Back Up! * Taekook

Door voguebts

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"Can you back up!?" He said with a little sass. "Sir it's my job to stand by close" he replied. "Not too clos... Meer



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Door voguebts

A/n: before we start, a quick shoutout to Nehataekookforever for the mother's name (Jihyo) thank you 🥰.


"Man y'all are assholes!" Yoongi grumbled. "What why?" Jungkook asked confused. "You guys didn't give me a blanket to sleep with"

'Ah Shit'

"I told Namjoon to do it"

"Jungkook this is your house! I think you should be the one doing it"

"Okay my bad my bad"

"Whatever, can I eat one?" Yoongi asked grabbing a chocolate. "Is it dark or milk?" Jungkook asked as he was switching the dark and milk chocolates.


"Go ahead, as long as it's not dark"

Yoongi nodded and took three chocolates. "Ah your moms cooking is amazing" Hoseok rubbed his tummy joining them on the couch. "I know right, but stop complementing her so much" Jungkook mumbled as he finished putting the dark chocolates in the milk chocolate box.

"Would you rather have me calling her ugly or beautiful?"


"I prefer beautiful" Jihyo said coming into the living room. Jungkook rolled his eyes and covered the box of chocolates "how is Namjoon doing?" He asked.

"He'a doing good, but why are you frosting a lemon cake chocolate? That doesn't sound or look appetizing" she asked as she sat down on other couch. "No reason, just to be funny, we're bored yeah haha" Jungkook stood up and left the living room.

"Oh wow that actually doesn't look bad" Jungkook amused looking at Namjoon's neatly frosting. "Thank you, I still can't believe you gave me a chance to do this"

"Gotta believe in my hyung" Jungkook patted his back. "Are you almost done?" He asked.

Namjoon nodded "I finished actually" he said putting the lid onto the cake. "Great, now let's just leave cause I want to get this over with" Jungkook grabbed the cake and headed towards the living room.

"Mom I'll be back-"

"We'll be back" Yoongi corrected grabbing the box of chocolates.

'Do they not have a home or what?'

"where are you three going?" She asked. "Us four" Jungkook frowned. "Actually I'm staying" Hoseok stated. Jungkook shook his head "no you're coming with us"

"But I don't want to"

"Then go home"

"Jungkook! He can stay if he wants to"

Jungkook frowned and glared at Hoseok 'do I trust him? Should I trust him?'

'wait... I'm looking at the wrong person.... do I trust my own mother'

"Mom, please be nice"

"I'm always nice" she gasped offended. "Yeah but not in that way, also no funny business. If you guys need anything just text me- actually wait no I'm getting a new phone today so just text one of them"

"Ah okay, but where are you guys going?" She asked again, "somewhere mom, we'll be back! But the way I have a surprise for you when we come back" he winked before leaving the house.

"Hoseok I have a store, just call-"

"No! And no! Now let's leave" Jungkook pulled Yoongi's arm out the door. "Bye Hobi bye mom" Namjoon waved.

"Stop calling her mom!" Jungkook pulled his arm also.



"so... are we ready?" Jungkook asked nervously while driving towards Veronica's dad's house. Yes she still lives with him.

"What the fuck!? She lives in a castle or what?" Yoongi asked surprised as they watched the mansion go by. "Dont answer my question with another question" Jungkook whined as they approached the gate.

"Jesus what does she do?" Namjoon asked in the back seat.

"Her dad, this is her dad's house" Jungkook corrected. "Wow! I mean we get payed really well and us three could probably buy this house but damn one man? What does he do?"

"He uh owns a couple strip clubs" Jungkook answered as the gate opened and he started to drive down the long driveway.

"Damn no wonder Veronica's a little hoe" Yoongi mumbled. Jungkook let out a breath as he parked his car. 'It's been so long, what if her father sees me? Shit then I'm getting my ass killed'

"dude she could be my sugar mommy" Namjoon said. "Hyung! Please pay attention to one person" Jungkook shook his head as he stepped out the car. "Sorry this is about you, not her" Namjoon said as he got out the car with the cake.

"No! I meant pay attention to Jin"

"Oh right haha" Namjoon laughed nervously as they made their way to the front.

"fuck dude im scared, what if she does something crazy"

"Aren't you used to that though?"

"Well yeah, but what if she pulls out a gun and kills both of you guys and keeps me to herself"

"Oh shit I forgot Jimin wanted me to call-"

"Shut up Yoongi! You came up with plan, wait shit we forgot to get the dead flowers" Jungkook sighed looking at the chocolates and cake in their hyungs hands.

"Jungkook knock!" Namjoon said growing impatient.

