LETTERS, harry potter

Por TheamazaynGirl

99.5K 4.5K 872

( 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 ) 🐧🍁🌕 ― her words touched his heart. in which the golden boy finds himself falling for a... Más

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thirty three
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- forty seven -
- forty eight -

- eleven -

2.3K 109 44
Por TheamazaynGirl


Harry ran up the stairs, the three others following him as he explained,"We'll have to use the Floo Network. It's the only way we can get in."

"Umbridge has the chimneys under surveillance"Hermione reminded.

Harry shook his head, a small smirk on his face as he said," Not all of them." He lead them to Umbridge's office and stopped at the door.

"Alohamora"Harry whispered after pulling out his wand and the door opened. They ran inside as Harry ordered," Alert the order if you can. I'm going alone."

Stella cleared her throat, reminding him that she needs to go too. Harry realised his mistake as he corrected his sentence,"Just me and Stella are going." 

"Are you mental?"Ron exclaimed,"We're going with you!"

"Its dangerous"Harry stated, kneeling beside the fireplace.

"When are you going to get in your head?"Hermione scolded,"We're in this together." Stella smiled at the deep bond of their friendship but it was replaced by an alerting frown when she heard the pink poof's voice. 

"That you are."

The quartet turned around to find Umbridge standing by the doorway, her clothes covered with a filthy layer of dirt. 

"Get them."She ordered and the squad rushed up to the quartet, seizing their arms. 

She flicked her wand, moving the two chairs at the centre of the room,"Put the Potter boy in this seat. I want to have a little chat with him."

The straps snapped as soon as Harry's arm touched the chair, capturing him.

"Caught this one trying to help the Weasely girl." Stella looked at the door, where stood Draco pushing Neville into the room, along with Ginny and Luna behind them.

Draco's eyes widened in shock as he threw a nasty glare at the pretty parkinson. 

"You were going to Dumbledore, weren't you?"Umbridge asked Harry. Harry lifted his head up, stared at her for a moment before replying," No."

"Liar!"She hissed, slapping Harry across his face. Stella clenched her fist as she struggled under the strong Slytherin's grasp.

"Don't fucking touch him!" Stella screamed, her eyes burning with fury. 

"Shut up!" Umbridge yelled, slapping the girl straight across her face. 

"You sent for me, Headmistress."A voice spoke up, earning Umbridge's attention. 

"Snape, yes."Nodded Umbridge,"The time has come for answers, whether they want to give them or not. Have you brought the veritaserum?"

"I'm afraid, you've used up all my stores interrogating students"He spoke calmly," The last of it on Miss Cho chang, unless you wish to poison them - and i assure you, i would have the greatest sympathy if you did-I cannot help you."

Snape then turned to leave when Harry shouted,"He's got padfoot!! He's got padfoot where it is hidden."Professor Snape stopped when he heard Harry.

"Padfoot?"Umbridge repeated, looking curiously at Snape,"What is Padfoot? Where what is hidden? What is he talking about Snape?"

Snape stared at Harry for a second before replying,"No idea." and walked out.
Umbridge looked angry as she started, "Very well. You have given me no choice. As this is an issue of the Ministry security, you leave me with no alternative.. The cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongues."

"Bloody idiot! That's illegal! Stella screamed again, loosing the control over herself.

"What Cornellius doesn't know won't hurt him."Umbridge replied as she turned Fudge's picture down. She then returned to Harry and raised her wand but Hermione stopped her as she cried,"Tell her!"

"Tell me what?"Umbridge asked, looking at Hermione. "Well if you won't tell where it is.."
Hermione trailed off,".. I will."

"Where what is?"Umbridge asked impatiently.

 "Dumbledore's secret weapon."

Stella was as confused as Umbridge. 

Ten minutes passed but Umbridge, Harry and Hermione were still not back. Ron took out some sweets as Crabbe and Goyle suspiciously looked at him. 

"What? I'm hungry." Ron stated but Goyle snatched it from his hand and distributing it to other Slytherins.

