling. There was still the question of which one of the twins was going to partake in the ritual, Elijah still had to find a way to make sure whoever did wasn't going to permanently die. He mentioned a potion that might resuscitate them after death, but even he was adamant on letting them take it.

She glanced towards the desk near her bed. There was a piece of paper lying there, one that Elijah left. It was his phone number, and he had told her to contact him whenever 'something dangerous' happened. She plopped herself back up and grabbed both.

Alyssandra knew that if it came down to either her, her sister, or Jeremy, she'd give herself away in a heartbeat.

She paused, her rather long message halfway in the making when a black velvet box caught her eye. It sat innocently on her desk, wrapped in a pretty white ribbon. There was a single rose resting at the top of the box, along with what looked like a jewelry casket, and a card.


7:oo pm

The Lockwood Estate.


In truth, Aly had almost forgotten about the little gathering Carol Lockwood told her about a week before, so she was surprised upon seeing that inside the box was a blue charmeuse cocktail dress, an off-shoulder hemmed with lace. She let her hand run through the fabric, awed by how nice it felt. Aly opened the smaller box much more delicately, curious on what else he gave. She couldn't help but gasp at the adorned jewelry inside; a beautiful silver necklace, with a little compass star hanging at the end.     

Well, she thought, that's one way to get a girl to a party.

~ soulmark ~

"Are you coming with?"

"I don't know, dinner with the Lockwoods sounds boring." Caroline's dubious voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Come on, Care." Alyssandra practically begged, "I can't go there alone."

"Isn't Elena coming with you? I'm sure Tyler's family won't eat you alive- you broke up with him months ago!"

"We were never together!" Aly pushed, though she paled upon realizing that she was technically going to her ex-fling's house to dine with her supposed soulmate. "And you know how bland Elena gets when it's a historical society gathering!"

"Oh come on, Aly. Any normal person would find the entire history of Mystic Falls boring!"

Aly barred herself from huffing. That was so untrue, she still kept the columns her mother had written about said history. It was definitely fascinating! It brought out the tiny fantasy loving child in her. "Why are you so against it anyway?" She countered, "You don't normally turn down outsider events. What are you up to?"

"Ugh. Fine," an actual huff from Caroline, "But- now, I don't want to hear this from anybody else- But Matt and I are having dinner tonight," She gushed, "And he's staying over for Christmas!"

Alyssandra actually sat up from her bed in shock, her hand was absentmindedly fiddling with the necklace Elijah had gotten her. "Seriously?" She gawked, "He said that?"

"Seriously," Caroline confirmed, "I think this is going somewhere, Aly, and I can't just let it pass up. I think- I think he actually likes me."

Welp, there goes her commander. "Fine," She grumbled, "Well you better have fun with Prince Charming Matt." Aly had bursted into giggles upon the nickname Caroline had gotten him so long ago. She heard the blonde's gasp and beamed.

"Oh my god!" She exclaimed, "I've completely forgot about that!"

"Well don't forget about me," Aly pressed on, her mind swirled in worry about her blonde friend and their relationship. Bonnie was a witch, she could take care of herself and had her Grams. Caroline may have her mother, but ultimately she had no way of defending herself. "I don't want a discount golden retriever to take my place."

"He won't. You're my best friend, Aly. Don't be weird."

"Hey," She started, almost hesitantly. "Be careful with who you let in your house, okay? No stranger dangers."

"God- you sound like my mom." Caroline snorted, "I won't. Don't worry about it."

"Good," Aly plopped back down to bed, relieved. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"See you tomorrow."

The line went dead and she moved out of her bed. It was snowing outside, and she wore layers of shirts and a sweater. Going to the Lockwoods later that day was definitely going to be hard, especially with the particular dress she was going to wear. She admired the way snow fell, creating a soft layer on the outside of her window. Now was the perfect time to make a cup of hot choco.

She made her way downstairs, frowning when she heard an argument occurring by the living room. What exactly was going on now?