Jungkook took a deep breath before knocking on the big giant doors. They waited for a couple minutes but got nothing in responds. "Oh cool maybes she's not-"

"Oh a doorbell! We're so dumb!" Namjoon walked up to the doorbell "wait hyung no"

*ding dong*

And not even a second later the door was opened by the devil wearing lingerie with a white rope. "Baby~ oh uh I see you brought company" she wrapped the rope around her self.


Jungkook didn't reply not knowing what to say. Too shocked and scared to. "Um he wanted to introduce you to us, right?" Yoongi spoke up.

Namjoon and Jungkook nodded. "Aww, well hi I'm Kyu Veronica, Jungkook's girlfriend" she stuck out her hand.

'WAIT WAIT!?? Did I miss something or?'

"Ah nice meeting you! I'm Min Yoongi, and this is Kim Namjoon" he shook her hand. "oh... namjoon" she said dryly.

'This little bitch'

"Look Veronica I want to get straight to the point" Jungkook started. "Oh you want to get married already ? I'll tell my father to-"

"Oh my god is your father here?" Jungkook whispered scared. She nodded "he's always here but in his office"

'Oh thank God'

"Do you want me to get him?" She asked backing up. "No no! Look I came here to talk a few things with you"

"you're coming back to me?" She wrapped his arms around him. "No! Get off" he pushed her away.

She frowned, this was not the Jungkook she was texting yesterday. "Oh I get it" she leaned into his ear "you don't want to act soft in front of your friends" she whispered biting his earlobe.

Jungkook quickly pushed her off again and snatched the chocolate box from Yoongi's arms who was watching everything with wide eyes, same with Namjoon. "Here! Eat these fucking chocolates and keep your mouth shut" he shoved them towards her.

"Oh thank you babe" she smiled thinking Jungkook was putting up an act in front of the other two. She opened the box and grabbed a chocolate examining it. "Baby this is dark chocolate" she frowned.

"No its not, it's milk chocolate" Jungkook corrected. "Well why is it so dark?"

"Cause the factory probably made it like that, now shut up and let me talk"

She shrugged and dropped a chocolate in her mouth chewing it. "So, I need to clarify some-"

Then Veronica started to spit viciously.  "This is dark chocolate!" She threw the box on the ground. "Can you not be a bratty bitch for a moment!!" Jungkook shouted.

Veronica was taken back. "Dont yell at me" she glared. "Well let me talk!"

"Why would you buy me dark chocolate?"

"Because you hate it! Now like I was saying-"

"Why!?" She cried out. "Whore please let him talk" Namjoon spoke up frowning not realizing what he just said.

"Whore? Me a whore? When you're messing around with Jungkook but is with Jin"

"How do you-"

"Veronica! This is about you and me! Don't you bring them into this!" Jungkook warned.

"Why are you yelling at me! You should be on your girlfriend's side-"

"We are not fucking dating you mental bitch! Now please let me fucking talk!" Jungkook shouted in her face. "You need to leave me" Jungkook started to count on his fingers "Jimin, Namjoon, Taehyung and everyone else I'm close with alone!"


"I don't like you, no one does, you're crazy and you need help. You don't love me! You're obsessed with me! When you love someone you are patient with them, you don't force them to love you back! No that's called obsession! Also you-"

"But I do lov-"

"Veronica cut me off one more time I will slap you" he warned which scared her a bit not just her Namjoon too since he "doesn't hit women"

"You can not be texting my loved ones. That brings a lot of problems between you me okay? It makes me want to stay away from you as far as possible but it also makes me want to teach you a lesson. They had nothing absolutely NOTHING! To do with this! You think it's all cute and funny but it's not. It's annoying and it's scary, because you tried to do shit. You tried to kidnap Jimin!? Like what the fuck was that about?"

"well I just wanted Yoongi to blame you and leave you"

"See that's the problem, you want to mess up my life and if you do that there is zero fucking chance I'm going to start liking you, zero chance!" Jungkook help up a zero. "You need to leave me and everyone else alone! You need to let me go! You do not look pretty as a woman if you keep doing this kind of shit"

"I will always look pretty no matter what" she argued making Yoongi and Namjoon burst out laughing. "Shut the fuck up!" She yelled at them which made them laugh even more. "You're saying not to bring them into this but you brought them over"

"See that was a mistake YOU made, you brought THEM into this. I didn't! You texted Namjoon and you tried to kidnap Jimin"

"So you only came here to tell me crap?"

"Crap? You just want to hear the good stuff don't you, well guess what? There's no good stuff, you brought this on yourself Veronica, look at you you have no friends, you live with your father, your mother left you-"

"Don't you talk about my mother!" She teared up.

"Don't start crying now! Look at me, don't cry, I didn't cry when my friend was about to get kidnap, I didn't cry when you drugged me, I didn't cry-"

"Shut up shut up shut up!" She punched his chest tears sliding down her cheeks.

