Accidentally - JIKOOK ✓

By sushimirollin

154K 5.1K 751

"It didn't mean anything, right?" -Jeon Jungkook Or The one where Jimin and Jungkook are band mates, and Jim... More

accident one: photoshoot
accident two: live
accident three: breakfast
accident four: run
accident five: morning
accident six: practice
accident seven: bed
accident eight: visits
accident nine: nights out
accident ten: misinterpretations
accident eleven: video games
accident twelve: O.J.
accident thirteen: tickling torture
accident fourteen: frustration
accident fifteen: revelations
accident sixteen: pranks
accident seventeen: insecurities
accident eighteen: fears
accident nineteen: memories
accident twenty: rules
accident twenty one: date night
accident twenty two: boundaries
accident twenty four: their story
accident twenty five (epilogue): hundred
Bonus Accident: One pt.1
Bonus Accident: One pt.2
Bonus Accident: One pt.3
Bonus Accident: Two pt.1
Bonus Accident: Two pt.2
Bonus Accident: Two pt.3
Bonus Accident: Two pt.4
Bonus Accident: Two pt.5
Bonus Accident Two: extra
Bonus Accident: Three

accident twenty three: distance

4K 103 14
By sushimirollin

Song for this chapter:

Just how I love you by Tyler Burkhart

Vote and comment for a dedication!

Jimin thought long and hard about what he should do for his boyfriend. He sneaked out of bed in the middle of the night, breaking free from Jungkook's firm hold even when he was sleeping, and going to the living room so that he could look up on the internet ways to surprise his boyfriend, until he found exactly what he was looking for. It wasn't the only thing he was going to do for Jungkook, but it had to do for now.

He sat there, planning exactly how he was going to do it. He had to get up earlier than Jungkook, and that boy was an early riser so it was a challenge. He'll have to set up an alarm that was an hour earlier than the time Jungkook woke up at.

But the alarm is gonna wake Jungkook up too.

Jimin shook his head to himself. He had to get up in another way. He walked to Taehyung's room, only to find it empty, so he walked to Yoongi's room, figuring they would be both sleeping there by what Taehyung had been telling him.

When he walked into the room, he found a sight that forced him to hold back a loud aw so he wouldn't wake the two boys up.

He couldn't find anything platonic about the way Yoongi was holding Taehyung in his sleep. They were facing each other, and Taehyung's head was tucked under Yoongi's chin. Their arms were around each other, and their legs were tangled.

Jimin started to wonder if that was how him and Jungkook looked like before they confessed to each other. How it was obvious to everyone but them, that there was something more than just friendship right there, that only them couldn't see.

Shaking his head once again to clear his thoughts, Jimin took a step towards the bed. He hated to wake Taehyung up, but it was the only way he could go on with the plan, and Taehyung was his best friend, so it was his job to help him.

"What do you want?" Yoongi groaned quietly, making Jimin jump in place, and clutch a hand to his chest. "You want Tae?" Yoongi asked, and Jimin nodded. "Does it have to be him? I don't wanna wake him up."

"I just want him to wake me up at seven, but without waking Jungkookie up." Jimin explained, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. The last thing he wanted was to wake Yoongi up, but he should've known he would, because Yoongi was a light sleeper, and even if he didn't wake up when he snuck into the room, he would definitely wake up if Jimin tired to wake Taehyung up, judging by the way they were tangled into each other, it would only take one shake to Taehyung's shoulder and Yoongi would wake up.

"Okay, I'll do it myself. My phone is right there. Just set up an alarm for me." Yoongi instructed, motioning with his head to the bedside table behind him.

Jimin nodded, and went to set up the alarm on Yoongi's phone. "Thank you, hyung." He whispered, leaving the room and shutting the door softly behind him.

Jungkook had woken up a few minutes after Jimin left the room. The lack of the warm body that he was holding in his sleep making him frown, and slowly wake up, only to not find Jimin in the room. Still, he was too lazy to get up and look for him, so he just laid there, staring at the ceiling and waiting for Jimin to come back so that he could go back to sleep.

Jimin walked into their room, only to have the second scare of the night. Jungkook was wide awake, staring at the ceiling with a frown, his arms crossed.

"Baby, where were you?" Jungkook said with a pout.

The blonde couldn't come up with a lie on the spot, so he went with the almost truth. "I remembered something important I had to tell Taehyung so," Jimin said, trailing off at the end and shrugging. He went to their bed to get beside his boyfriend.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes. "Are you cheating on me?" He asked.

Jimin's eyes widened, and he started to splutter. "I- Wha- Jungk-"

"I'm kidding!" Jungkook laughed, his sleepy eyes crinkling up.

The older calmed down instantly, letting out a breath. "You're lucky you're cute." Jimin said, rolling his eyes after. "Why are you even awake?" He asked, trying to hide the frustration of his plan almost being exposed.

Jungkook sighed dramatically. "I already told you. I can't sleep without holding you, Jimin-ssi." He dramatically explained, giving Jimin a flirty look.

Jimin rolled his eyes again, and covered himself with the duvet, laying down and facing Jungkook. "Shut up." He said quietly, scooting closer to Jungkook.

The younger looked at his boyfriend for a few seconds without saying anything, just admiring him with a soft look in his eyes, that made Jimin blush a little.