"Okay. Now you listen here, you can't just go here and act like you care because it's convenient." Jenna snapped. The source of her bad mood was imminent, their uncle John stood by the kitchen counter, his arms folded.

"Moving away? They lived here their whole lives! Did you even ask them if they wanted to move away? Also- vampires could be anywhere! That's not going to change just because we've moved houses."

"What?" Alyssandra's surprised voice cut through Jenna and John's angry glares towards each other. "What do you mean move away?"

"It was a suggestion," John let out an aggravated sigh, "This town's infested with vampires, so I suggested to your Aunt that it was better if you moved away to some place safer."

"Aunt Jenna has point," Elena's voice rang out from the living room, her sister stood by the archway disapprovingly.  "Vampires probably exist everywhere, that's never going to change."

This time, John sent her a glare, "And if your aunt Jenna had half a mind, she'd have never let you go out with that Salvatore!"

Jenna flushed pink.

"Stefan has nothing to do with this!" Elena stubbornly crossed her arms, "Besides, isn't Isobel technically a vampire as well?"

At John's shocked look, Elena continued, "Yeah, we all heard about that too. So maybe it's only natural for us to be around so many vampires with our vampire mom. You don't want us to bring Katherine into this too, do you?"

Not that Katherine was in danger to any of the vampires currently at Mystic Falls (except for Elijah, maybe) but as far as the twins knew, their family had no idea about Katherine's drinking problem. It was the perfect tool to get John to back off.

"Leave your sister out of this," John said sternly. "She has no idea."

Aly grimaced, feeling mildly uncomfortable. Her hot choco suddenly didn't seem appetizing anymore. Elena grabbed her by the arm as she went upstairs, fuming.

"They've been arguing the entire morning." She slammed her bedroom door shut. "John's gone crazy."

"He has a point," Aly said, though a bit hesitant. "I mean, not that I agree that we should move away- I don't want to leave Mystic Falls just yet- but hiding? Maybe that's not so bad with Klaus after us."

"Katherine hid," Elena's face turned troubled, "Her entire family died and she turned into a vampire. Didn't Elijah say he'd protect all of us?"

Aly pursed her lips, shaking her head to stop her swirling thoughts about the Original. "He did! But it's so complicated," She said.

"He's your soulmate." Elena pointed out, "I figured you'd trust him."

"I'm not sure I do." She admitted, though at Elena's look of surprise she quickly added, "It's too good to be true, Elena! Actually, I'm not even sure if it's good at all. I mean come on, his brother is literally after us, planning to kill one of us. That's insane! It doesn't sound real."

"I'm pretty sure we left the realm of real when we discovered vampires and magic," Elena said drily, "But why else would your names be literally written at each other's wrists?"

Aly snorted, letting herself sit down on top of Elena's bed. She briefly debated on telling her sister about Elijah's memory before thinking better of it. It would only solidify Elena's thoughts. "He gave me something earlier this morning." She admitted, she held the necklace on her neck, removing the clasps. Elena gasped.

"This thing and a dress for later tonight."

"Later tonight?" Elena echoed, "He already asked you out?"

"No!" Aly shook her head, "I mean, yes." Was Elijah actually  the notorious Mr.Smith Carol spoke of? "But that's what I wanted to tell you anyway. You're coming with me to the Lockwood's Christmas dinner later tonight."

Elena blinked, "I can't," she answered sheepishly. "I'm already going with Stefan."

Aly gaped, "You're joking."

"I'll still be there," Elena tried to console her, "You can hang out with us."

She felt herself flush. "Elena-"

"Why are you so nervous about it anyway?" Elena asked slyly. "You've been to Lockwood's dinner parties hundreds of times by now."

She sent her a glare, "I'm not nervous," Alyssandra denied, she stood up. "Besides, I have no reason to be nervous. It's just some author that's gonna write about Mystic Falls. Hell, mom's written for Mystic Falls. It's no big deal."

"Right," Elena laughed, "It's totally not because Elijah might be there."