"No! I still have a lot more to say"

"I don't care leave"

"You're not okay, you need actual help"

"No I don't!" She sobbed. "Yes you do, look up here" Jungkook stabbed her head with his index finger. "Is not okay, it's messed up"

"Stop" she pushed his hand away.

"Why should I? How come when I tell you to stop you didn't do it? Even I have asked you nicely and you still didn't do it?"

"Because I loved you!"

"No you-"

"Yes I did!" She shouted.


Namjoon and Yoongi's jaws dropped, Veronica stood there frozen holding her stinging cheek. "No you didn't! You don't know what love is, all you know is obsession" Jungkook went on ignoring the shock stares.

"What the fuck!" She shouted as more tears slipped. "Suck them tears up, you look stupid crying"

"Fuck You Jungkook!" She shouted. Jungkook shrugged and grabbed the cake from Namjoon's arms. "Fuck you too Veronica" Jungkook took the lid off and smashed the cake in her face smothering it all over her head as she shrieked.

"That will teach you a lesson" he muttered feeling proud of himself. "Let's go" he mentioned to the other two who were standing there shock.

"H-hold on" Yoongi pulled out his phone taking a couple pictures of her.

Jungkook waited till he was done before walking away with him. "And if you EVER do something again, I'll make sure to do something worse"

As he was about to walk away he heard her laugh insanely. "Really? Your pathetic words did nothing to me, nor did your actions, really a cake? Wow"

Jungkook walked up to her "dont fucking test me Veronica"

"I know your dad~" she sang. "You know I could always-"

And that was it for Jungkook to start beating the shit out of her. He didn't care if she was a woman, and he didn't care if he'd get in trouble he just wanted to fuck her up so badly.

Namjoon and Yoongi ran back pulling Jungkook off of her. They pushed him into the backseat as Yoongi and Namjoon got in the front. Yoongi being in the driver seat started the car and left the mansion.

"She brought him up! She fucking brought him up! Fuck!" Jungkook was shaking furiously in the backseat. Namjoon turned around feeling worried. "hey it's okay"

"No it's not Namjoon! She's going to bring him back and ruin our family! I fucking know it Namjoon! She's capable of anything"

"Well we could drive back and give her a couple more-" Yoongi was cut off.

"wait, we could kill her father" Jungkook suggested.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU CRAZY!!?" Namjoon shouted.

"Veronica can't do anything if her father is dead, she's getting all her money from him"

"keep driving Yoongi, don't listen to him"

"No no, I have the money to get a hit man"

"No Jungkook! You're becoming like her"

"No, I'm becoming like Taehyung working smarter not harder"

"that too, I don't think this is healthy for you"

"Namjoon you would've done the same thing" Jungkook slumped into his seat.

"I would just put her in jail"

"Her father would bail her out and put me in instead, wait OH MY GOD HER FATHER IS PROBABLY AFTER ME RIGHT NOW!! YOONGI DRIVE!!"






"Jungkook you're crazy but Yoongi could you also please speed up I'm also not trying to get killed by the father"


"I'm not crazy" Jungkook muttered watching the cars go by.



Jungkook slammed the front door open. "MOM YOU BETTER NOT BE- oh, what are guys doing?" He asked as he saw both of them kneeling down by the coffee table. "A puzzle" Jihyo replied.

"Yeah, and she made these good cookies" Hoseok smiled.

"Oh oh where?" Yoongi shoved Namjoon and Jungkook out the way. "In the kitchen" he answered as Yoongi did his grandpa run towards the kitchen.

"So what did you guys do this whole time?" Jungkook asked sitting on the couch with Namjoon. "We baked cookies and did puzzles" Hoseok answered.

Jungkook nodded and looked at his mom noticing a red mark on her neck.

'What the hell is on her neck!?'

'Should I body slam Hoseok? Or should I body slam Hoseok?'

Jungkook grabbed the back of Hoseok's shirt. "What the-"


"Oof" Hoseok's air was knocked out of his lungs when Jungkook slammed him onto the ground. "Jungkook!" Jihyo shrieked.

"What the fuck is on your neck" Jungkook gritted holding Hoseok down. "What are you talking about? And get off of him you're hurting him"

Jungkook ignored her and looked at Hoseok gripping his shirt. "Why would you touch her!" He shouted. "Jungkook stop! You're scaring your mom dude" Namjoon pulled Jungkook off of Hoseok who was sweating confusingly.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about man" Hoseok panted standing up. Jungkook gripped his collar and pulled him towards Jihyo. "You see this? Huh tell me do you fucking see it!"

"JUNGKOOK!!" A deep voice shouted from none other then Min Yoongi. "Calm your fucking balls" he harshly grabbed Jungkook's arm and threw him on the couch.

