ateez family au

By cuteezers

682K 29.9K 28.5K

Because I am a sucker for these *updates at least twice a week *mentions of mpreg More

o30 - ateez family au au
o50 - ateez family au au pt2
o71 - halloween special
117 - valentine's day special
118 - family au au pt.3 100K SPECIAL

100 - season finale

3.7K 179 413
By cuteezers

Jeonghan stopped his car in his reserved parking lot and looked over to Seonghwa. "I know you have a tic for cleaning up every mess you see. Now, Seongie, my studio looks like Prada and Gucci had a bitch-fight five minutes ago" the older warned and took off his glasses. "You have been warned"

Seonghwa chuckled and rolled his eyes. "I don't have a cleaning tic!" he huffed "Hongjoong told you that, didn't he? He's the one working in a studio with a two-centimeter dust coat over his stuff!"

The elder shook his head with an amused smile and got out of his car. "Come, my model send from heavens! Let's get to work, we don't want to be late, do we?"
Jeonghan led the younger to the apartment he had turned into his studio. It was on the 32nd floor of the building, and looking out of the large windows made one feel like falling. The studio was small, there was a bedroom with a bed and dresser, then a just as small bathroom. The space, which probably was planned to be the living room, was the main room for the elder's supplies. Large sowing machines, models, and sketchy designs were all over the space. There was another room with only one big closet, Jeonghan kept his fabrics and finished designs in there. It was all locked up with its own key, secured from every possible rob. The elder hadn't been lying when he said his workspace was a mess, there was cut fabric and needles everywhere, here and there pearls and lace. And Seonghwa bit his lips to not comment anything. He loved his dear friend, he wouldn't dare to hurt his feelings just because he had the urge to clean up. Jeonghan laughed at the younger heartly "I told you, Seongie. A total mess. But for my defense, it's easier to get to your stuff when they are all around your feet!"

"No no! This just reminded me of something!" Seonghwa gave back and scanned the many sketches pinned to the wall "This looks like my parents living room when I told them I was getting married a week later-" he chuckled and looked back at the platinum blond.

"You told them just a week before-?"

"We forgot-" Seonghwa laughed "I was scared because we were just around nineteen, twenty years old. I knew if I had told them before everything was set and ready, they would have talked me out of it"

"If I see you forbidding your kids to get married at nineteen I will personally spank your ass" Jeonghan laughed and set his purse on his desk "I would have gone crazy too!"

"Ah I know, I know" Seonghwa sighed with a nostalgic smile "just because I did it, doesn't mean they can do too, though" he added and picked up a couple of sketches from the floor "did you make all of these?"

The elder looked at the old sketches in the younger hands "Oh these, yeah. All in the other room waiting" he replied and pointed at the room with the large closet. "They are my first drafts, I usually put them away when the whole project is over," he said and started to get his supplies together. "Now, I have to get your measurements so I can customize the one's I have finished for your size," he said and approached the other "down with your clothes, Seongie"

As if on command, Seonghwa's fave lit up red. "Oh- Oh- uhm. This is going to be embarrassing" he stuttered and started removing his belt.

"Why?... Oh oh, you have something to hide?" Jeonghan smirked as he clipped his notepad to his belt. He grabbed a pencil and his measure band, waited for the other to get undressed so he could get exact measurements. When Seonghwa revealed his bare shoulders and chest, Jeonghan's eyes widened. "Oh Seongie, he sure knows how to mark his territory" he commented and couldn't hold back a chuckle.

Seonghwa's cheeks were burning at this point. He couldn't look in the elder's eyes anymore, this was too embarrassing. When he noticed that Jeonghan still waited, he lifted his eyes for a second. "Pants too?" he asked in shock. Oh, there was no limit to the feeling of embarrassment.

"Oh my Seonghwa- these look like bruises, are you fine?"

"Stahb-" he replied and tried to hide as much as he could. "Everything's fine!... All wanted-" he breathed out.

"Man I've been begging my man to go rough-" he sighed "uhh, tell me about it," he asked and knelt down to take his measurements.


"How... That happened, what else?"


"I'm just curious!"

"You're unbelievable" the younger scoffed and shook his head, an embarrassed smile all over his face. 

"But like...-"

"Are we really going to talk about my bedroom-activities?"

"We can talk about mine first if you want" Jeonghan gave back boldly as he noted down the measurements of the younger's waist and lower half, up down to his ankles. "Uhg, sometimes I bed him to just make me cry but-" he started totally unfazed and moved up to Seonghwa's arms and shoulders. "he always says he could never because he would feel too guilty-"

Seonghwa started to shed tears from holding back his embarrassed giggling. "How are you so bold about this?" he squeaked and wanted to hide his burning red face with his hands but Jeonghwan held them in place. 

"Ah, don't move" he urged and continues taking notes. "Oh baby I don't have a filter" he chuckled pinching the younger's flushed cheek. "At some point, one stops to care," he said and positioned Seonghwa's head right "and I guess I'm a little too comfortable with you, ain't I?" he chuckled.