"Not everything's about being in love, Elena." Irritation seeped from her voice, "God! Can't you see? It doesn't even matter if he's my soulmate or not! He wants to kill one of us! His brother is actually going to kill us!"

That sobered Elena up pretty quickly. "Aly,"

For some reason unknown to her, she felt her eyes warm. "I don't get it. I'm not- this isn't some fairytale, Elena."

"I know that, Alyssandra."

Aly stubbornly refused to wipe her eyes, settling on sniffling instead. Her quick burst of anger quickly turned into shame, she wasn't the only one dealing with the whole Klaus mess.

Her entire life, she thought that love was about being sure. It was about commitment, giving yourself up for everything and receiving it in return. It was being warm, and someone giving you food when you felt down. It was laughter around the tv, staying up late because monopoly wasn't done yet. How is that the man she was supposed soulmates with threatened the one thing she already loved?

"I'm sorry," This time, she did wipe her face. But it was only because a teardrop escaped.

"But he's there, Alyssandra. Like someone or something out there actually said that he's your anchor, your soulmate, your literal other half. When I found out that I was Stefan's mate, I was so surprised too. I couldn't believe it. He's a vampire, for goodness sakes. But if anything it just made our connection feel even more real."

"Except we're not just mates, Elena." Alyssandra told her, exasperated.

"Exactly." Elena shook her head, as if in disbelief that Aly didn't get what she was saying. "You're soulmates. He's your the one. I don't think you see how lucky you are."

~ soulmark ~

Alyssandra ended up going to the party alone, anyway. Lucky? Aly huffed at the thought. Nothing about their situation was lucky. She sighed, disappointed. She longed for her old life back, where their lives weren't in danger and they didn't constantly look at their backs to check if someone was following them.

At least Jenna was nice enough to have one of her friends take her to the Lockwoods, otherwise she would've walked the way. She took one last long look at herself in the mirror, she had opted to put her hair up in a casual bun, with a few curls framing her face. She didn't wear heavy makeup, nothing but eyeshadow and mascara on her eyes, and a soft nude for her lips.

The dress fit her perfectly, and the silver star on her chest looked beautiful as it laid flat on her chest. She took a shaky breath, nerves, she thought, you can calm down. You've done this hundreds of times.

But just as she was about to leave something caught her eye. Down the window, she saw a car pull up on their driveway. Her eyes widened when she saw who exited the vehicle, and she made a weird sound from the back of her throat that sounded a lot like a bird dying.

Elijah, Original Vampire™, looked up to her in mild surprise. He held a bouquet of flowers, and the wrapping matched her dress. Alyssandra watched as his lips formed a small smile before he steadily walked towards the door.

"Oh my god," She instantly rushed out of her room, "Oh my god!"

"Aly," Jenna called, "You're running late, Elena's already gone. Alaric's called and said most of the students are already there."

"Alaric didn't invite you?"

Jenna actually shrugged, "Didn't want to go. Heard John's going to be there."

The doorbell rang.

"You can go," She said, "I'll handle the door."

"About that-"

It was too late, Jenna already opened the door, revealing Elijah.

"Hello," He said, he held out a hand for Jenna to shake, "It's a pleasure to see you again, Jenna."

Jenna shot her one of her looks™, the one that screamed 'hottie', usually the look was reserved to random men at the bar, or people that looked a lot like Logan Fell. However this time, she was absolutely right.

Elijah wore a three-piece suit, his waistcoat had an interesting quilted pattern that contrasted nicely with his suit-jacket. His hair perfectly parted, complete with a dashing smile. Everything else about him looked expensive, from his  golden wristband to his shoes.

She wasn't the only affected by seeing the other.

Despite talking to her aunt, Elijah's eyes were all on her. She felt appreciative when it didn't glide on her skin, but remained steady on her eyes. It dug against her, and she felt flush over the heat of his gaze.