"Why are you looking at me like that?!" Jimin squeaked, covering his face so that he couldn't see Jungkook looking at him like that.

Jungkook just reached to take Jimin's hands off his face. "I wasn't kidding. That was why I woke up." He explained softly, still holding Jimin's hands in his.

With the blush still on his face, Jimin's eyes widened.

The younger laughed softly, pulling his boyfriend close to his chest, and hugging him around his shoulders. "You're so adorable." He cooed, the smile not leaving his face.

Jimin buried his head even further in Jungkook's chest, not believing how shy he still got around his boyfriend of a little over a month now.

Jungkook sighed contently. "Let's go to sleep. Now you know not to sneak out again to meet your lover. I'm gonna wake up and catch you both, and beat him up." He said, nonchalantly.

Laugher emitted from Jimin, vibrating against Jungkook's chest. "I would love to see that!" He laughed, his voice a little muffled. "If only I was actually cheating on you." He teased, laughing again after, making Jungkook laugh too.

"Jimin, hey wake up." Yoongi whispered, poking Jimin in the shoulder so he wouldn't wake Jungkook up too.

Jimin stirred awake, and looked up at Yoongi. He nodded at his hyung to let him know he was awake now, and Yoongi simply went back to his room to sleep.

About to sneak out again, Jimin did the same thing as the night before, only now he put a big pillow in his place, so Jungkook would hold it in his sleep, and it would buy him some time until he was finished.

Once he was free, he tip toed out of their room, and went to the kitchen.

Putting his phone on the kitchen counter, he opened up the screenshots he took the night before of the recipes for the dishes he was about to make, and then went to take a big tray and put it on the kitchen table, so he could serve the food he was done with right away and put it aside.

He served rice that was done the day before from the rice cooker, and put it on the tray, and then he went to take out the kimchi and serving them some, and putting it too on the tray, and then he started to make a few side dishes and soup, tying to make it as quick as he could before Jungkook would wake up. The fact that the younger could wake up just from Jimin not being in bed, made him nervous. Jungkook could quite literally walk into the kitchen any second now, looking for Jimin.

When he was finally done, the tray looked appetising, but he felt that there was something missing.

Jimin looked around him for a clue on what was missing, until his eyes caught the sight of the coffee table in the living room outside the kitchen. He walked there, and pulled out a small flower from the vase on the coffee table. He ran to the kitchen again and searched the cabinets for a tiny vase until he found a white one.

Putting the flower in the vase after filling it with some water, Jimin put the vase in the middle of the tray, and looked at the tray one last time.

He nodded to himself with a smile, happy that so far, his plan worked. He just hoped Jungkook liked it.

Jungkook likes anything that has the word food in it.

Jimin laughed softly at his thoughts, and carried the tray to their room. Once he reached the room doorway he stopped.

I didn't even brush my teeth.

Shrugging, he walked into the room anyway, and put the tray on his bedside table.

"Lovely?" He called, climbing the bed and practically sitting on top of Jungkook, straddling him. "Kookie, you liar. Wake up." Jimin shook Jungkook with his whole body, but he still couldn't wake him up.

Leaning down, he glanced at Jungkook's lips.

Might as well.

He gave his boyfriend a small kiss, letting out a gasp when he felt Jungkook kiss back, and roll them on the bed until he was the one on top.

Jungkook pulled back with a mischievous smile, looking down at his blushing boyfriend, who was trying to steady his breathing. "Now I'm sure you're cheating on me. Where did you run off to again? You think a pillow can replace you, huh? I already tried, and it didn't work, babe." He smartly said, raising one eyebrow at Jimin. "This is the last time you're ever going to sneak out and leave me to wake up alone, Jimin-ssi. I swe-"

Using his core muscles, Jimin pulled himself up to interrupt Jungkook, by placing a hand on this mouth.

Pointing at his bedside table, and waiting for Jungkook to notice the tray full of food, Jimin pulled his hand away. "Next time interrupt me with a kiss, it's less rude." Jungkook said with an eye roll, looking at where Jimin was pointing at after.

Instantly, Jungkook's mouth salivated at the sight, his eyes following the food on the tray Jimin carried from beside him to the bed, and setting it beside them.

"How didn't I smell it?!" Jungkook let out, his eyes still on the food, and the cute flower in the middle.

"I don't know. Maybe you were too busy accusing your perfect boyfriend of cheating, when he woke up two hours earlier to make breakfast for you." Jimin sassed. He was saltier than the kimchi on the tray. The next surprise definitely can't be something that included him sneaking out.

"Baby." Jungkook whined, a little guilty. "I was kidding. I know you wouldn't cheat on me of course." He confidently stated, waving his hand.

Jimin decided to play around a bit, so he pushed Jungkook to sit a little far away to put the tray in the middle of the bed, and replied nonchalantly. "Why are you so sure I wouldn't cheat on you."

Jungkook gasped. "Are you hinting at something? Is it Taehyung hyung? I knew it!" He said, slapping his thigh dramatically.

Jimin laughed and slapped Jungkook's shoulder. "Just eat, you idiot."

Frowning, Jungkook looked at Jimin and then the tray. "Why are you sitting so far away?" He pouted, and got up to sit right beside Jimin at the head on the bed, and pulled the tray on his lap. "Much better." He sighed.

