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By Shameless_Reads

3.9K 84 8

๐˜๐˜ต ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ด ๐˜ข ๐˜ค๐˜ข๐˜ณ ๐˜ธ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฌ... ๐˜๐˜ต ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฑ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ง๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ต, ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜จ๐˜ฉ๐˜ต ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ช๐˜ณ ๐˜ฆ๐˜บ๐˜ฆ... More



289 7 4
By Shameless_Reads

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After what seemed like forever, Chris and Ashley reunited with the rest of the group, "Holy shit, thank god," Lucy breathed out in relief when everyone was back together, "What took so long?" 

Chris took in a deep breath, shaking his head slowly, pointing behind him, "It's not good up there right now," He told the others. 

Lucy quickly noticed that the man who came into the house was not with Ashley and Chris, "Where's- where's the flamethrower dude?" 

"Ah... Yeah, he uh-" 

"He didn't make it?" Sam spoke up and seemed shocked.

"What happened?" Lucy jumped in as well, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. 

Chris seemed reluctant to tell the rest of the group, but, hiding it from them would be wrong, they had to know what they were dealing with, "The thing... It- it tore him apart, right in front of me!" 

"Oh my god..." 

Mike paced around, taking count of all the doors, he turned back around, facing the group, "These all the doors?" He questioned them.

Sam nodded, "Yeah..." She was a little confused about what he was doing.

Lucy watched him closely, "What are you doing, Mike?" 

"Looking for another way out," He replied, turning around to face her, Lucy let out a small sigh, not happy with that idea.

"Michael, is that a good idea? I mean, we should stay right here, until dawn. At least we're considerably safer down here-" 

"Oh, yeah? Sitting all wrapped like a little present with a bow on top for that thing to tear us apart on Christmas?"

Lucy looked him up and down, clearly upset, "People are coming for us in the morning... Emily said."

Mike returned her energy, looking her up and down as well, he took a small step forward, "You don't sound so sure." 

Lucy knew that everyone's nerves were high and he had every right ot be acting like he was, she was terrified and easily upset at the moment, she was ignoring the pain that was in her body, "Right, Em?" 

Emily looked up at the two of them, "Yeah, I mean... Right?" She didn't sound so sure either. 

Mike let out a scoff, "Well, you can wait, I'm leaving!" 

Lucy shook her head, she didn't feel like fighting with anyone, not even Mike, "Mike, there's no key for the cable car!" Emily quickly mentioned before he walked out, he stopped and looked back at her.

"Josh, he's gotta have it." 

Chris and Sam exchanged glances and Lucy looked up at Mike, "Josh?" 

"One of his dirty little tricks."

Sam stepped forward, "Great... Great!" She said in a frustrated tone and Lucy let out a small groan. 

Mike was lost in thought for a moment and paced around slowly, trying to think about what to do and what happened to Josh, "If that fucking thing got a hold of Josh, then- we're shit outta luck." 

Everyone stood and sat around silently, thinking about that possibility, Emily started to speak and Lucy looked up at her, "It's possible," She said to the others.

"What is?" Lucy asked her, even though she knew what she was getting at.

"It may have taken him down to the mine."

"What?" Mike turned to look at her.

"I saw some horrible stuff down there, I think it's where that things lives... and- huh..." 

Mike was over the talking, he was determined to just get off this mountain and out of danger, with everyone else. "Fuck it, I'm gonna get that key. Right from that thing's goddamned bedroom, and then I'm gonna get us all the hell out of here!" 

Lucy was growing frustrated, she just walked away from Mike towards a bag, "This that guy's bag?" She asked Emily, who nodded at her, Lucy dumped it out, "He knew a lot about that thing, he has to have something in here that will help," She noted and then she pulled out a map, "What the hell," She softly said, she pulled out some newspaper clippings and other notes as well.

Mike walked over, standing next to her, looking down at the map, "I was down there, it was horrible," Mike noted and Lucy looked over her shoulder, a concerned look on her face.

"What, you were?" 

"Some off them survived, but- like, fifteen of them didn't make it, there was this reporter and I think he figured out there had been some- like- big cover-up going on... I found these plans, they knew the mines were a death trap, but they let the miners keep working anyway, and... I'm not sure what it means, but, I found this chair, with dried blood all over the place- somebody'd been tortured," Lucy looked back down at the items in front of her, "I'm just saying it's weird how much crazy shit's gone up here." 