"Elijah Smith," Her aunt replied, her eyes dropped to the flowers he was holding, surprised. Aly wondered just how and when exactly did they meet. "Elijah's here to grab the journals upon Carol Lockwood's request- Did you know he's writing about the history of Mystic Falls?" Jenna walked straight back to the living room, where a box of books sat. She would have protested over the fact that Jenna was easily going to hand them over if it were not for the pretty man in front of her that held even prettier flowers.

"For you, darling." He handed her the beautiful bouquet, and Aly tried not to gush over how nice it looked and how good it smelled.

"Thank you."

"Alyssandra was introduced to me recently at the local school dance," Elijah said smoothly to appease Jenna's questioning gaze. He gracefully took the stack of books to his arms. "50's theme, so I've seen. A wonderful event, but I found myself more preoccupied over the school bulletin. It's no wonder that the Lockwood's and the rest of Mystic Falls' Historical Society spoke of her so highly."

Jenna hummed, giving Aly another look, "Well, Alyssandra gets it all from her mother."

This time, Aly did blush.

"Miranda Gilbert," Elijah nodded, "I've read some of her work, she was a remarkable woman."

"Well, we can't let Mr.Author Man late for his own event," Alyssandra stated, turning the conversation over. "I'll see you later, Aunt Jenna. We have to go."

Elijah offered his hand just as she stepped out of the door, which she begrudgingly took. He had no trouble carrying the Gilbert journals on his other arm. He led her all the way to the other side of the car, opening the door for her. He didn't shut the door until she was comfortably sat.

His car was so much like him, if that was a thing. A porsche. But Aly wasn't that knowledgeable with cars, so she didn't know which one it was other than it was black. The inside was gorgeous, and it smelled distinctly like him. She wondered what cologne he wore.

"Someone's trying." She said as Elijah sat on the driver's seat.

"I don't know what you mean." Elijah raised a brow, "However, I'm glad you think I am."

"You can say it," Alyssandra said, "With the flowers and-" she wildly gestured to the rest of herself- "all of this."

Now, Alyssandra wasn't going to lie. Elijah was an incredibly attractive man, with his jawline and high cheekbones. There was this dark, aristocratic look that he had going on that was doing wonders in Aly's teenage mind. It only went worse when Elijah smoothly led the car out of their driveway, with one hand on the wheel and the other resting on the stick.

She was surprised to see that other than his daylight ring, there was a golden ring around his middle finger, and another by his thumb. It contrasted sharply against his long, timble, fingers.

"Would it make you feel better if I said I was?"

"Maybe," She answered offhandedly, "So, Mr. Smith, do you actually have anything to do with the Historical Society or is it just your cover?"

"Mikaelson," He corrected, he shook his head. "Not Smith. But you are correct. The Historical Society was a convenient way to enter town without prying eyes."

"So you're not actually an author."

"I am," There was a small upquirk on his mouth, not quite a smile. "I've written countless first hand accounts of almost everything I've seen."

It then occurred to her that Aly was technically sitting next to the oldest encyclopedia. "What do you mean first hand accounts?" She couldn't keep the excitement away from her voice, "What exactly have you written?"

"Well," Elijah began, "I have been alive for around a thousand years."

"And you've written about them?" She gaped, "Actually published?"

"Under a pseudonym, yes." Elijah nodded, "Autobiographies, journals, manifestos. I've seen the rise and fall of majestic kingdoms, caused and watched as it burned to the grown. Seen the assination of Franz Ferdinand, witnessed the world crumbling down after, and the war after that. I've even watched the first showing of Macbeth."

"Were you also there when the wheel was invented?" Aly giggled slightly. But she then quickly pulled it back, "That was a joke."

But Elijah thankfully humored her, shooting Aly an amused glance. "Sadly, the wheel was already invented when I was born."

It made her want to ask more, his memory with his family showed her that they were from Mystic Falls, and the runes told her that he came from Northern origin. Her questions were cut from her tongue when his car rolled unto the Lockwood's estate.

