Me and You // Ronarry {Discon...

By onyxjay

79K 2.9K 2.6K

Harry's fourth year had only been the beginning. Now he has to do everything he can to ensure Voldemort is de... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Reading Checkpoint
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24

Part 14

2K 102 108
By onyxjay

The moment I've been waiting for for twelve years in quarantine!!

Summary: Harry's O.W.Ls end with a bang — well, vision.

Pretty soon, fifth year O.W.L.s were upon them. Poor Hermione was at her wit's end, despite taking less classes than her third year. She had Harry quiz her, which proved to be a mistake when she snatched Achievements in Charming in such a state of panic the book hit Harry in the nose. Thankfully, Ron was there to kiss it better.

The night before exams, Harry went to bed early, pressing his face against Ron's chest and letting his heartbeat lull him to sleep. After exams were over, he was not going to let Ron out of his sight for a week.

A loud yell broke the silence of the Great Hall. Whipping around, Ron was just in time to see Harry collapse onto the floor. His eyes shot open, and Ron was unnerved by the mixture of fear and — was that excitement? — in his eyes.

Professor Tofty hauled Harry to his feet and began taking him out of the Hall. "Carry on!" he called over his shoulder. "You still have a few minutes left."

But no one seemed to be able to concentrate; not even Hermione returned her attention to her examination paper. Her eyes sought out Ron's, an unspoken question in them. Ron gave the tiniest of nods.

As soon as they were released, Ron and Hermione hurried out of the Great Hall. They had just reached the top of the marble staircase when Harry crashed into Ron's arms.

"Where have you been?" Ron demanded.

For a few seconds, all Harry did was clutch at Ron, panting. Then he lifted his head. "Come with me. Come on, I've got to tell you something."

He led them into an empty classroom and explained what he saw in a rush. Ron felt something unplesant squirming around in his stomach. Voldemort had Sirius... and he had gotten into Harry's head just long enough to show this... Something was off.

"How're we going to get there?" Harry's voice broke into his thoughts.

"W-what?" Hermione said.

"Get to the Department of Mysteries, so we can rescue Sirius!" Harry said.

Hermione looked frightened. "Harry, er... how... how did Voldemort get into the Ministry of Magic without anybody realizing he was there?"

That was a good point, Ron mused as Harry snapped at her. The Ministry was full of workers. He didn't doubt Voldemort knew how to conceal himself, but surely he wouldn't risk it. Besides, what if Voldemort knew Harry could slip into his mind, albeit unwillingly and unknowingly? It wouldn't take much to deduce how much Harry cared about Sirius. And Ron didn't think that Sirius, as restless as he may be, would risk going out and endangering himself for the sake of alleviating his boredom. His eyes landed on the window, where the reflection of the jar on the sill glistened faintly.

"The mirror," he said, mostly to himself.

Harry whipped around to face him; beside him, Hermione looked deeply relieved she no longer had Harry's wrath on her.

"If Voldemort has him —"

"If You-Know-Who doesn't have him," Ron interrupted, "then Sirius will answer and he can figure out what to do next."

Harry stared at him uncomprehendingly. His shoulders settled somewhat. "But the vision... It felt so real..."

"That's the whole point of the vision," Hermione pointed out tentatively, backing away as Harry swung his head back around to her.

"Look," Ron said before he could shout at her again, "it won't take long. We'll call him and if he doesn't answer, then the vision was probably true and... V-Voldemort has him."

It took more effort than Ron would have liked to say the name, but it caught Harry's attention. His shoulders slumped as if all the fight had drained out of him. "All right. Let's go."

He led the way to the dorms and opened his trunk, revealing the two-way mirror.

Harry looked at Ron, who nodded.


Seconds passed, then his reflection disappeared and was replaced by another face.

"Sirius!" Harry gasped, dropping the mirror in sheer relief. "Thank God you're all right!"

"What do you mean? Harry, what's wrong?" Sirius craned his neck to see him.

"He had a vision during exams," Ron explained, taking the mirror and moving it into a better position. His gut instinct had been right again. "Voldemort had you in the Department of Mysteries."

"What?" Lupin's face appeared next to Sirius'. "Harry, you had a vision?" he said, not noticing the disgruntled look on Sirius' face at being pushed aside.


Lupin closed his eyes briefly. "This was why Headmaster Dumbledore wanted you to learn Occlumency."

"But that's not important right now," Sirius said, moving back so his head bumped against Lupin's. "You three, stay put. We'll deal with Voldemort."

"And tell me when you come back?" Harry said hopefully.

"As soon as I can, yes. Come on, Remus."

And they were gone.

For a long moment, Harry stared at the mirror. Then he spoke. "You were right," he murmured, turning to Ron. His eyes were filled with gratitude.

"Well, I didn't know for certain," Ron pointed out, glancing over at Hermione.

"But it was your idea to get what Sirius got me," Harry persisted. His eyes bore into Ron's as if willing to make him understand. "He's safe. We're safe. No harm was done." He turned to Hermione. "I'm sorry," he began.

"It's all right," she said, raising her chin slightly. "You were worried. But now we know."

Ron took Harry's hands in his own. It was only then did Harry realize they were shaking. "Come on," said Ron in a gentle voice much like his mother's when she wasn't yelling at the twins. "Exams are over with. We can relax."

This time, it was Ron who led them out. He didn't let go of Harry's hand for a moment.

They came across Ginny and Luna, the latter of which looked as though she were drifting about.

"You okay?" Ginny asked. "We heard you were running about."

"Voldemort sent a false vision of Sirius being tortured," Ron explained.

Ginny stared. "How did you know it was fake?"

"We didn't," Harry said as they continued to move. "But Sirius gave me this mirror that acts like a telephone —"

"Fellyphone," Ron put in helpfully.

Harry nudged Ron, who snickered. "Telephone, and he answered."

"When you say Sirius, are you talking about Stubby Boardman?" Luna asked.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Yes, that's him," she said, but if Luna caught the sarcastic edge to her voice, she didn't comment on it.

As they continued through the corridor, Harry turned to Ron. "Do you think he'll be okay?"

Ron nodded. "Positive."

Harry didn't question how he was so sure.

Saving people, changing canon — the Onyx business.

(Except for Cedric*, who's in the background being done with my sh*t)

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