"You're becoming way too aggressive"

'He's right! What the hell is the matter with me!?'

"Look at your mother she's shaking! Look at Hoseok he's also shaking, if you're mad about earlier then don't take it out on them!!"

Jungkook stared at his mother with guilt. "I-I'm sorry mom, I-"

"You've changed Jungkook"

'Oh no'

Jungkook shook his head "no, no I didn't mom I'm still your baby"

"My baby isn't aggressive, my baby doesn't cuss at me, my baby doesn't tell me what to do"

'She's right! I did change'

"Mom" Jungkook whispered standing up. "I don't know what got into me" he walked towards her. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he hugged her. "I love you mom, I love you so much I could never hurt you" he tighten the hug.

"I forgive you sweetie but you also need to apologize to your friend Hoseok" she backed away from the hug. Jungkook nodded and turned around facing Hoseok. "I'm sorry hyung, I'm sorry for acting horribly towards you" he hugged him.

"I honestly deserve it, this is karma for slapping you" Hoseok hugged back laughing.

"Wait you slapped my baby?" Jihyo broke the hug between them.

"Uh well-"

She took her slipper off and started to smack him with it. "How dear you hit my precious baby"

"Ow ow I'm sorry" Hoseok winced once she stopped hitting him. "Better be, next time I hear you hitting my child there will be a bat involved"

"O-of course, I will never hit him"


"well mom I have to get going sadly Jin is blowing up my phone" Namjoon said reading the desperate text messages from his future boyfriend.


"Can you please not call her mom" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"You wanted what mom?" Namjoon asked ignoring him.

"Can I have-"

"Stop calling her mom! You didn't come out of her vagina"

"No but- oh shit Jin's calling me, well I really gotta go" Namjoon put his phone in his back pocket and reaching over to hug everyone.

"Bye Namjoon! Lovely having you here!" Jihyo said giving him a forehead kiss.

Hoseok and Jungkook glared at them. 'My special forehead kisses'

"I had an amazing time here, thank you" he smiled hugging the rest. "You should visit us soon again" she said following him towards the door. "Sure will!" He said opening the door and walking out.

"Oh shit I need to get a new phone! Yoongi you wanna come with me to get a new phone?"

"Sorry bud, but I should also get going before I don't want to" Yoongi sighed walking towards the front door.

"No no stay, I don't have problem with you staying" Jihyo exclaimed. "Actually we have a concert tomorrow, so I have to sleep early"

"Don't you have your clothes in your car?" Jungkook asked.

"I do! Holy shit, never mind I'll stay" Yoongi walked back to the living room.


Jihyo smiled closing the front door and also made her way to the living room. "Hoseok you could stay too" Jungkook said. Hoseok shook his head "I would love to but sadly I have to wake up Jin in the morning and get him ready"

"Oh yeah" Jungkook slumped his shoulders.

"Maybe next time we could all have a sleepover here?" Hoseok suggested.

"As in all seven?" Yoongi asked, Hoseok nodded.

"ALL SEVEN!? AS IN PARK JIMIN KIM TAEHYUNG AND KIM SEOKJIN!!" Jihyo squealed. Hoseok nodded again


Jungkook giggled at his mother fanning. "fuck when will this be!?"

"When the tour ends we have a month break"

"AHHH!!!" She ran around the room screaming. "I'm going to meet the Kim Taehyung, Kim Seokjin, and Park Jimin do you know how many people would kill to be in my position?"

"A lot mom, and it's not funny" Jungkook answered knowing how some fans could get a bit possessive. "Well fuck them! I got three bodyguards to protect me"

"Shes right" Hoseok stood up "well I better get going now, see you tomorrow at the concert?" Hoseok asked approaching Jihyo.

"Tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that and the day after that" she answered hugging him. "Jesus mom did you buy tickets to all four concerts?" Jungkook laughed.

She nodded "hell yeah!"

Hoseok laughed and hugged the other two after that he made his way to the front door.

"Bye guys!"

"Bye Hobi!"

"Bye baby!"


Hoseok blushed and waved shyly before leaving. "He's cute, you gotta admit it" she shrugged and sat down by the coffee table continuing to do the puzzle.

"Uh hey mom, we're going out to get a new phone my old one doesn't work any more" Jungkook informed walking towards the front door with Yoongi.

"Oh that's fine sweetie, could you bring me some pregnancy tests Hoseok and I might have done it"

Jungkook almost fainted hearing that. "I'm kidding! But please bring me some donuts I'm kinda craving some right now"

Yoongi burst out laughing at Jungkook's relieved face. "S-sure mom" He stumbled out the house. Yoongi right behind him closing the door. "Damn she got you good, she kinda got me too" he laughed as Jungkook unlocked his car.

"That shit wasn't funny I was close to actually chasing after Hoseok with my car"

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