Jimin glanced at his boyfriend, unsure. "Do you like it?" He asked quietly. "I didn't have time to prepare meat, but I can do that next time if you want." He assured.

"Baby, it's perfect. I love it and I love you." Jungkook said, leaning to give Jimin a kiss.

"But you haven't tried it yet!" The older pointed out, his eyes wide.

Jungkook laughed. "I don't need to. You're the one who made it, so even if it's burned food, I would happily eat it." He said, taking one of Jimin's hands and kissing it. "I would eat anything that was made by these cute hands." He assured, earning a blush from Jimin.

The mochi pushed his boyfriend shyly. "Stop flirting. I'm already yours!" Jimin protested.

"Honey, me flirting with you has nothing to do with whether you are already mine or not, and I don't even flirt, I just say whatever I'm feeling. It doesn't count as flirting." Jungkook explained with a frown. "And even if it was, I wouldn't stop 'once you're mine' the fun actually starts once you are." He pointed out, taking his chopsticks, and starting to eat.

Jimin looked at Jungkook, feeling his love for him physically grow inside him. His heart hurt in a good way. Jungkook was so well mannered that he taught Jimin things he didn't know or think about. He planted a kiss on Jungkook's cheek that was full of food already. "Sorry." He said quietly.

Jungkook smiled with his mouth full. "Where are your chopsticks?" He asked after swallowing.

Jimin looked at Jungkook tiredly. "It's just one pair. It was supposed to be romantic, I was going to feed you myself!" He said, a little frustrated that nothing was going the way he imagined. He was starting to think that Jungkook was better at the whole planning surprises thing. "I'm gonna go get myself a pair." He said with a sigh, about to leave the bed until he was -of course- pulled back by Jungkook.

"Where do you think you're going? If you planned for us to share, then we're sharing, and if you planned to feed me," Jungkook opened his mouth and pointed at it, waiting for Jimin to feed him.

The mochi obliged, taking the chopsticks from Jungkook's hand and feeding him some rice. "Happy?" Jimin asked, looking at Jungkook expectantly.

Jungkook chewed with a smile. "Very." He said, making Jimin smile. "My turn." He took the chopsticks from Jimin and fed him, and it went like that for a while.

"I feel like we're newlyweds." Jimin let out, with a blush on his face.

"We could." Jungkook said quietly, busying himself with stirring the soup with the spoon before feeding Jimin some.

Jimin instinctively opened his mouth so Jungkook could feed him, and choked after Jungkook's words registered in his brain. "Wha-" He coughed.

Jungkook poured some water for Jimin and handed it to him. "Here." He said, rubbing Jimin's back to help him breathe.

Jimin swallowed the whole glass, and let out a few more coughs. "What did you just say?" He asked, looking at his boyfriend with a panicked look in his eyes.

Putting the glass back on the tray, Jungkook looked at Jimin seriously. "We could be newlyweds." He stated bluntly.

The older's eyes widened even more. "What do you mean, Jungkookie?" He asked, stressing every word.

Jungkook turned to the tray again, so that he could continue feeding Jimin, as if that conversation wasn't a big milestone in their relationship. "Well, we're not gonna be dating forever, are we." He pointed out, feeding his boyfriend who couldn't tell him no.

"Okay, I get that." Jimin said with his mouth still full, so he covered his mouth with his hand when he talked. Swallowing, he continued. "But that step won't happen until a few years at least, when you're sure you wanna spend the rest of your life with me." Jimin explained, taking his turn in feeding his boyfriend.

"I am sure!" Jungkook exclaimed, like he was stating the most obvious thing in the world. "Are you?" He asked after, and opened his mouth for Jimin to feed him.

"Of course I am! What kind of question is that?!" Jimin let out, putting the spoon down and looking at Jungkook, who quickly swallowed the soup.

The couple looked at each other for a few seconds, not saying anything. Jimin was blushing a great amount, both from being frustrated and shy at the same time. After all, this was a discussion about them getting married.

Jungkook's heart was beating so fast. He couldn't believe Jimin just said that he was sure about spending the rest of his life with him.

It was clear that both boys loved each other to a great extent, but neither one of them knew the extent of the other's love.

Jungkook was the one to move first. With the tray still on his lap, he pulled Jimin's to him by his shirt, and tried to portray his love into that one kiss, wrapping his hand around the back of Jimin's neck, and pulling him impossibly close. "I love you, so much. I hope someday you know just how much I do, Jimin." Jungkook sighed, still with his arms around Jimin, in an awkward position because of the tray. He could put it aside, but he didn't want to let Jimin go. He never wanted to let him go.

Jimin cleared his throat, and tried to get his brain to function. "I think," He started, still holding eye contact with Jungkook. "we need to put this tray somewhere else." He said, looking down at Jungkook's lap.

The boy sighed, and nodded, handing Jimin the tray to put it somewhere on the floor, far away from the bed. Jimin climbed into bed again, and sat on Jungkook's lap, where the tray was a few seconds ago. "Jiminie baby?" Jungkook called in a whisper, and Jimin nodded, so he continued. "Promise me something, okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, anything." Jimin assured, stroking Jungkook's cheek.

"Promise me that, I'll wake up everyday to find you beside me?" He requested, looking at Jimin with a pleading look in his eyes.

Jimin shifted nervously. "Uh. About that." He trailed off.