Every Slytherin, including Draco took a sweet as they clutched their stomach after eating it. 

"What the heck happened to them!" Stella shrieked, looking around. 

"Puking pastilles." Ron winked, earning a 'wow' from Stella.

 "come on. We've had to get to Harry and Hermione."Ron stated, running out as everyone followed. 

They sprinted down the stairs and met Harry and Hermione. Stella wanted to ask about Umbridge but looking at the condition, she decided otherwise.

"So how are we getting to London?"Neville asked.

"Look, it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've gone, all of you", Harry started, "But I've got you into enough trouble." He started walking away from the group when Stella gave all of her friends a last look before catching up with Harry.

"Dumbledore's army supposed to do something real", Neville said as both of us stopped, "Or was that all just words to you?"

Ron stepped forward as he spoke politely, "Maybe you don't have to do this all by yourself."

Harry sighed knowing that there was no point in arguing."How are we going to get to London then?"

"We fly,Of course."Luna replied simply as Stella raised her eyebrows. 


"This is it." Harry muttered as the seven of them stood in the department of ministry. Slowly and cautiously, Harry, followed by his friends, walked up to the door. Everybody held out their wands while Harry twisted the Knob and opened the door, revealing high shelves full of glowing crystal balls. 

"Row ninety seven." Harry muttered, walking forward to find it. 

Suddenly the door closed with a loud, making everybody jump. Harry jogged forward as Stella followed him. 

She stopped at the 90th row when she heard a voice. Her eyes fell on the crystal ball, resting on the shelves in which a white mist swirled. 

The words 'STELLA EVELYN AND TOM MORVOLLO RIDDLE' were engraved on it. She picked up the ball in her embrace when the voice continued," the daughter of the most powerful wizard in the world. She has immense and extraordinary powers which could even defeat her father. She can join the one who has the power to vanquish the dark Lord or maybe she will join the dark Lord....." 

"Stella!" Harry exclaimed causing her to drop the ball she was holding to fall but before it could touch the ground, Harry caught it and kept it back.

"Come on." He urged as Stella nodded, sweat beads forming on her forehead. She was completely shook by the prophecy she just heard. 

When the two of them reached the ninety seventh row, they found it to be empty. They jogged to the others who were worried. 

"He should be here." Harry exclaimed as Stella looked around for any source of her father. The prophecy she just heard was messing with her head but she tried not to concentrate on it at that time.

 Harry picked out a crystal ball which read 'HARRY JAMES POTTER AND TOM MORVOLLO RIDDLE

"The one with the power to vanquish The Dark Lord shall mark them as his equals, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not.. For either one can live while the other survives." Harry gulped as he listened to the voices. 

A dark figure appeared in front of them as Stella gasped. Harry ran forward, with the prophecy in his hand as he angrily asked," Where's Sirius?"

"You know, you should really learn the difference between dream and reality" The tall death eater then raised his wand and removed the mask from his face. Stella let out a gasp as she realised that they were trapped. 

"You saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see. Hand me the prophecy now."
Stella hid behind others, trying to block herself from Lucius Malfoy as if he sees her, Lucius will tell her father and she'll get scolded. 

"If you do anything to us, I'll break it"Harry warned.

An evil laughter came from behind Lucius Malfoy as Bellatrix Lestrange walked out, standing besides him. "Little boy knows how to play"Bellatrix teased," Itty..... bitty... Baby potter." 

"Bellatrix Lestrange" Neville murmured, turning Bellatrix's attention towards himself.

"Neville Longbottom, is it?" She asked and then mocked, "How's mom and dad?"

"Better now they're to be avenged." He grunted, taking a step forward but Harry stopped him. Bellatrix pointed her wand at him. 

"Now lets everbody just calm down, shall we?"Lucius said and Harry lowered his wand," All we want is that Prophecy."

"Why did Voldemort want us to come and get this?"Harry asked.

"You dare speak his name!" Bellatrix hissed," You filthy - half blood."

