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By Shameless_Reads

3.9K 84 8

๐˜๐˜ต ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ด ๐˜ข ๐˜ค๐˜ข๐˜ณ ๐˜ธ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฌ... ๐˜๐˜ต ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฑ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ง๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ต, ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜จ๐˜ฉ๐˜ต ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ช๐˜ณ ๐˜ฆ๐˜บ๐˜ฆ... More



289 6 0
By Shameless_Reads

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Lucy, Chris, and Sam all piled out of the cable car, walking towards the door. Chris jiggled the handle and looked at Sam, once he noticed that the door wasn't budging. "Well, we're stuck," Chris announced to the girls. Lucy rolled her eyes and then tried to open the door.

"Someone has to be there," Lucy said, "Bang on the door," She suggested. Chris then nodded at her, doing exactly that. Lucy joined in and hit the door with the palm of her hand, Sam stood there watching with crossed arms. Suddenly someone ended up walking up to the door. It was Jessica, she looked into the window, confused and startled.

"Jess, hey!" Chris yelled, still banging on the door.

"Jessica, over here!" Sam chimed in, waving her arms, Lucy did the same.

"Uh... Are you guys having a really weird stroke?" Jessica asked them, she clearly wasn't excited to see them.

Lucy rolled her eyes dramatically, "No," She said to her, "We're stuck in here. Clearly."

"Can you let us out?" Sam pleaded, "Pretty please?" She put on her best puppy dog eyes, putting her hands together. 

Jessica let out a long sigh as she pressed a button that was near the door that unlocked it, the three walked out of the station, all letting out a sigh of relief in unison. As Lucy took a deep breath, the cold air hit her lungs. She looked around, really thinking about the fact that it was really happening, she was back to the place she never thought she would be again. "Man, oh God," Chris said, "I thought we were goners... Another ten minutes and I would've chewed off my own leg," He shook his head.

Lucy grimaced as she looked over at him, "That is disgusting," She stuck her tongue out as she pretended to gag.

Jessica snuffed before she rolled her eyes at Lucy, "Didn't think you had a gag reflex," She mumbled under her breath. Lucy was caught off guard by the statement, but she brushed it off before she looked back over at Chris.

"Look, I got a lot of meat on my bones," Chris continued on with his conversation, "This is all muscle down here," He pointed down to his thighs.

Sam let out a laugh, "Yeah, riiight... Uh-huh," She said with a smile before she raised her brows.

Suddenly Chris snatched a letter from Jessica, "Hey!" Jessica protested, reaching out for the letter. 

"Just doing like Sam taught me," Chris said to her, "Other people's private thoughts are my own personal playground," He fiddled with the letter.

"Ugh, don't be a jerk!" Sam protested, shaming Chris for his actions. 

Chris looked at the front of the letter, it very clearly had Mike's name written on the front, along with a heart next to it. Lucy noticed the name quickly, she let out a sigh as she looked away, no longer wanting to be apart of this, "My goodness, it seems like someone has a lil crush on our good friend and dear class president, Michael Munroe," Chris presented the letter to Sam and Lucy. Lucy looked off to the side, Sam crossed her arms.

"Chris-" Sam tried to speak, only to be cut off.

"Annnddd what kind of sizzling erotica might our Jessica be capable of imagining," Chris gestured towards Jessica, "I wonder," He continued. Lucy was clearly uncomfortable, looking at the ground to avoid any stares. 

"Mike and Em split up. We're together now," Jessica spat at Chris before she looked over at Lucy, "Hear that?" She glared at her.

Chris raised a brow, invested in the conversation, "Woah, drama." 

"No, not really. Pretty clear cut actually, Em's out, I'm in."

"Huh," Sam mumbled before she shuffled towards Lucy, "Ignore her. She's possessive," She whispered.

"Hey, you guys go ahead," Lucy spoke up, "I... Uh, I need to wait for Emily, I need to talk to her," She was nervous, the other seemed confused as she said this.