Jungkook frowned, now worried. "What is it?"

"I'm going to Busan this weekend. Eomma and Appa called, and told me to come home the next time I'm free, so I told them I was free this weekend, and it's a chance to tell them about us, you know?" Jimin explained nervously.

"What? But I have a schedule this weekend." Jungkook said with a frown. "When was this? Why didn't you tell me?"

Jimin kissed his cheek to calm him down. "That was only last night. I was going to tell you today." He explained, playing with Jungkook's hair nervously. "Are you mad?" He asked.

Letting out a sigh, Jungkook shook his head. "I'm not. I'm just sad. I'm gonna miss you, baby." He pouted.

Jimin kissed his pout. "It's only for the weekend. I'll leave Friday morning, and I'll be home by Sunday night. You won't even notice I'm gone." He assured.

Jungkook whined. "No. What do you mean I won't notice? Of course I will. I just told you I can't sleep without you!" He exclaimed in frustration. "Wait, how am I gonna sleep?!" He panicked.

Jimin was still stroking Jungkook's cheek to comfort him. "We could facetime. I know it's not the same, but we can try to fall asleep while facetiming each other." Jimin suggested. "And just for the record, I can't sleep without you either. It's not just you." He said softly.

"What about when we fought? You slept just fine then." Jungkook pointed out.

"That was the worst sleep I ever got in my entire life, Jungkookie. Don't even bring that up." Jimin sighed.

"Aww, baby. I'm sorry." Jungkook cooed. "I'm gonna miss you though. Do you really need to go?"

Jimin nodded with a pout. "Sadly, yes." He answered, looking down, when an idea came to him, that he had seen the night before when he was looking for ways to surprise Jungkook. "Tell you what, I'll arrange your outfits for those three days. That way, you'll feel like I'm close to you." Jimin suggested, looking up at Jungkook expectantly, who nodded with a pout. "Hey, It's only three days. We can do this."

Jimin couldn't do this.

Jungkook had just dropped Jimin off at the airport. Their proper goodbye was in the car; a lot of hugs and kisses that couldn't be shared out in the open, were shared inside the tinted windows of Jungkook's mercedes. Once they felt ready -as in ready to not miss Jimin's plane- they left the car.

They went together, Jungkook carrying Jimin's small bag for him, until Jimin had to hand in his ticket and go through the gates.

Jimin was sent off with a wave from his boyfriend, and that was all they could exchange, except the quiet I love you's before Jimin had to leave Jungkook's side.

And now that Jimin sat in the airplane, waiting for it to take off, he wasn't sure he could do it anymore. He was going to spend three days alone, without Jungkook, without his hyungs. He missed his parents of course, and he knew they would distract him from Jungkook once he got there, but still, Jungkook not being right by Jimin's side when he turned around felt wrong. Jimin already missed him.

Jimin sighed, taking out his phone from his pocket to put it on airplane mood, and play some music offline.

Just before he set it on airplane mood, a text came in.

My hubby: I miss you already, Jimin-ssi.
Sent: 8:13 am

Jimin smiled softly, replying to his boyfriend quickly before doing what he had to do, and leaning back to listen to the music and shut his eyes for the duration of the hour long flight.

My Jimin-ssi: I miss you too. I wish you were here.
Sent: 8:14 am

Jungkook looked down at his phone with a smile, still sitting in his car. He sent two last texts before driving away from the airport, feeling like he had left a piece of his heart there.

My hubby: just tell me to drop everything here and come to you and I will, baby.
Sent: 8:15 am

My hubby: text me when you land.
Sent: 8:15 am

When Jungkook arrived back at the dorm, he got out of the car before locking it. When he put his keys in his coat pocket, he felt a piece of paper there as well. Frowning, he pulled it out.

It was a yellow post it note, folded neatly. Jungkook opened it to read what was inside.

Dear Jungkookie,
I hope this note finds you well, and the other ones too.
I hope you know that I miss you already, and I know you miss me too.
I already told you I would pick your outfits for the weekend, so that you would think of me, but I didn't tell you that in each coat and pants, there's a small note, waiting for you to read.
Please don't spoil it for yourself, and wear the outfits in the same order I hanged them up in, from the left to the right.
I love you.
- your Jiminie

Jungkook stood there, in the elevator, looking down at the note in his hand with a smile on his face, rereading the note so many times he almost memorized it.


After Jungkook read the note one final time, he realised that there must be another note in his pants pocket, and he contemplated whether he should read it now, or save it for the end of the day.

Deciding to go with the latter, he pulled his phone out and took a picture of the note, sending it to Jimin with a text.

My hubby: found your first note. Why are you so cute?
Sent: 8:43 am

Jungkook laughed to himself when he realised he had been standing in the elevator long after it arrived at their door.

When he walked in, with the note still in his hand and a smile on his face, he was greeted by Hoseok coming out of the living room.

"Oh, you dropped Jiminie off?" Hoseok inquired, walking closer to Jungkook, who nodded with a pout. "Don't be sad. It's only for the weekend. You'll survive!" He assured, patting Jungkook on the shoulder. "Oh! What's that?" He asked, looking at the note, about to steal it from Jungkook's hand.

"No!" Jungkook turned around, swiftly dodging Hoseok's hand that was about to snatch the note. He folded it quickly, and put it in his pocket again.