Emily pointed out a tunnel on the map, "What's weird is there's a tunnel leading from the lodge to the Sanatorium, see?" 

Mike nodded, "That's how I got back here." 

"I saw this when I was down there, that's where it lives," Emily pointed at an area at the map, as she was leaning forward, Ashley noticed a wound on her shoulder, she started backing up slowly, she raised a shaky hand, pointing at Emily.

"Em, what is that?" Ashley asked her and Emily looked down at her chest. 

"Huh?" Emily touched her wound and Ashley grew more and more nervous.

"What is that!" 

"Ash..." Emily tried to calm her down, she didn't want to draw so much attention to her injury. 

"Em! Oh, my god, oh my god!" Ashley was in a full panic now, she was losing her mind. 

"It's nothing it bit me and-" 

Ashley stopped her from speaking any more, "It bit you? What bit you!" 

Emily itched the back of her head nervously and everyone stood there, staring at her, waiting for any sort of answer, "The uh- the Wendigo..."

Lucy felt the same panic that Ashley was at this moment, "The- the what?" She questioned her.

"It's nothing! Really, it's not a big deal!"

Sam stepped forward, looking at Emily's wound, she clearly wasn't as worked up as the rest of them, she just wanted to check up on her friend, "Are you okay?"

Mike ran his hand through his hair and started to pace nervously, "Shit..." 

Emily still tried to calm everyone down, she just assumed that everyone was worried about if she was hurt or not, "It doesn't hurt anymore, really, it's not that bad," Emily touched her wound, Mike shook his head at her.

"If that thing bit you..." 

""I know what you're thinking and- and I'm fine."

Lucy looked at the bite, then up at Emily's face, "Are you sure?" 


Sam took another step towards Emily and she backed up a little as she approached, "Emily, at least let us check it out..." 

Mike was pacing again, "Emily, if the Wendigo bit you, you could turn into one of those things," Mike tried to sound calm, but, Lucy could tell he was worried and panicked.

"Oh, that is ridiculous!" Sam aruged, she was trying to make reason with everyone, she didn't believe that for a second. 

Ashley started to nod, she was agreeing with Mike, "He said it was from eating each other, remember he said that!" 

Sam's expression changed pretty quickly, she looked over to Ashley, "Wait... is that how it worked?"

"I- I think she's right," Lucy said quietly, "It happens if it bites you... Em, oh- I don't want to freak you out, you might turn on us!" 

Mike pointed at Emily, "You can't be down here with us," He said to her, his tone was stern. 

"What!?" Emily shouted at him, mostly in fear of being sent out of the safe place.

Sam turned around quickly to look at Mike as well, "Mike!" 

Mike ignored them both, he shook his head, frustrated, "You have to go."

Emily looked around at the rest of the group, then she laughed a little, "Are you kidding me?" 

Lucy felt Mike put his hand on her wrist, moving her behind him, "You are putting us all in danger."

Emily noticed how protective of Lucy he was being, "Like hell I am! You only care about her, don't put your big man act on for everyone else!" 

Mike started to grow angry with her, he looked her dead in the eye, "Emily. You can't stay here!" 

Sam stepped in between the pair of them, "Mike, just cool your head, okay? We don't know if it works like that, maybe it's just a bite!" 

Chris broke his silence in the midst of the chaos, "I've seen what these fuckers can do..." His eyes told all, the horror he saw earlier after the stranger was killed in front of him, "I don't want to see it again."

Emily started to back up, trying to get a read on everyone, "What is this?" She asked as Mike neared her, "Guys, what are you doing?" 

Lucy looked over to Mike as he eyed down Emily, "Door's right here...  I am letting you do this voluntarily." 

Emily let out a pained laughed, "Oh, no! You're just making yourself feel better about sending me to my death since you know there's a wendigo out there... It'll rip me to pieces like-"

Ashley cut her off quickly, "Oh, my god! Will you just go? Go! Get out of here!" She pointed at the door and Emily looked over to her for a second before Mike pulled out a pistol and pointed it Emily.

Lucy jumped back a little as he did this, "Whoa!" She shouted as he did this, she didn't expect him to pull a gun on someone, even with everyone this on edge about the situation.

