Witch Academy | TaeKook ✓

Oleh pohpih

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Considering his past, it had never been Jungkook's intention to put himself at risk, or to get involved in da... Lebih Banyak



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Oleh pohpih

"You can't tell a single word about this to Taehyung! Not a word!"

Lucifer blinked a couple times before tilting his head.

"Why not? If anything- it would make you two get closer-"

Jungkook shook his head.

"No- absolutely not! If anything- as you said- he would hate me for it! You don't get it... he has been trapped by this deamon his entire life and when he finds out that his life was already destined to be like this- then he'll have more the reason to hate me for it!"

Lucifer sighed, rolling his eyes.

"You people are too dramatic. Is that what i get for giving you immortality and powers? Well to hell with it-"

Jungkook frowned.

"It's not like you're soo innocent either! Can't believe you'd trap a deamon in someone who believes in you-"

Lucifer squinted his eyes, simply astonished with the amount of nerve Jungkook had to go against him.

"Hey. It was not my fault. If you remember, his father was the one who did this to him. And i just happened to find the perfect oppurtunity to make use of it. And what do you know- it worked."

Jungkook covered his face in his hands. This was too much to take.

"Unbelievable. Can't believe you'd pull others down just to annoy your father..."

Lucifer shrugged.

"I'm not the only one with father issues here alright? And fine- i won't tell anyone else about this."

Jungkook opened his eyes and glared at him. This man was seriously unbelievable.

"Good i guess..."

Lucifer looked behind him at the door and then at Jungkook.
It seemed as if he was in a hurry.

"Then i must take my leave- say hello to Taehyung for me..."

Jungkook frowned.

"...or not. Well then, have a fun time. We'll see each other again."

After taking his leave, Jungkook was left alone to his toughts. The thoughs of telling Taehyung about it seemed to come astray his mind. He could never. But he knew that he would distance himself from him if he told him the truth. So it was best to keep it secret. For now at least... and if the time ever came to tell him the truth... then for shure... he had to be the one to do so. It was the only right was after all.

                            𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

The walk home was silent. Jungkook would catch Taehyung's quick stares at him, wondering if he should ask if something was wrong. But the question was Taehyung's right to ask, so he did.

"H-hey... you haven't spoken to me ever since you got out the cave... is everything all right?"

In all honesty, Jungkook could not really look at his face. Lying wasn't the problem, from his past experience, he was almost perfect at it. The thing was, the fear of dissapointing Taehyung. It scared him. He was just about to have him yet... all he could do now was just walk beside him with a facade. How pitiful, he tought as he looked at the ground. It was becoming colder... snow was near. All the more to be repressed about.

"It's just the truth. I'm not entirely shure if you'll be okay with the outcome. I'm worried."

As they slowly arrived before the house, Jungkook stopped at his steps. Taehyung sighed.

"Jungkook... you have wished to save me instead of being selfish. You have protected me from harm and helped me fix this. You were there when i needed the most... so whatever the outcome, i'm shure i can hold onto living. As long as you're with me... i'll be fine."

Looking into his eyes, Jungkook's heart ached. There was no way he could tell him the truth. It would hurt him. But if he didn' now... maybe things would get worse.
But that was not thr problem right now. He had to save Taehyung and that was his top priority.
Leaving his conflicted toughts aside he took in a deep breath and exhaled softly into the air. Right, he had to save Taehyung. That was the reason why he came all the way here with him anyways.

Looking up at the house, he squinted his eyes.

"Then... do something for me. Can you strengthen the barrier around the house?"

He wasn't exactly shure why he asked that but... he trusted Jungkook. And without questions, he slightly raises his hand up and thickened the barriers strength. It was on full max.

Looking back at Taehyung in relief, Jungkook raises his hand up to grab his. He then pulled Taehyung's hand to his lips before kissing it.

"Your father won't be home tonight right?"

Taehyung's eyes widened as a slight blush creeped up on his cheeks. Was he actually asking about...

"N-no... why?"

Jungkook smirked as he leaned in close and pulled him to his chest by his waist.

"Relax your body... i've been waiting for a long time to do this..."

Taehyung's breath softly hitched as Jungkook's face started to come closer. It was getting dangerously close...

"But i tought that you were going to wait until the deamon was-"

Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's chin and breathed onto his lips.

