Nothing Dark Can Stay, Either

By SprintingFox

118K 4.3K 1.9K

Beatrix La Salle, the Original Heretic, was not expecting to be trapped in a prison world with a siphon socio... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Final Author's Note

Chapter 19

1.6K 74 14
By SprintingFox

Beatrix remained in her room long enough to make the others a bit worried.

"How about we visit your Aunt Beatrix and see if she is still wallowing in sadness after her apparent squabble with Uncle Elijah?"

The Heretic looked up from where she was fixing her sheets as Klaus came in with Hope, who looked overjoyed. "Hello, darling," said Beatrix, going over and plucking the girl out of her father's arms. "Your daddy is just itching to get the scoop on everything around here, isn't it?"

"Well, you've been cooped up in here for so long and we barely see you for meals," said Klaus indifferently. "One might think you're plotting murder."

Beatrix made a silly face to Hope. "Hear that? He thinks I'm planning murder. Absolutely no common sense." She looked back up at the hybrid. "Actually, I've been fixing my room the best I can. And, you know, figuring out how to bring your brother back from the dead."

"I am very aware of that, love," said Klaus, examining the room out of curiosity. "But I would expect you to socialize more than you have been. Elijah has not come by since we saw him leave in a hurry the other day, and you haven't really shown face. You're too talkative to be stuck in here by your lonesome." He glanced up at the wall, seeing the painting he had made for her. "I am rather surprised you still have that."

"Why would I get rid of it?" said Beatrix as she waved her hand to conjure a blanket for Hope on the ground. She set her down and gave her a small ball of yarn. "I can make you a doll with this if you like it." Hope didn't seem to need it to take the form of a doll. She picked up the ball of yarn and squealed, waving it around with content.

"Freya is stopping by," said Klaus, leaning against the wall and watching the two. "I would like for you to join us when Rebekah arrives. She should be here shortly. Elijah called her."

"Are you sure you want me stepping in? That's a family matter."

He threw his hands in the air like he couldn't believe her words. "When has 'family matter' ever excluded you? I'd like to think you'd know by now that we always like having you there as a somewhat neutral party. You have attachments to allof us and therefore, will see reason."

"Actually, you just like to include me because I almost always agree with you. It's the one thing Elijah always hated, but never spoke on. He knows that while I am rational like him, I tend to lean to my wilder side that tailors to you."

Klaus smirked. "I am your sire, Beatrix. Naturally, you will prefer to follow what I say. But you do not always do it. You have sided with Elijah many times."

"Klaus, I just don't think it wise to go and stick my foot where it really doesn't belong. This is between all of you. Freya is your sister, not mine. If it were up to me, I wouldn't want to make any contact with her unless we had a way to fully trust her."

This made the hybrid's lips curl into a greater smirk. "Funny thing, then, because that's exactly what I wanted you to think. I have absolutely no intentions of warming up to her. You know that I never would. Elijah and Rebekah may be softened quite easily— especially my sister, because after Kol's idiotic 'prank' on her, she sees Freya as the savior that helped her get out of the Fauline Cottage."

"So you came here, bearing serotonin in the form of your daughter, to sway me to stand by your side in the matter of Freya? You're a devil, Klaus."

"And yet, you often agree with this devil." He knelt beside her. "I knew you could not resist, looking at that little face." For effect, it was like Hope knew to coo happily. "But I will not force you to do this. I am well aware that you and Elijah are not on good terms. I happened to have overheard, of course..."

Beatrix rolled her eyes. "Why am I not surprised?"

"You know my brother. He gets jealous very often in matters that concern a woman and other men. It's been occurring repeatedly over the time we've been alive. You, especially, are his weak spot. He was jealous of your relationship with Kol. Then your relationship with me, especially after we stopped being Marcel's parents together. Yet, it wasn't until Rebekah egged him to that he tried to actually speak with you and set things straight. It is rather obvious that he is displeased with Jackson's presence here, and even more so knowing about your apparent suitor who he hasn't yet met."

"Kai is not my suitor, holy f—" she stopped herself, since Hope was looking up at her with big eyes. "He's just an acquaintance. Our shared interest is in getting rid of the Coven who trapped us. After that, I doubt we'll ever speak again. He's only talking to me because he needs something from me. Once he gets it, he'll forget I ever existed."