Emily backed up, sitting on a table behind her,  "Okay..." She said quietly, clearly scared of the barrel that was pointed at her.

Sam put her hands up to try to calm down Mike, "Whoa... Mike, calm down!" 

Emily looked at Mike, "You're going to shoot me? Mike, me?" Even though her voice sounded stern, Lucy could see the glint of fear in her eyes. 

"This is the safe room, Em!" Mike shouted at her, Emily started to break down now. 


Lucy stood behind Mike, feeling the fear that Emily was fearing, she felt like she couldn't recognize Mike at this moment, he was a totally different person, "It's not safe as long as you're in it... not for us!" 

Emily had tears running down her face at this point, she already faced death while she was out there alone, now she was facing it at the hands of someone she trusted, "Don't do this... Do- Don't!" 

"I'm really sorry," Mike said quietly, but after keeping the gun pointed at her for a few seconds, he lowered it and turned around, frustrated, "Fuck- I can't do this..." He shoved the gun away and Lucy put a hand on his arm, doing her best to calm him down even more.

"Oh my god!" Emily cried out, pulling her legs to her chest.

"You did the right thing, Michael, it's okay," Lucy ran her hand down his arm and he let out a frustrated groan. 

"I hope you did," Ashley continued to fear Emily and what could happen in the near future.

"Maybe- for now, shit..." Mike complained, "Fuck!" He was mad at himself for even thinking about pulling the trigger on Emily, especially in front of everyone, "Keep an eye on her, if you see anything weird, you... you guys know what to do." 


Mike took in a deep breath, he looked down at Lucy for a moment, "No one leave, okay? It's not safe out there... I'll be back soon," He kept his eyes on Lucy as he said this.

"You- you're going out there alone? I have to come!" She pleaded with him, not wanting him to be out there alone.

"You've been through hell, you need to relax and build your strength, I'll come back," He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket, somehow he kept it on him this whole time, he placed it in her hand, "Now, I'll be back for this, okay?" Lucy looked down at the wallet for a moment and then back up at him, "And I'll be back for you," He leaned down, placing a kiss on her lips before he walked away, leaving the basement. 

"I thought he was going to help us," Emily said, this brought Lucy's attention back to the others.

"The flamethrower dude?" Lucy questioned her.

"Now we don't have a chance!" 

"No, guys, it just means we've got to be tough, we gotta do this on our own," Sam said to the others and everyone seemed a little reluctant. 

Lucy walked away from the others and picked up a journal, "I'm sure this will give us some kind of information," She said out loud as she sat down, opening it to the first page. As she looked over the pages, she picked out an interesting part, "Guys... This says that since the Wendigos are mutated from humans..." She brushed her finger along the page, "When they hunt us... They know how to perfectly mimic their prey..." She continued to read on, then she found the information about Wendigo bites, "Emily!" She quickly turned around, walking towards her, "It says- it says if one bites you- that- it says that it's not infections, it doesn't do anything!" 

Sam walked over quickly, "Let me see that," She said, taking the journal from Lucy.

Emily focused on Lucy, "What did you say? 

"Emily, you'll be okay!" 

Sam nodded and looked up at her, "You're going to be fine."

Emily let out a scoff, "Fine!?" She looked over at Lucy, her eyes narrowed on her, "You're- you're fucking boyfriend, what ever he is to you, he almost fucking shot me! Mike almost shot me! Is that fine?" 

"He didn't shoot-" Lucy tried to speak but Emily cut her off.

"And you almost let him! And so did this bitch!" Emily pointed Ashley, who backed up from her stare.

"Hey! That is not fair, they were scared-" 

Emily kept cutting people off, clearly very upset about the whole situation, she had a right to be upset, but, she was determined to take it out on everyone, "I'm the one who's scared!" 

Ashley let out a small breath of air, "I'm sorry- I am sorry Emily, I didn't- we didn't know what was going to happen!"

Emily glared at her, "There's no excuse! There is no excuse for this!" 

"Emily! Try to understand!" Lucy shouted at her, Emily quickly turned to look at her.

"Understand the palm of my hand, bitch," Emily said before hitting her, Lucy let out a gasp, putting her hand on her cheek. 

Sam was busy reading the rest of the journal while everyone argued, she quickly turned around, "Shit... Shit, shit, we have to get to Mike, like now!" 

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