"What? Did you two make up?" Sam asked her, genuinely interested. 

"I suppose... I, uh, I texted her earlier, said that I wanted to talk to her about everything," Lucy lied through her teeth. She let her head get to her, she wanted to wait for Mike.

"Yeah. Um, right, okay... I don't want to be around when that goes down, let Mike know I'll be waiting for him at the lodge... If you see him, which I hope you don't," Jessica crossed her arms, turning around to walk down the path with Chris and Sam. She peeked over her shoulder at Lucy for a second, giving her a look. Lucy turned back around to sit on the bench to wait.

She took out her phone, scrolling through her photos while enjoying the peace and quiet. She looked up from her phone for a second, taking in the surroundings. She fixed her jacket and shivered. She was trying to think about how everyone thought it was creepy up here, to her it was calm and peaceful. The cold was weirdly inviting to her. She loved this mountain, it was the only part of the whole trip that she was excited to see. Suddenly she heard the cable car coming up the mountain, it was either going to be Emily and Matt or it was Mike. She hoped for one more than the other. She stood up, turning on her heels, looking at the door as it opened. Mike stepped out, he looked everyone but where Lucy was standing. It was like he was taking it all in, just like Lucy did moments prior. "Michael," She said softly, which startled him, he turned to look at her quickly.

"Shit!" He said at first, "Oh- Lucy? Wow, I wasn't, uh, I wasn't expecting you," Mike said as he itched the back of his head. He always did this when he was nervous. Lucy smiled at him once her nerves calmed.

"I wasn't expecting myself to be here either... I mean, waiting for you, I don't know. Dumb idea, I know," She coughed awkwardly as she looked at the ground for a moment before looking back at Mike. He smiled when she looked at him.

"It's been quite some time, hasn't it?" He bit his bottom lip for a second, "Uh, shall we head up?" He pointed at the path. Lucy nodded in agreement. 

"I... Mike," Lucy was struggling to formulate words to say to him as she followed, "It's been a rough year for me... For everyone, I should of reached out to you-" Mike then quickly cut her off.

"Hey, no. It's okay, I get it," He came to a stop, "Let's go sit for a second," He pointed out a little picnic area in a clearing of trees. Lucy looked over towards it, she was hesitant at first, but she obliged, following him over towards the table. Mike sat down on the table and Lucy sat next to him on the bench.

She looked up at his face, it was barely illuminated by the light that was above them, "Jessica, huh?" She laughed quietly once she brought it up, "She was a little intense when she saw me. Made sure that I knew you two are a thing," She raised a brow, waiting for his response. 

"Oh, man, yeah... About that," Mike was clearly growing nervous again, "I don't know, she kinda came onto me," He shrugged. 

"I get that. You are definitely her type," Lucy snorted as she laughed, Mike looked down at her, smiling once she heard her genuine laugh for once. 

"Oh, Lucy, I'm everyone's type," He smiled as he leaned forward, nudging her shoulder playfully. She rolled her eyes at him, it was clear he was trying to flirt with her.

"Am I supposed to agree with that or something?" She asked as she licked her bottom lip, looking up at him. He gazed down at her longingly. 

He was quiet for a moment, then he made a face, "Was it really a mistake?" He asked out of no where, "What we did?" Lucy was quick to stand up, shocked that he would even bring it up right now.

"Hey, woah, Mike," She put her hands up, shaking her head, "I don't even want to think about it. It was a fucked-up situation, I mean, we were drunk, but..." Mike stood up too, putting his hand on her shoulder, looking her in the eye. As he was looking at her, he didn't know how to put his feelings out there, she always got him all nervous, "Mike," Lucy whispered, "I don't want to be fucked over again, I was heartbroken all year. And Hannah and Beth's disappearance was just the icing on top..." Lucy got choked up, Mike squeezed her shoulder reassuringly, not saying anything. He place a swift kiss on her cheek, gaining a smile from her. Once he noticed this, he returned the smile. 