Klaus shrugged, still smirking, and picked Hope up again, followed by the ball of yarn that she apparently found very interesting. "Listen for when Rebekah arrives. Then, make your way downstairs."

He left, and Beatrix let out a loud sigh.

At first, she spent her time just listening, since he'd said Rebekah would arrive soon. Then, her mind had wandered to Kai, when she'd gone to Twitter to see if he was active.

What was he, to her, anyway? She wouldn't think of him as a friend. But he wasn't just an acquaintance, either. 'Friends with benefits' would imply some sort of endearment, which was not there. 'Acquaintances with benefits' was a rather strange way to put it. He really was just the guy she'd been trapped with for nearly twenty years. Her suffering buddy. She supposed that might be the best way to think of him.

Hours passed and Beatrix became aware of the fact that Rebekah was still not there. She couldn't hear her voice anywhere. Hours had already passed, and she could hear a distant conversation that was surely taking place with Freya. She could hear an agitated tone in Klaus's voice— he most certainly was getting very impatient with the woman and was still refusing to believe she could be his sister.

After yet another hour of wait, Beatrix stepped out of the room, walking out to the balcony to see if there was anything below. She saw Elijah seemed to have just finished a phone call, and was tucking his cell into his pocket. He glanced up and saw Beatrix. The Heretic was unsure what facial expression to have, and remained fairly deadpan.

"Rebekah is finally on her way," called Elijah calmly, as if unfazed by her presence. He then disappeared back into one of the downstairs rooms.

Not long after, the brothers stepped out, and went to the main entrance as Rebekah walked in. They came upstairs, and beckoned Beatrix to follow them into the upstairs living room.

"I lost track of time," sighed Rebekah. "I can't gain any control. I went to Davina for help but nothing worked... It was this witch, Eva! The nocturnal cow is inside of me trying to bust her way out!"

"Freya is waiting downstairs," said Elijah. "Perhaps we should—"

"Have you lost your mind?" snapped Klaus. "Tell me we're not considering opening our sister's head to someone we barely know! Beatrix is standing right here, and I'm sure she is perfectly capable of performing any spell that is needed!"

Rebekah let out a frustrated sigh. "Nik, for God's sake, she is our sister! I don't know if this is the kind of thing any one witch could do alone, either way! I've known Freya since she saved me from the Fauline Cottage!"

"An act no doubt meant to secure your trust! Perhaps for this very moment, to strike when we are vulnerable! No— we've no way of knowing that anything she said today is true."

Elijah sighed loudly, rubbing his forehead. "Niklaus, I understand your concern. Both of us are powerless to help our sister. Now, either we leave Rebekah to suffer, or we place our faith in the hands of someone I believe to be our blood." He glared at Klaus. "After all, you are more than eager to entrust Beatrix, who was not born a Mikaelson. You consider her to be kin. Therefore, I am inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to family. That means Freya." He swept out of the room, no doubt to go retrieve the woman downstairs.

Klaus gritted his teeth, staring at Beatrix as if to say, 'D'you see what I meant, earlier?'

"I can help her, Klaus, then it won't just be Freya aiding Rebekah," she said, trying to be open-minded now that she knew how serious the situation was becoming. "Whatever the spell, she can teach it to me."

Rebekah seemed pleased at this, and turned as Elijah escorted Freya back, greeting her very pleasantly. The woman most certainly looked like a Mikaelson. She bore several resemblances to the siblings and had the same intense look that was characteristic of them.

Elijah began to explain the problem to Freya as she and Rebekah sat on the couch. Klaus, looking very annoyed, went off to the corner and sat down, drink in hand, facing the wall. Beatrix wanted to roll her eyes, but forced herself to remain focused on the task at hand.

"I can help," said Freya, sounding sure of herself.

"Rather confident, aren't we?" muttered Klaus loudly from his corner.

"The spirit of the host body is powerful," continued Freya, ignoring Klays, "but I can cast a spell." She put her hand on her sister's cheek. "Put you in a deep sleep, and then suppress this other essence. You'll be just fine."

"Lovely," said Rebekah nervously. "When do we start?"

At this, Klaus let out a loud groan. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me. She spouts off some magical diagnosis, and we're all supposed to applaud?"

"It's actually very reasonable," said Beatrix, going over to where he could see her. But by then, he'd decided to stand up and face them.