Hoseok raised an eyebrow at the younger's behaviour. "Is it a love letter or something?" He teased, not knowing it really was.

Jungkook's eyes widened slightly. "Is it?" He wondered out loud.

Well, he said I love you at the end.

Hoseok looked at Jungkook, who looked like he was in another place entirely, staring into space with a smitten smile on his face. "Wow, it really is a love letter." Hoseok let out, snapping Jungkook out of the trance he was in. "Whipped." He stated, walking away to his room with a laugh.

Usually Jungkook would hit his hyungs for teasing him, but this time he agreed with Hoseok. He knew he was whipped for Jimin, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Shrugging, he walked to his room with the smile not leaving his face.

Jungkook's phone dinged with a new text. He dropped the fork from his hand to reach for his phone in his pocket.

My Jimin-ssi: I've landed safely. Heading to my parents' house now.
Sent: 9:20 am

My Jimin-ssi: you have work. You can't just drop everything for me. It's only a weekend, Kookie. Please, focus on work. I'm free here, call me whenever you want.
Sent: 9:21 am

My Jimin-ssi: and please DON'T spoil the notes for yourself. I worked really hard on them.
Sent: 9:22 am

My Jimin-ssi: have fun at work, hubby. 💜
Sent: 9:22 am

My hubby: don't worry. I'm being a good boy. I haven't opened the second note just yet.
Sent: 9:22 am

My hubby: and yes I'll drop everything. You still haven't seen how much I really love you yet.
Sent: 9:23 am

My hubby: enjoy your time with your parents and don't miss me too much.
Sent: 9:23 am

My Jimin-ssi: oh? I thought I already did last night?
Sent: 9:24 am

My Jimin-ssi: and no promises there. You'll have to come with me the next time. The flight was too boring without you.
Sent: 9:25 am

My hubby: don't tease me, Jimin-ssi. I'm having breakfast with the hyungs.
Sent: 9:25 am

My hubby: speaking of the hyungs, I have to leave my phone or Jin hyung will scold me.
Sent: 9:26 am

My hubby: oh! Make sure to eat breakfast with your parents. You didn't eat any here.
Sent: 9:26 am

My Jimin-ssi: alright alright. I will. Just go.
Sent: 9:27 am

My hubby: okay. Bye, baby. Talk to you later.
Sent: 9:27 am

My Jimin-ssi: bye, Jungkookie.
Sent: 9:28 am

Smiling softly, Jungkook put his phone aside, and picked his fork up again to continue eating, then he realised that all his hyungs were not eating, and instead just looking at him.

"How is it that Jiminie is in another city entirely, and you two still manage to make us feel like third wheels?" Taehyung asked, intertwining his hands and setting them on the table.

Sounds of agreements filled the kitchen from the rest of Jungkook's hyungs.

Jungkook looked down at his food nervously, not answering Taehyung, and stuffing his mouth with food.

"Did Jimin land safely?" Namjoon asked.

Jungkook swallowed, and nodded. "A few minutes ago." He informed, imagining his Jimin in the car, on his way to his family's house.

Jimin got out of the car, and was immediately engulfed in a hug. "Eomma!" He exclaimed, hugging her back after he dropped his bag on the ground.

His mother pulled away, and held Jimin's face in her hands. "My baby! I've missed you!" She yelled out, planting a kiss on his forehead, and pulling him in another hug.

"I've missed you too, eomma!" He yelled back, laughing at the scene they were making in the driveway. "Let's go inside." He advised, letting go of his mother and leaning down to pick his bag up again.

They both walked in, and Jimin took his shoes off to wear his slippers, and put his bag by the stairs, going to the living room after, to fall face first on the couch.

Jimin turned his head to the direction of the kitchen. "Where's appa?" He yelled out, so that his mother could hear him.

His mother walked in with two cups of hot chocolate, and a plate of mochi. "He left for work just before you came." She informed sitting down next to her son. "Now, tell me what you've been up to. How's your Jungkookie?" She asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Jimin covered his face in his hands. "Eomma!" He whined.

Jimin's mother was the first person to find out about his crush on Jungkook. One day he came home in his break, and felt like he had to tell someone, but he knew he couldn't tell any of the members, for fear he would complicate things in the band, so he found himself spilling the beans to his own mother, on this same couch.

"What? What?! Don't tell me you finally got together?!" She asked excitedly.

Looking up, Jimin peeked at his mother through his fingers. "Yeah." He whispered.

His mother's eyes widened. Before Jimin knew it, he was attacked with a hug, and his ears almost rang from how loud his mother squealed.

"Look, we can make this part really low like this," Jungkook suggested, leaning down so he could point at the screen. "and then this part really sharp. I think it would fit you and Jin hyung." He continued, looking at Taehyung to make sure he got his point.

Taehyung nodded. "That's great actually." He agreed, noting down Jungkook's suggestion in his small note.

Jungkook leaned back, standing straight again, and shoving his hands in his pockets. "Alright. Tell me if you nee- oh!" He let out, feeling the note in his pocket.

"Is something wrong Jungkook-ah?" Taehyung asked worriedly.

Shaking his head, Jungkook walked out of the studio. "Nothing, hyung. Fighting!" He let out, before he shut the door behind him and took the note out.