"It's okay"Lucius stated,"you're a curious lad, aren't you? Prophecies can only be retrieved by those to whom they are made. Which is lucky for you, really. Haven't you always wondered what was the reason of connection between you and the Dark Lord? Why he was unable to kill you when you were just a infant? Don't you want to know the secret of your scar?"

More and more Death eaters joined them."All the answers are there Potter, right in your hand. All you have to do is to give me. I can show you everything." Harry gave a look at the ball and then turned to look at his friends. 

"I've waited fourteen years for this." Harry said, still looking at the ball. 

"I know.."Lucius said with fake sympathy in his voice as he held out his hand.

"I guess I can wait a little longer"Harry said looking directly at him.

"NOW!"Harry yelled as all of them raised their wand and cried,"Stupefy!" sending the death eaters flying backwards. 

Everybody scampered around, running for their lives as the crystal balls started breaking. Stella was about to turn the corner when she saw Lucius Malfoy in front of her. 

"Hiding, are we?" He smirked, taking a step towards her,"Don't worry I won't hurt you. I won't dare to. You're important." 

"W-What do you mean?" Stella stuttered, taking a step back. 

"You didn't listen the prophecy?" He asked, taking a step forward.

"Stella!" Ron yelled, throwing a spell at Lucius which hit him in the leg and he fell down. Ron took this as an opportunity and grabbed Stella's hand before dragging her with him. 

The seven of the students came to a hault in front of a door as Hermione opened it and everyone jumped. 

Stella was about to follow the rest of the group when suddenly somebody pulled her away from the door. She turned around, only to be met by a short, stout man whose teeth were like rats.

"Leave me!" Stella screeched, struggling under his grip. 

"Don't worry Mistress." The man spoke, smiling mischievously,"I won't hurt you. I just want you to help me."

"What help?" The fifteen year old girl frowned, still trying to free herself from the man's grasp.

"I need that prophecy."

"Prophecy? What's that?" Stella asked innocently. 

"The white balls which were kept on the shelves." The man explained,"Now tell me where it is?"

"I don't know what shit you are talking about." Stella gritted and kicked him in the shins. 

He winced in pain as his grip on the girl loosened and she took this as an opportunity to run away. 

She opened the door and as soon as her shoes left the ground, she found herself falling in the air but she immediately pulled her legs up to her and afterwards straightened it, landing on the ground safely. 

Her eyes widened in shock at the scene going in front of her. The DADA professor she had in her third year was before her eyes, fighting the death Eaters. There were few more people whom she didn't recognise. A spell came flashing towards her when she quickly ducked and it went into the darkness surrounding them.

"Stella!" Neville called, pulling the girl behind a huge rock.

"What's going on?" Stella shrieked, panic lacing her voice.

"I don't know." Neville answered, peeking from behind the rock as he threw a spell at the death eater who immediately blocked it.

Stella pressed her back to rock when from the corner of her eye she saw Harry and a man with long, black hair. She realised that it was Sirius Black. 

"Avada Kedavra"Bellatrix shouted and it hit Sirius as he stiffened, a small smile on his face and he fell down.

Stella's eyes widened in horror as she saw the man lying on the ground, lifeless. She knew how important he was to Harry. 

"Nooo!" Harry screamed, being held back by Remus. Stella sobbed uncontrollably, blaming herself for putting everybody in danger. Suddenly Harry zoomed past them, running behind Bellatrix. 

"I killed Sirius Black."She taunted, laughing evily as Harry ran behind her.

"Crucio"Harry yelled as Stella got up on her feet and followed the boy who had just lost his godfather.

 Stella realised later that they were in the Ministry's entrance hall. Her breath hitched when she saw the Voldemort standing in front of her, face to face,just a few steps away. 

He was glaring angrily at Harry but when his eyes met Stella, they softened. Stella tried to move but it felt like she was frozen. 

Voldemort raised his wands while Stella closed her eyes, ready to be hit by the killing curse. But it never came, instead she was pushed out of the way as her head collided with the wall and she passed out. 

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