"Yes," he said, "but for the sake of keeping our options open, why not write down your spells and incantations, that way we can have them double and triple-checked by an impartial third party? Say, Davina? She'd love to prove me wrong. And if they pass her, then Beatrix may criticize them."

This made Freya look highly offended. "I doubt Davina would be able to understand by magic, let alone have the power to execute it. As for Beatrix, I'm sure she would have the power, but this magic is much more ancient than her, and even she might not fully comprehend it."

"Oh, so you're my only hope, then?" snapped Klaus. "Seems rather convenient, doesn't it?"

Freya glared at him. "I knew it would be difficult to earn your trust, Niklaus. Your reputation precedes you." Klaus shot her a mocking grin, but the witch did not falter. "If we are to face Dahlia together, you will have to trust me. Given the peril that Rebekah now faces, are you truly incapable of giving me even a chance to prove myself? I never even objected to your clear suggestions of having your chosen witch help me."

Klaus rolled his eyes, shooting Beatrix a look like, 'can you believe this woman?' Elijah and Rebekah shot cold looks at their brother, but turned to their sister much more eagerly as she continued to speak. "I know I appear as an outsider, but I have dreamt of you all for a thousand years. Elijah— when you were in Esther's womb, she would ask me to sing to you. I would feel her belly as I did..." she let out a gentle laugh, "how you would kick. She would say it was as it Thor himself had raised his hammer—"

"—and summoned thunder and lightning," finished Elijah knowingly. He cast her a smile. "Mother rarely mentioned you, but when she did, she would say how enchanted you were by the prospect of my birth."

"How I wanted more brothers," sighed Freya. "And a sister—" she nodded to Rebekah, "more than anything. But between Esther and Dahlia, that wish was taken from me. I was ruined by those who raised me. If nothing else, at least we have that in common. There is nothing that can replace what was taken from us. But, I hope we can make something better in its place. All you have to do is trust me."

Klaus, it seemed, had decided against trusting her. He sped toward Freya and snapped her neck before anyone could react.

"NIK!" screamed Rebekah.

Klaus simply smirked triumphantly. "Well, that's enough of that, don't you think?" He let Freya's body drop to the floor. "Right. Now we can have a proper family meeting."

"I'll go set Freya down somewhere more comfortable," sighed Beatrix, leaning down to pick her up. Klaus caught her arm.

"No," he snapped. "You are staying right here."

"Was it really absolutely necessary to snap her neck, Klaus?" Beatrix hissed.

"Oh, please, she was insufferable. Besides, you said yourself that if she were your sister, you wouldn't make contact unless you knew you could trust her!"

"That was before I knew that Rebekah's body was fighting to gain control of itself again! Besides, we weren't even fully trusting her— she was going to let me help! You didn't even try to see reason!"

"You've only just met her!" Klaus roared. "All of you! So let's not get sentimental. Besides, if she was telling the truth about being immortal, she'll awaken shortly. If she was lying, good riddance."

"Yes," chimed in Elijah sarcastically. "Of course, if she wakes, she'll be willing to help us with unbridled enthusiasm. This was ridiculous, even for you, Niklaus!"

Klaus scoffed, clearly unbothered, and glared at his siblings. "She played you both for fools! Can you not see that? She spins a sad yarn about a small child taken by an evil witch, and you both fall over yourselves to mend what's broken!"

"How can you be so certain?" Rebekah demanded.

"Simple— it's exactly what I'd do! My only question now is, what's in it for her?"

"Well, whatever the truth may be, she's in no position to help us now," Elijah said impatiently.

"Then we should try Marcel," said Rebekah, still glaring furiously at Klaus. "Perhaps he's had luck on his end? Surely he's put in better effort." She stormed out of the room, and Elijah made to follow her.

"You know I'm right, Elijah!" Klaus bellowed. "We can't have an alliance with someone we can't trust!"

Elijah whirled around, unamused. "You don't trust her, and that is your choice. I only hope that choice comes from a place of reason... not fear." He left without another word, and Klaus just scoffed loudly.

"I thought the whole point of having me here to support you was because you were going to go about this rationally," said Beatrix, pulling Freya up to lay on the couch.

"Don't chastise me, Beatrix," huffed Klaus, pushing her aside and scooping Freya up. "I will not have her wake here, in my home. I will take her elsewhere. If her claim of immortality is true, I will see what truths she offers."