The estate looked spectacular, as usual. Carol Lockwood has once again outdone herself. The front of their house was decorated with beautiful white christmas lights, and there were two decorated trees at their entrance door.

People had already gathered inside, just as her Aunt Jenna had said. Aly could spot Elena and Stefan talking at one of the windows, she was even more surprised to see that they were talking to Damon. There was no sign of Katherine, which oddly made her relax.

"Are you ready?" Elijah asked, he had already parked the car and they both looked at the giant house.

Aly blinked, surprised at his question. She supposed it would be odd if she turned up next to the man of the hour. "What's actually going on tonight?" She cautiously asked, she sent him a look. "Carol mentioned that the book you're writing is about Mystic Falls, and that tonight is about getting to know Mystic Falls High history nerds. This isn't some kind of ploy, right?"

"It's not." Elijah said gently. His expression had softened and Aly found herself a little guilty at her accusatory tone. "Although I must admit, when I first talked to the Lockwoods for this event, I was hoping that you would come, as it was the perfect chance to meet you for the first time. That's all there is to it."

She bit the inside of her bottom lip. "Is there really a book?" She couldn't help but ask.

Elijah met her eye. "No," he admitted. "The event also caters to the town's Council, it's also the chance for me to finally talk to them."

Aly didn't know why it was bothering her, and she wanted to slap herself silly because of it. Nevertheless, she felt grateful that he was honest, that he actually told her his real motives. No doubt that he really needed to talk to the Council, especially with Klaus coming. She felt disappointed that he wasn't actually going to write anything, however, she also felt relieved that he wasn't going to write about the journals.

"Would you like me to?" Elijah suddenly asked, his voice maddeningly gentle. It almost made her think that the man she was talking to wasn't the same one that chopped Noah's head off. "Like you, I grew up here in Mystic Falls. It won't be a hardship to write about it."

"No," Aly instantly denied, feeling almost irritated. It was a frustrating thing, she didn't know if she was heated over the fact that she was aggravated or because Elijah wasn't actually writing anything. Both reasons were so stupid.

It was because he lied, a treacherous voice whispered in her ear, you're disappointed.

Even then, Elijah had lied to the Lockwoods. Not to her.

It didn't matter.

"It's fine," she pushed, not knowing why she had to explain herself further. "Besides, you should write something because you actually want to, not because it's what I asked." She opened the car door, "Come on, people are probably already waiting for you."

The inside was even better than the outside. As usual, the Lockwoods were already busy talking to a group of future share-holders (probably). She spotted Tyler at the side, along with Elena and Stefan. He looked surprised when he saw who Aly's arm was linked to. The sentiment was shared by his mother.

Honestly? The sentiment was shared by her.

"Mr. Smith," Carol greeted, her husband couldn't be bothered, engrossed with whatever conversation he was having. "I see that you've met Alyssandra Gilbert. Have you somehow gotten the notorious Gilbert Journals?"

"I have," Elijah replied cautiously as Aly tensed next to him,"Though you are right, Ms. Gilbert is amongst the brightest I've seen."

Aly didn't know where he got that conclusion, because all they've ever talked about was his family and the little conversation they had at his car. It irritated her mood even more. Still, she gave Carol a pleasant smile. "It's good to see you, Carol."

The blonde woman motioned their way to the spacious middle of their house, "Come in, the both of you. Oh- and Mr. Smith, feel free to terrorize as many students as you'd like."

She resumed back to her previous conversation with her husband. Aly wasn't quick to miss the odd looks they were getting by simply turning up together. "People are looking," she pointed out quietly as they walked out to the open fields.

"Let them look." Elijah answered simply, but he quickly thought better of it. "Is it bothering you?"

Aly had no idea. However, she didn't know if he'd gauge their eyes out by simply looking at them.

She had certainly been with older men before, and it wasn't a secret that she and Caroline did some rendezvous that adults definitely disapproved of. Besides, the guy next to her was her literal soulmate. In fact, the fact that he was made the night a thousand times better. "No," she answered truthfully. "I think."