"Stop talking and thinking... and lean in my arms..."

Before he even could swallow, Jungkook suddenly leaned in, closing the gap betweeb their lips.
Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut, feeling the soft breeze behind him, push hin towards Jungkook's arms. And naturally, he leaned onto him, cupping his cheeks.

Jungkook slowly mooved their lips, covering them in their mixed-warm saliva. The kissing had become sloppy as their breathless bodies embraced themselves into each other's warmth.

Jungkook's lips were soo warm and welcoming that Taehyung couldn't help himself fall weak to his touch- maybe a bit too weak.

Slowly, realizing Taehyung' grip weaken around his face, Jugkook broke the kiss to let him take a breather.

"I-i feel... weird. It's like my insides are being emptied out... ahh..."

His soft moan was just a lullaby to Jungkook's ears, making him smile.
The kissing must've been working.

Pulling his face back up from his chin, Jungkook looked into his eyes.

"Let's continue... i want to kiss you more."

Feeling a tremble go against his spine, Taehyung couldn't resist the temptation to kiss him yet again. But this time, the kiss went on for longer than before.
Both of them breathed info each others mouth as the salive dripped down their chin, down to their neck. Both of their bodies were hot... especially Taehyung's. He was feeling weird yet maybe that was his misinterpretarion of pleasure. So he hoped at least.

But only then did he realize that he was wrong. This was no pleasure but pain. It had started to sting everywhere but was unable to let go of Jungkook's arms.

As his legs fell weak, he suddenly felt a pull from his chest which got out in a suddeb second, leaving him in relief and relaxed.
Breaking the kiss, Jungkook pulled Taehyung up and started to look around in worry.

Meanwhile Taeyung looked at his hands and then back at the ground.
His eyes were getting droopy as he mouthed the words with soft wispers.

"Jungkook... i feel weak....nhh..."

And he was fast to fall asleep, which Jungkook realized almost immediently. So he quickly pulled hin up in his arms and walked outside the barrier togethee with him. He went under a big tree to lay Taehyung down at and wrapped him in his jacket.

He then softly carressed his forehead with his finger.

"The kiss was tastefull... hope you'll remember it by the time you wake up. Then maybe i can swarm you more in my embrace. And... i'm sorry. Hope you can forgive me for being selfish and not telling the truth... i don't think i want to loose you after all."

After that he pulled himself up and walked back into the barrier. He slowly glanced at Taehyung who was far away back before facing the house again.

He raised his arms up and started to extract his magic onto the barrier making it stronger. Now, with the deamon trapped inside the barrier for all eternity, Jungkook had no choice but to kill her, in order to go back to Taehyung to.

Taking a deep breath in, he looked at the door.

"Revenge does feel good somethimes... i hope i don't do such a big mess as i did in the past though.. well then, excuse my intrusion."

                           𖤐𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝙰𝚌𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚖𝚢𖤐

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes to find himself lying on the ground beneath a tree. His father was right before him. His face relaxed in relief upon seeing him wake up.

"Thank satan- what are you doing out here?"

Taehyung was just as confused to find himself lying down there. But then he remembered the last night. They had kissed. No way...

His eyes widened as he covered his mouth with his hand. The sudden blush on his cheeks made Lee a bit anxious.
He slowly stood up and placed his hand on the barrier.

"And why did you make the barrier so thick? Even a deamon escale through tha-"

Lee paused.
Taehyung meanwhile quickly stood up to check his body.

His body felt soo light and comftable that he was almost as much as... free. He felt free.

He couldn't help but smile. The deamon was definetly gone from him. He was... all alone. One soul, one body.

Raising his head quickly back up, he pulled down the barrier and rushed inside the house. Lee followed from behind.

Soon after entering they found Jungkook on the ground. He was... asleep?

Taehyung's face was consumed by worry as he sat down and pulled Jungkook's head on his thighs.

"Jungkook- hey... open your eyes..."

Jungkook goraned a bit before slowly opening his eyes.

"Ahh... you're okay- what happened? Did you catch the deamon?"

Lee gave out a laugh from the other side of the room as he crouched down. The deamons body was laying on the ground, as black as coal. It must've beeb because of the magical impact he tought.

"It seems so... how peculiar though. So this is the way of a warlock with forbidden spells. You have eraned my comlete trust Jungkook- oh.."