Dear boyfriend,
This is my second note. I really hope you didn't open it right after the first one.
I have a little secret I need to tell you, but you'll have to look for it first.
I'll give you a hint just because I love you.
It's placed somewhere in our room, in a place we agreed to stay in, and you told me we could be in forever if I wanted.
I don't need to go on about how much my love for you grew even more then, I'll do that when I see you.
I love you.
- your Jimin-ssi

Jungkook didn't need to think for even a second to know where Jimin meant, but he had to wait until it was time to go home. He pulled out his phone to look at the time and take a picture of the second note, sending it to Jimin.

My hubby: just read your second note. I literally can't wait to see you, Jimin-ssi. Can't you just come back home?
Sent: 3:53 pm

My hubby: or I could just... you know.. take the first train or flight to Busan and come to you..?
Sent: 3:54 pm

Jungkook worried his bottom lip, waiting for his boyfriend to reply.

My Jimin-ssi: NO and NO.
Sent: 3:57 pm

My Jimin-ssi: please, Jungkookie just focus on work. I don't want any of us slacking off or getting distracted just because we're in a relationship. The band comes first okay?
Sent: 3:58 pm

My Jimin-ssi: but I still wish you were here beside me. Does that make sense?
Sent: 3:58 pm

Jungkook laughed softly, leaning on the wall behind him. He shook his head at his boyfriend, wanting him right there in front of him so he could kiss him, and tell him how cute he is.

My hubby: okay, honey. I won't slack off I promise.
Sent: 3:59 pm

My hubby: and yes. It makes sense...somehow.
Sent: 3:59 pm

My hubby: what are you doing now? Did you tell your parents about us yet?
Sent: 4:00 pm

My Jimin-ssi: I'm in the kitchen. Keeping eomma company while she's making dinner.
Sent: 4:00 pm

My Jimin-ssi: just eomma. Appa is still at work. I'll tell him over dinner.
Sent: 4:01 pm

My Jimin-ssi: I feel like a school girl about to tell her dad she has a boyfriend.
Sent: 4:01 pm

Jungkook laughed at that, imagining a fifteen year old Jimin telling his father that he has a boyfriend, and laughing again.

My hubby: why did I actually imagine it.
Sent: 4:02 pm

My hubby: I can't stop laughing it's so funny.
Sent: 4:02 pm

My Jimin-ssi: hey shut it. I wish you were here so I could hit you right now!
Sent: 4:03 pm

My hubby: just hit me? Nothing else?
Sent: 4:03 pm

Jungkook could just imagine Jimin's reaction, his eyes slightly going wide, and a small blush dusting his cheeks, only to recover a second after to hit him again. It's only been a few hours but he missed his boyfriend.

Jimin looked down at his phone, not knowing what to reply with.

"Jiminie? You okay? You look a little red." Jimin's mother reached out to rest her hand on Jimin's forehead for a second. "Are you coming up with a fever?" She asked in a concerned tone. "Is it possibly, a love fever?" She teased, laughing at her son's reaction, and ruffling his hair.

Jimin blushed even more. "Eomma! Not you too!" He whined, locking his phone and throwing it on the counter in frustration after sending a quick reply.

My Jimin-ssi: shut up!
Sent: 4:05 pm

Jungkook laughed again to himself, and locked his phone. Looking at the note again, he read it a few times, his cheeks hurting from how much he was smiling.

He thought it would be a gloomy day without Jimin, but his boyfriend's cuteness had him smiling all day instead. He knew that once he got home it would really hit him that he wasn't there, especially at night and in the morning, but he decided to worry about it when it was the time to. For now, he could enjoy these little letters and Jimin's cuteness.

Folding the note neatly again, he put it in his pocket, and went on with his day.

The members walked through the door after their long day at work, with take out in hand. They all went in the direction of the kitchen, about to lay the food on the table and have dinner. "I'll go get something from my room. I'll be right back." He said, not waiting for an answer and running to the room.

Jungkook went to the wardrobe closet, looking around him for a clue on where the secret Jimin mentioned might be, until he found a lump in Jimin's folded clothes on the shelf. Walking to the shelf, he pulled out Jimin's sweaters one by one until he found a small box, pulling it out and putting the clothes back on the shelf.

Sitting down on the floor of the closet, Jungkook opened the small box, and found a white mug with black writing on it and a red heartbeat line.

You make my heart skip a beat.

Jungkook laughed loudly, his laugher ringing through the closet. He took the mug out of the box to find a note at the bottom.

You uncovered my secret.
Now, you have to be careful with my heart, Jungkookie.
P.s. I have a matching one, and I took it with me to Busan.

Jungkook awed, pulling the mug and the note to his chest. He couldn't believe what Jimin had done for him.

When did he plan all of this?

And then, he suddenly remembered that night Jimin sneaked out of bed, and didn't come back until an hour later. Jungkook pulled his phone out of his pocket to send Jimin a text with a picture of the mug and the note on the closet floor.

My hubby: I promise to be careful with your heart, Jimin.
Sent: 7:42 pm

My hubby: I really love you. Please come home, baby.
Sent: 7:42 pm

My hubby: this is going to be the longest weekend of my life, I swear!
Sent: 7:43 pm

Jungkook took the other two notes out of his pocket, and put them carefully in the box with the third note, and stood up with the mug and the box in his hand.