Elijah gave her a soft smile, offering her a champagne, which she quickly gave her thanks to. "Good," He said, "I'd hate it if it did."

"Don't you have council people to win over?" She asked, "You know, to talk about secret adult stuff?"

Another smile, and goddamn was he dazzling. "I suppose they can wait." He said, "I'd rather talk to you."

It was either the champagne or his words, but her chest was suddenly filled with warmth. She took another sip to hide a smile that threatened to break through her face. "I'm not at all that interesting," she admitted, "Not much of a personality." She had always been too cautious in her words, letting Caroline do all the actual socializing, not like the pleasantries she was taught of at a young age. She didn't really do much nowadays outside of singing, school, and voluntary work.

Some would say that was already a lot, but it was so different to the hectic party-life she had the previous year. Her life now was a routine, a line of schedules and what-to-dos, and she liked that. She needed that. Though, even back then, she didn't like it when people got too close to her.

Another big reason as to why Tyler had failed to completely win her over. She just couldn't let him. She didn't trust him enough.

"I doubt that," Elijah was too busy staring at her to even want to talk to the Council people. "I think there's a lot that you'd rather say, but instead keep quiet about."

Her irritation came back with a vengeance, "And what could I possibly say?" The little glare that came out of her then straight to the Lockwood's backs was unintentional. Jeremy's face suddenly popped to her mind, asking her to do something over Vicki's death. "There's nothing I could say that can actually do anything."

She quickly looked back at him, not wanting to garner the Lockwood's attention. And just like that it was like they were back at her house, with his gaze insistent on her. It didn't seem to matter that they were in the middle of a Christmas party.

It made her think, it made her wonder if he was listening to her heartbeat, waiting for each irritated twitch on her eye. Mulling over her words to please her. "And what is it that you want to do?" He asked.

It made her think, if he'd kill them the same way as he did to Noah if she asked. No one would know, there'd be a quick cover up, and no one like Vicki would ever die again. Jeremy's revenge would be fulfilled. The Council would never touch a single girl ever again. No one touches the journals. 

He was still staring, and it felt like a heavy thing, it made her wonder if he could hear all her thoughts and if he'd kill them all now if she asked.

She could ask, and no one would know.

"My family's journals." She said, "I don't want them anywhere near the Lockwoods, or anyone from the Council."

Elijah looked surprised at the sentiment, but he nodded, "As you wish." He murmured, taking his own sip from his drink.

"There's something else I want to ask," She was then glad that people were busy talking amongst themselves, having a cheerful christmas eve. "About us," She continued, she looked back down to her own glass. "I know that we're-" soulmates "that I'm-" your mate "-that we're anchors. But what does that, you know," she pointed from him to her, "What does that make us?"

"Anything you want." His voice was oddly thick and low. Aly had to lean forward both to hear him more and to stop a light shiver crawling up her back. "I ask nothing of you, dearest Alyssandra. Simply being near your presence is enough." 

Being near him right now was doing things in her brain. There was no pull on her wrist. She could think clearly, and there wasn't some third force present or anything like that. But she felt gravitated towards him, like he was the sun and she was the earth. She understood what he meant, being near him felt natural, like it was always supposed to be. No, her brain felt muddled because he kept looking at her like he was ready to pounce in any second.

You'd think that knowing your soulmate had a twin- was a doppelgänger, of all things- you'd get tired of seeing her face soon enough.

Except Elijah didn't look tired at all.

His words said that he was willing to wait, to see if she wanted more, and wait to whenever that'll be. But his eyes continued to devour her every move, and he looked hungry for more.

He looked like a starving man, and it all came from the intensity of his gaze.

Aly took another sip from her champagne, if only to break the spell. Blood swam up to her cheeks, making her flush. They were in a fucking christmas party, for goodness sakes. Granted, people were busy talking and acquainting with one another, but she still knew every person in the room.

"I agree," She said almost shyly. "It's nice, being near you, talking." This time, she couldn't help the smile that broke through her face. She refused to look back to him though. "I'm glad."