Upon turning back around he saw Taehyung carressing Jungkook's cheek as his tears fell down his cheeks. He had never seen his son cry like that before... it was new.

"You should've gotten help... *sniffles* now you got hurt because of me..."

Jungkook smiled as a tear fell down on his cheek. He then slowly sat up, groaning in the process.
He opened his shirt to reveal his chest.

"It's fine... it's just a scratch see-"

Taehyung suddenly frowned.

"No way that's just a scratch-"

Jungkook's eyes softened as he watched Taehyung suddenly sneeze, to which, Lee reacted.

"It's not your place to scold him when you yourself have been freezing to death outside all night. So go take a warm bath and i'll heal Jungkook. Go now."

Taehyung swallowed, watching Jungkook's eyes fall on him. He leaned in and kissed his forehead.

"Listen to him- i'll be fine."

Taehyung nodded before standing up and walking away. Meanwhile Lee reached his hand out for Jungkook to grap.

"You shure did have a big effect on my son. I'm starting to wonder if it's just friendship between you two."

Jungkook averted his gaze as they made their way to the living room.

"We are... closer. I care for him."

Lee smiled.

"I can see that- take a seat there- i'm not completely oblivious to not see the deeds you've done for my son. He is... free now. I did have a feeling you would help."

Jungkook took off his shirt as he sat down on the couch. Meanwhile Lee took his coat off and stood before Jungkook, readying his hands.

"You know Jungkook... i'm depted to you. You did something so grand... which many failed at. I'm greatfull for you joining Taehyung's life... and i'm shure he's as much."

Jungkook smiled, looking down.
While Lee started to heal his wound with the flick of his finger, Jungkook fiddled with his fingers quietly.

He remined himself of last night... and their kiss. It had felt the most incredible. He had never kissed before but doing it with Taehyung made him feel the need to learn.
He wondered what kind of a lewd face he would make if he kissed him diffrently.

Did Taehyung feel good? Did he like the kiss? As those toughts continued to linger in his mind, he couldn't hell but worry. But then again, Taehyung could probay not compare their kiss to anyone as well. After all, he was just as inexperienced.
But he himself knew that their kissing wasn't so bad. It was good enough.

"How can one get better at kissing?"

Lee blinked a couple times, and then smiled.

"Oh? Coming to me for advice? Well... practice makes better but- if you're bad at it already and your partner is also inexperienced then it can't get any better."

Jungkook started swining his legs, toughtfull. After a moment of silence Lee sighed.

"Well... there is this spell-"

Jungkook's eyes widened as he suddenly seemed interested.

"It's pretty old and... an old friend of mine created in order to please his partner. And after the spell wears off you become almost a pro."

Jungkook nodded as Lee finished the healing and started to walk towards his desk.

"So... how about you? Did you try it?"

Lee simply scoffed.

"Do i look like a man who needs tips on how to act experienced? Jungkook-"

He knew very well that he was about to explain it to him so before he could, Jungkook stopped him.

Sighing, Lee walked back to Jungkook with a piece of paper.

"It's written on here and- the spell wears off in a week. So no kissing in that time or you might ruin it. Your body needs to adapt after all."

Jungkook nodded, pushing the paper in his pant pocket.
He knew very well how hard it was going to be to refrain himself from kissing Taehyung... after finally they have gotten together... had they? He had still yet to confirm it.

So he slowly stood up ready to leave.

"Tell Taehyung to not to come to the academy for a day or two- he needs to take it easy."

Lee looked at Jungkook.

"You won't be staying? I'm shure he'll need some affection after what happened."

Jungkook smiled, pausing at the doorway.

"Then what use will the spell be of?"

Lee smirked. Young love was shure aggresive.

"And besides... i'm shure he'd like to have some alone time to enjoy his first days of complete freedom. He needs it."

Understandable. But it was also nice of Jungkook to think of his needs. Lee was almost about to say that he understood Taehyung better than him but... it was better if he figured it out himself.

Waving him out, his eyed fell back on the deamon's almost rotten body before sighing. Deamons bodies rotted faster than earthlings.
He had some cleaning to do huh... the place was a bit of a mess thanks to a peculiar someone but... he could manage. He had magic after all.

                                                  To be continued...

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