Walking to his bedside table, he put the box there, and took the mug with him to the kitchen.

"Did you get it?" Taehyung asked, his mouth full of food.

Jungkook frowned. "Get what?" He asked. "Wait! You guys ate without me?!" He complained, walking to the nearest bathroom to wash his hands.

"The thing you said you had to get from your room!" Taehyung reminded.

Jungkook walked into the kitchen again, and took a seat. "Oh! That. Yes." He answered, putting his mug in front of him to reach for a pair of chopsticks to eat.

Jin raised his eyebrows curiously at the mug. "Was that it?" He asked, pointing at the mug with his chin.

Jungkook smiled softly. "Yeah." He held the mug, and turned it so his hyungs could read it.

"You guys are so goals, it's almost disgusting." Hoseok said. "I need a girlfriend, or a boyfriend." He added quietly with a pout.

Jungkook walked to the bed after washing up, falling face first on it with a sigh.

Just as he started to think about how lonely he was without his boyfriend, he heard his phone ringing with a facetime request.

He jumped to get his phone, answering quickly, and was greeted with Jimin's smiling face. "Baby!" He yelled out, feeling like he wanted to kiss his phone screen.

Jimin laughed. "I saw your texts. Did you like the mug?" He asked, tilting his head to the side cutely.

"Yeah. I loved it, but the hyungs kept teasing me." Jungkook said with a pout.

"Oh, you love it." Jimin waved off, giving Jungkook a knowing look.

Jungkook raised one eyebrow. "Hey! Are you more sassy now that I can't tickle you? Okay, Jimin-ssi. Just wait until I get my hands on you!" He warned, moving to lay in a comfortable position.

Jimin giggled, covering his mouth with his hand.

"Stop being so cute. Seriously!" Jungkook growled out, not taking his eyes off Jimin.

The blonde stopped laughing, and looked away shyly. "Okay." He quietly said, laying back on the bed.

"Hey, what's that you're wearing?" Jungkook asked, looking at Jimin to try and figure out what that white thing was.

Jimin looked down at himself. "Oh." He muttered, slapping his forehead. "I forgot to wear my clothes. I just got out of the shower, so I'm only wearing my bathrobe." He explained, playing with the bathrobe belt.

Jungkook pulled at his t-shirt collar. "Oh." He repeated, feeling a little hot, even though it was winter. "You're not gonna change then?" He asked.

"Now?" Jimin asked.

"No! I meant in general. You're gonna sleep in that?" Jungkook inquired, his eyebrows shooting up on his forehead.

Jimin looked away in thought. "I might, if I'm too lazy, but I shouldn't. It's too cold for that." He reasoned with himself. "You know what? Just wait a second." He said, holding up one finger, and leaving his phone on the bed, so the only thing Jungkook could see was the ceiling.

Jungkook groaned. "Jimin-ssi, seriously!"

"What?!" Was heard from afar. "I'm changing. Can't you just give me a second?" Jimin complained, and after a minute he appeared on Jungkook's screen again. "What?" He asked a frowning Jungkook.

"You're cruel." Jungkook said quietly.

"Jungkookie, I can't hear you." Jimin frowned, holding his phone closer to his face.

Jungkook sighed. "It's nothing, baby. Did you have dinner?"

Jimin nodded, his hair bouncing up and down with him.

"Did you tell your appa?" Jungkook questioned further.

Jimin nodded again in the same manner. "He wants to talk to you." He informed. "He told me the next time you're in Busan, you should visit." He explained.

Jungkook nodded. "No problem, but was he against it or something?" He asked worriedly.

Jimin shook his head. "He didn't say much, but he didn't look angry or anything, so don't worry." He shrugged.

"Thank god. I was a little nervous about it actually." Jungkook sighed in relief, going quiet after, for a few seconds."Jimin-ssi." He called, just about to slap his forehead.

"What?" Jimin frowned, leaning closer to the screen worriedly.

"Is that my sweatshirt?" He asked, glancing at the green hoodie Jimin was wearing.

Jimin pulled his phone away so he could show Jungkook his upper body. "Yeah. Is there a problem?" He tried.

"No, baby. My clothes are all yours." Jungkook shrugged, discreetly taking a screenshot of Jimin.

"Yeah, that's why I took another two, just in case." Jimin said, smiling cutely, his eyes turning into little crescent moons. "You took a screenshot, didn't you." He stated.

Jungkook stared at his boyfriend for a while, not saying anything.

"Kookie? You're freezing. I think the connection is bad." Jimin said, obliviously tapping his screen in an attempt to get Jungkook to move again.

Jungkook blinked. "Sorry, I spaced out." He shook his head. "Why did you steal three of my hoodies, baby?" He teased.

Jimin rolled his eyes. "As if you don't know!" He let out, a little frustrated.

"It wouldn't hurt you to say it, you know?" Jungkook pointed out quietly, resting his head on the pillow.

Jimin mirrored him, resting his head on his own pillow, and resting his phone on another pillow so he wouldn't have to hold it. "Fine! They smell like you, so I took them so I could sleep in them. Happy now?!" Jimin uttered in a slightly loud voice.

"Very. Just be a little less aggressive next time, please." Jungkook politely requested, with a teasing smile on his face.

Jimin blushed, turning his head to bury it in his pillow.