She stood there, staring into his eyes, she had a mix of emotions running through her. She hadn't been studying her surroundings as usual, she was too busy eyeing Mike down... Then it happened, he backed her up to the table, lifting her up; she let out a gasp as it happened, but it was cut short by Mike locking his lips with hers, his hand finding a spot to rest on the small of her back. 

Up on the hill above them, Ashley was watching from the binoculars, she let out a gasp at the sight of it, "Woah, hello... Somebody is getting a little friendly... Apparently they made up, in a big way," She said to herself, that was when she zoomed out and Matt's face came into view, "Oh god! God!" She shouted, stumbling back. She held onto her chest dramatically. 

Matt started laughing at her, "Woah, sorry there. Sorry about that, Ash, didn't mean to scare you!" Matt spoke after he finished laughing.

"Jeez Louise, Matt," Ashley said to him as she shook her head in frustration. 

"Well, I did mean to scare you," He said, "Sort of scare you, not like for real scare you..." He tried to formulate a sentence, Ashley pushed him a little.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" She stumbled while pouting at him.

Matt chuckled again, nodding, "Hey, wow man. I'm really sorry, Ash. Damn."

Ashley shook her head, "It's okay, it's fine... It's fine," She was still a little freaked out.

Matt walked towards the binoculars, "What are you looking at?" He questioned her, "See anything juicy with that thing?"

"Uh," Ashley hesitated at first, she didn't want to cause any drama this weekend, she wouldn't be able to live with that. But, then again, it was pretty interesting.

Matt put his hands on the binoculars, "Let me check it out," He said with a smile.

Ashley nodded, "Yeah, uh, yeah. Sure, help yourself," She wasn't confident in her decision to let him, but she was excited to see his reaction.

Matt messed with the binoculars before his view landed on the scene people. Mike was now standing between Lucy's legs, his hand on her hip as they were interlocked in an intense make out session. Matt watched as Mike grabbed a fistful of Lucy's hair, leaning her head back a little as he was obviously getting into it. Matt's jaw went slack as he let out an audible gasp, "Shit, Mike," He said. He was shocked that it only took the two of them 30 whole minutes up here to jump on each other. He had to look away as Mike stepped back to unbutton his pants, clearly it was at a point where it would just be awkward to continue watching. 

"Look, Matt," Ashley was nervous now, "Don't start anything, it could... it could be nothing?" She let out a hoarse laugh, Matt looked back over to her after his eyes left the binoculars. 

"Nothing? You think? Was it nothing last year with them? When Emily and Mike broke up because of his feelings and their nothing they did last year?" Matt was clearly upset with it, because of how upset Emily was when she found out what happened.

"Matt... I don't know."

"He really likes fucking people over, doesn't he?" Matt tilted his head to the side, "He's playing with Lucy's feelings, that is obvious," He then turned to walk off, Ashley went after him.

Mike and Lucy finally peeled away from each other, their breathing was heavy and labored. Once they straightened themselves out, they agreed to make their way to the lodge, "What are we going to do?" Lucy asked him at a whisper. 

"Go in head first and deal with it?" Mike suggested, those words stuck with her. She swallowed a lump that formed in her throat, "But, let's say we apologized to each other and we're friends again. Then we can deal with Jess and whatever consequences that come with that later on," He paused for a moment, "I mean, it's obvious we've always wanted this, right?" He was genuinely concerned that she never even liked him.

"Of course," She nodded.

He let out a breath of relief, "I will take care of it," He then smiled, "Don't get upset when she's all over me... I will take care of it!" He threw his hands up, turning back around to walk up the path.

They both showed up at the lodge together. Jessica stared at the two of them, her eyes like daggers. Matt was stood off to the side with crossed arms. He didn't say a word though, Jessica just knew that Lucy waited for Mike and not Emily. Emily was sat on the steps, being silent. She had nothing to say to the two of them, Lucy nervously licked her lips, walking away from Mike, she went towards a tree to lean against. She wasn't ready for the storm that was going to happen this weekend. 

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