Elijah made a pleased sound from the back of his throat. A hum that made her head swim. His hand went up on it's own accord, almost like he wanted to hold her and she almost leaned towards him before it fell back to his side. "So am I." He said.

But her heart suddenly squeezed, and she thought of all the years he had spent wondering about the letters on his wrist. She thought back to her bedroom, and his expression when he told her about how he waited.

"I have another question," She couldn't help but bring it up, "I get that your name is on my wrist and everything but, how do you know that it's really me?" She had asked it slowly, cautiously. "Alyssandra isn't really that much of an uncommon name."

"The spell made it impossible for me to meet anyone else that shares it." Elijah explained to her, "I assure you, Alyssandra, that it's you." he said, "There were times where I'd go and try to find anyone who shared the same name. It's the true nature of the spell, I believe. Not that it'll lead you directly to me, but that it'll stop anyone who isn't."

"Your mom's really good at magic," She repeated, impressed. She frowned, thinking. "I'm guessing that when she turned you into vampires, the spell took unto effect, which led to vampire mates, right?"

"That'll be correct," Elijah nodded, "Though you surprised you caught that on quickly. It took us a while to find that conclusion when it started to happen."

Aly grinned, "I'm a pretty smart cookie." She tried to drink more of her champagne but frowned upon noticing that it had all gone. She quickly excused her way out from Elijah to get more, stepping back and blushing once again when she noticed that they were actually standing really close to each other.

She had never moved so fast to grab drinks.

But just about as she was to go back to Elijah, she had bumped into her least favorite vampire. She already knew that it was going to happen eventually, since she already saw him earlier.  Damon instantly whisked her away, leading her directly to the dance floor with a hand on her waist.

"What do you want, Damon?" She asked, exasperated that he had stolen her first dance of the night.

"I have a better question," He drawled out, "Why are you playing Juliet with one of the oldest vampires in existence?"

Her eyes met Elijah's from the other side of the room, rather the archway towards the fields. His jaw was entirely set, with his eyes narrowed down to Damon's head. His expression turned languid as he realized that she saw him.

"His name is Elijah," She threw back, just a little concerned on Damon's future well being. "And why do you care about who I hang out with? Go bother Katherine instead."

Hurt seemed to flash through his eyes, but it was brief. Aly was sure that she must've imagined it. He turned her, sidestepping against everyone else in the dance floor until they were tucked into a corner. Aly instantly lost sight of Elijah.

"Do you know that you're being remarkably stupid?" He didn't give her a chance for a rebuttal, "Don't you know what's going on? He wants to kill either you or Elena."

"Damon," she hissed, "You do realize that he's right there?"

"What's he gonna do?" Damon actually scoffed, "He won't kill me in front of all of these people, it'll ruin the almighty stick shoved far up his ass."

Alyssandra bit her lip, "Things are more complicated than that."

He twisted her again, and she twirled all the way into a room. He shut the door behind him. Aly crossed her arms, glaring heatedly at his blue eyes.

"You look stunning by the way," He said, in a weird turn of conversation, "In case you didn't already know. Blue suits you."

"Why are you being even more annoying?"

Damon shot her a look, not so different from the ones he kept giving her on the dancefloor. It screamed, 'You're so stupid and I'm always right.' "Did you forget what I just told you? He wants to kill you."

"Well there's a line for that," She snapped, "You don't know what's going on. Why do you even care? You've endangered me yourself a couple of times now."

"Actually, I'm well aware of what's going on." He snapped back, "His brother, the other Original, wants to use either you or Elena to break his curse. Yeah," he said to her look of surprise, "Katherine told me all about it. She also told me that he also promised her to 'save her'  before he bailed. You can't trust him just because his name is written on your wrist, Alyssandra. Let me guess, he told you that you're his magical mate or something."

Alyssandra gaped, surprised he'd bring that up. "Don't-"

"He's using you," Damon stated, "He wants you to trust him so that you'll offer yourself up for his bro's curse. You're not coming back from the little sacrifice, Alyssandra."