"Hey, show me your face." Jungkook laughed. "Baby, I miss you, don't do this to me."

Jimin turned his head again to his phone, the blush still covering his face. "Sorry." He said quietly.

"Don't say sorry, baby." Jungkook denied with a shake of his head. "Are you sleepy? Wanna try to go to sleep?" He asked softly, staring at Jimin's sleepy eyes.

"Hmm." Jimin let out, giving Jungkook a small nod.

Jungkook reached over to turn his light off, and leaned his phone on the box on his bedside, so he could still watch Jimin. "Okay, baby. Just close your eyes. I'll be right here. Good night." He whispered, earning another nod from Jimin, and Jungkook watched his boyfriend slowly fall asleep, falling asleep himself not long after.

That night, Jungkook woke up in the middle of the night a few times, only to fall asleep again when he looked at his phone and found Jimin sleeping soundly. Other times it was just the back of Jimin's head, when Jungkook woke up one of those times to find that Jimin had turned in his sleep.

At some point Jungkook had connected his charger so his phone wouldn't die and end the call. He wanted to wake up the morning after with Jimin still there, sleeping next to him virtually, and that was exactly what happened.

Jimin was the first to wake up in the morning. Turning around to find Jungkook sleeping on his phone screen.

He smiled to himself, looking at the time to make sure Jungkook didn't sleep in, but he found that he actually had woken up way too early. It was still six in the morning, and Jungkook didn't need to wake up until eight at the most.

He tried to go back to sleep, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't manage to drift off. His eyes were so sleepy, begging to be asleep, but it just wouldn't happen.

Huffing a little, he turned to his phone again. He jumped with a gasp when he noticed it was about to die, so he looked for his charger quickly and connected it, letting out a sigh of relief after.

He jumped on his bed again, and turned to look at Jungkook, who was still sleeping with a frown. "Why so sad, Kookie?" He whispered, caressing his phone screen.

As if Jungkook had heard, he stirred awake, the frown still on his face. He rubbed his face in frustration with a huff, turning his head to the side instinctively, and jumping in place. "God! You scared me!" He let out, clutching his chest.

Jimin reached to touch his hair worriedly. "Do I look that bad?" He asked, brushing through his hair with his fingers, and then touching his face to check if there were any dried drool there, and he found none.

Jungkook laughed, his voice still thick with sleep. "It's not that, you look great, baby. You just scared me because you were awake, and staring at me through the phone." He explained, turning to lay on his side to face Jimin through the phone screen.

"Oh." Jimin nodded, but frowned after. "But, why wouldn't I be awake?" He questioned.

"Well, you weren't, the last four or five times I woke up in the middle of the night." Jungkook informed, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

Jimin's frown deepened. "So you didn't sleep well?" He asked, quietly, pouting a little.

Jungkook yawned. "Of course I didn't. Did you sleep well, baby?" He asked, reaching for his phone to hold it closer to his face.

Shaking his head, Jimin did the same with his phone, the charger wire holding the phone back. "I didn't wake up in the middle of the night, but the whole time I was asleep it felt like I was partially awake." He explained, pulling the duvet closer to him until it covered him up to his neck.

"Yeah, you kept tossing and turning in your sleep." Jungkook pointed out.

Jimin sighed. "Yeah, I must have." He agreed. "What do you have on your schedule today, Kookie."

Jungkook walked to the kitchen, already dressed in the second outfit Jimin had picked out for him.

He decided to make himself coffee, in an attempt to wake himself up a little. He was about to take out a random mug, but stopped himself when he remembered Jimin's mug.

He took it out of the cabinet with a smile, and made his coffee.

Leaning on the counter, he started to sip on his drink, shoving his hand in his coat pocket comfortably, his fingers touching a certain note there.

He smiled for the millions time that morning because of Jimin. They had talked and talked until it was time for breakfast for both of them, and they had to hang up, promising to fall asleep together again that night.

Jungkook pulled the small note out, reading his boyfriend's neatly written words.

Dear hubby,
Good morning. I hope you had a good night sleep, even though I wasn't there to sleep on top of you.
I'm sure I already miss you by now, even if I hadn't said it as much as I feel it, know that I do.
Waking up with you next to me -or under me- has become my favourite part of the day, so know that I must be a little sad by now, if not very.
I'll have to keep this note short, cause you're looking for me right now. It's really hard to plan a surprise for you.
Still, of course, I love you.
- your honey

Putting his mug on the counter, Jungkook held the note close to his heart, standing in the kitchen with a sad smile on his face. This distance between him and Jimin seemed useless to him. If he couldn't be beside the one he loved, then what was the point. He thought about catching the next flight to Busan, and going to his boyfriend for the hundredth time, but he stopped when he remembered Jimin's words. He had to respect his wishes, at least for now. He had a feeling he would end up doing that anyway, but he had to hold on, at least for a while, until he wouldn't be able to. No one can blame him, he was a man in love, so much so that it wasn't enough to describe the state Park Jimin put him in anymore.

Folding the note neatly, Jungkook walked to his room and put it in the little box the mug was in, after taking a picture of the note.

"Just wait for me to get my hands on you, Jimin-ssi."

A/n: I'm very sad to say that there's one more chapter and then the epilogue and I'll have to say goodbye to accidentally. :( The next chapter is a continuation of this one and the epilogue is gonna be a small chapter.

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