He sped off, and Beatrix grumbled, going back to her room, and finding her phone had been buzzing for a long time already.

"Hello?" she said, picking up the fifth call from Kai. "Someone better be ready to die."

"You could be that someone if you're interested in coming to Virginia for a killing spree against each other. For old times' sake."

"Is there a problem? Why do I have four missed calls from you?"

"Jeez, a guy can't even call just to hear someone's voice nowadays. Everything has to have an ulterior motive."

"There's always an underlying truth to the facade you put up, Kai," said Beatrix with a cheeky smile. "Let's not pretend you give a shit about me."

"And here I thought you'd be thankful to hear my voice. Maybe you shouldn't pretend you don't dream about me all the time. You're in looooove with me."

"I don't dream," she said, mocking him. "That's what you said, isn't it?"

"Touché. Whatcha doing?"

"Literally nothing."

"Cool. Hop on a flight and get your ass over here, then."

"Why are you so insistent on getting me to Mystic Falls? We never planned to stick together after we got out. Unless your plan is underway, I'm not making an effort to go anywhere."

"Oh come on, Trixter, you're my partner in crime. I'm used to wreaking havoc with you. It's lonely, being a solo sociopath. Think of the fun we could have, going on a killing spree. Remember when we drowned each other in the bayou? I was watching this kid's show called Avatar and they can bend all these elements like water, fire, air, and earth... and then I watched the first season of the sequel called Legend of Korra... and I started thinking, we can probably do a lot of that stuff, especially if you let me siphon off of you. We could try and do this thing they call blood blending. Like, use magic to mimic them and make it murderous."

"You're making a kid's show too dark, Kai," sighed Beatrix. "I really don't think that you should be thinking of that."

"It's not even a kid's show, honestly! Like, the first show was super kid friendly but the sequel is much more mature. This first season, the main villain was blood bending bitches like no tomorrow! They haven't released other seasons yet but I'm going to write to them to make it more intense. I have a suggestion for how they could make airbending totally evil... sucking the air out of someone's lungs! No one's done that yet."

"Did you really just call to rant about a cartoon and try and persuade me to help you wreak havoc?"

"Duh. Why else would I call?"

"Because you miss me. Clearly, since you're obsessed with talking to me."

"Ew, don't ever insinuate something like that again, Trixter. You'll make me throw up."

She laughed lightly and slumped onto her bed, letting out a quiet sigh. "You seem to be having a good time," she murmured. "Must feel nice."

"You wouldn't be so miserable if you just left. Clearly, Elijah is fucked in the head."

"It's just complicated. I don't want to leave."

"Even though he's not even fully committed to you? Come on, you told me your whole life story. He had a thing for you for decades and didn't say anything. Then, you finally got together, and he thought his father killed you. A guy wouldn't just brush all of that aside after seeing you again, almost a century later. How special can this other girl be? He's obviously just met her and she's definitely no Heretic. He'd be an idiot to not choose you. You two have so much history, and clearly, a lot of chemistry. The other chick is married and has an entire child with his younger brother. She'll never completely be his."

Beatrix remained silent. She had a lost look in her eyes, listening to Kai's words and feeling them sink in. If she was not mistaken, he was letting her know that she was worth more. That she didn't deserve to be the rebound girl or the second choice.

"You're quiet because you know I'm right," said Kai. "You could be free, having the time of your life, killing and planning the death of the Gemini Coven, the people that kept you away from Elijah this entire time. Yet, you're choosing to stay because you haven't internalized the fact that he's taking you for granted."

The brunette let out a soft laugh, covering her face. "It sounds to me like you're saying I deserve better."

"Yeah, I guess I am, then. Consider it."

She knew that he really just wanted someone to be evil with. That he just wanted the thrill of killing others and probably her, while having her help him to become even more powerful. But there was a hint of concern in his voice. After eighteen years, he knew the most modern, impatient, and broken version of herself. Even Marcel didn't know the truth behind a lot of her troubles, because she didn't want to burden him.

"I'll consider it," she murmured back. "I should go to bed now. Good night. Um... thanks for that."

"Aw, don't get soft on me, Trixter, I'm still driven by a need for blood."

He hung up, and she was left alone once more.

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