Aly's stomach churned, "Can you not?" Her voice wavered slightly in panic, she didn't like imagining herself dead. "Elijah's not going to let me die."

"I've talked to Sheila," He said, "Turns out, we're both on the same page in not wanting you walking down the death aisle. She said it's practically impossible to bring people back from the dead."

"Then why won't she tell me that herself?" She demanded angrily, "Why won't she talk to me?"

Damon's gaze softened, "Don't trust him." He said instead, "Don't listen to what he says. He's lying to you."

The door behind them burst open, and they both jumped in surprise. Elijah strolled inside the room with the occupants of the party behind them none-the-wiser. "Alyssandra," He greeted icily, "Has this man been bothering you?"

The real answer was yes. But Elijah's face was dark as he looked at Damon.

"We were just talking." She insisted, looking at them both warily. Damon glared at Elijah straight back.

"Just chatting," Damon agreed, he stood right next to her side. He had his body angled forward, as if he was ready to jump in front the moment Elijah got any closer. "Nice little party you've got going on with the Lockwoods. Can't say I'm impressed, especially with knowing what they turn into every full moon. Is that why you're really here? To have the werewolves close by?"

Aly turned sharply towards Damon with a frown on her face, "What?" She demanded, "The Lockwoods are werewolves?" She turned back to Elijah. Her head swam with the information, Tyler specifically. They weren't close anymore, but she knew that she wanted him to take no part in the supernatural world.

"Why won't you just stay focused on keeping both Alyssandra and Elena safe, and leave the rest to me?" Elijah deliberately avoided her gaze.

There was a warning behind his words, Aly didn't have to be a genius to figure that one out. She was sure Damon knew as well, but the man had a death wish. He took a menacing step forward, meeting Elijah's poker face head on. Aly's hand immediately reached out to his arm to stop him.

"Not good enough."

Elijah's patience wore thin, and in less of a blink, he had the younger vampire pinned against one of the pillars in chokehold. Aly gasped, rushing towards them immediately. Damon tried to put pressure against him as well, but Elijah had his hand removed with a single swat.

"Let him go." Aly quickly looked from the door and back at the duo. The wall croaked under the weight of Elijah's hold. "Elijah," She tried to steady her nerves, her heart was beating wildly. Anyone could easily come in. Elijah could easily kill him. "Let him go."

"You can't kill me man, it's not part of the deal." Damon gasped out, no doubt speaking about Elijah's promise on keeping them all safe.

"How dare you presume to know the nature of Alyssandra and I's relationship." Elijah's grip tightened, "To call me a liar in front of her? To say that I won't do everything in my power to keep her alive? I will not stand for such slander on my name."

Aly didn't know if she was pleased or horrified. But she grabbed his arm, the same one that had a hand wrapped around Damon's neck. He was an asshole, a backstabbing rat, but she-

She didn't want him dead. Despite all of her anger, she didn't think she wanted anyone dead. The Lockwoods and Damon included. Too many have already died that year.

"Please," She said, quietly. "Let him go, Elijah."

Elijah looked at her, unblinking and blank, she hardened her resolve with pursed lips. He dropped his arm, but not without sending Damon another glare. She kept a tight grip on his arm, almost pulling him away from the other man. Damon was quick to notice them conjoined, and Elijah actually pulled her closer to him, wrapping a hand around her waist.

His touch felt hot despite the barrier of her clothing. It's both a claim and a proclamation.

Alyssandra let out a haggard sigh, glaring at both men for different reasons. "I'm going to find Elena." She declared, pulling herself away from Elijah's grasps. She wondered what were the odds that Stefan shared all of Damon's sentiments. She didn't really know that much of him. Most especially, she wondered just how much she was left in the dark with everything that was going on.

She left them both in the room alone, trusting that Elijah wasn't going to kill Damon and that Damon won't provoke the Original even further.

posted: December 20, 2020

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