"Mhm... maybe just a little" Seonghwa replied and allowed himself to smile honestly "but I like it, you know... that makes us friends, right?" 

"Ah, Seongie~ You're so cute" the elder beamed "Of course it makes us friends" he added and notes down the last measurements "Mhm... Now I need you to change in the outfit for a second. Let me just get it," the elder said and was gone the next second. Jeonghan had disappeared into the next room and then came back with his self-designed piece. Carefully he hung it up on the hook behind the door and let his model admire it for a moment.

Seonghwa's eyes widened at all the little details it had. It was a suit, a dress, a mix of both. There were little rhinestones thoughtfully placed on the waist, faded over to the torso. the whole costume seemed to glow, maybe it was his imagination, maybe it really did. The burgundy silk draped down so beautifully, lace details on the vest, the layers. "Jeonghan, this is so... I even put it in the right words!" 

"You think so?" the elder replied and glanced over to Seonghwa's mesmerized face. It made him feel so proud of his work. "I designed it for a dear friend of mine. He never really had the chance to wear something like this to his wedding a couple of years ago, so I made this for him, as a present"

"Your friend must be a really great person to deserve a friend like you. I'm too scared to put it on now, this has so much value" Seonghwa said and dared to touch the silk with his fingertips carefully. "is the lace hand-sewn? it looks very complex"

"Actually yes, there is more on the back of the vest," the elder said and took a step towards his work "the skirt part is too, you can take it off. Here, see?" carefully he clipped out the skirt and revealed the black dress pants underneath. "Come, put it on, I'm sure it will look perfect on you. And you have already agreed to be my model for this one! No backing out!"


"Uhm... So I got everything ready..."

"Why do you sound like there is a but?"

"We may or may not have problems with the salle" 

"What do you mean we have problems with the salle?"

"Don't yell at me... They can't let us in, it's full, a dude messed up the dates"

Hongjoong turned to Sora, who was busy with his hair "give me a tissue I need to cry" 


"Come, talk to me" Jeonghan urged as he was carefully sizing down the outfit. 

Seonghwa had seated himself on the small couch and was curiously studying all the different sketches all over the space. "Talk? ... About what?" 

"Anything. Get loose, comfortable. This silence is really pressuring me" the elder gave back "I would love to tell you things without context but if I talk too much right now, I will mess up this one" he chuckled as he carefully shortened the skirt.

"Ah... actually, there is one thing I want to let out" the younger announced and slumped into the soft cushion. "You know, today is actually mine and Hongjoong's 10th wedding anniversary... and he forgot"

"He did what-" Jeonghan gave back "that asshole..."

"Right?" Seonghwa huffed "I don't want to be like this, I mean... but still. He didn't even mention anything this morning, he wasn't even in the bed. I collected his ass in his studio working" he scoffed and pouted his lips. "He promised me last year that he would prepare something big for our 10th because the 9th was just... not it. Not only did my mother-in-law rob my dresser, but we found out I was expecting again" 

"Wait- Come again, his mother did what?" 

"Unbelievable, right? Welcome to my in-laws" the younger sighed "his mother doesn't come to visit us often, but when she does, it ends in chaos. And the last time she came, she tried to steal the watch Hongjoong had bought me, had our nicknames engraved" he explained and turned to look out of the large window front " after the incident he hasn't spoken about her... She's still his mother though, I don't want him to cut her off but on the other side..."

"You gotta see it like this, she did try to rob her own son" Jeonghan commented "I think Hongjoong is old enough to decide if he wants to cut strings with his mother. I did too, and now look at me, I'm actually happy and content with the outcome of my life"

"... why did you cut strings?"

"Mhm... my parents didn't want me to go to the academy and I planned to run away so I could fulfill my dreams. On the way, I met Seungcheol, and he encouraged me to try it with my family again. Unfortunately, the ladies Yoon disowned me officially and scratched my name off the will and family tree" the elder said and chuckled dryly "well I guess my family cut strings with me first. Well, it's better like this anyway. I am happy, my own family is happy, and what they do doesn't affect me"

"You don't miss them at all?" 

"Mhm, sometimes. But you see, I was always the one trying to rebuild the bond and they rejected me every time. At some point, you just live with it. And I think Hongjoong has reached that point now. It's not your concern anymore" Jeonghan assured and lifted his head from the clothes to give Seonghwa a comforting smile. "I feel empathy for him right now, doesn't change the fact that that same asshole forgot your anniversary though"

"He really is an ass for that, isn't he?"

"Yup and I suggest whopping his ass as punishment-"

"And you're at it again! No, I won't tell you what brand my whip is"

"Aw come on-"


"So... We solved the salle problem"

"Chaewon? Did that bastard tell you to talk to me? Tell him just so he knows, I will kill him-"

"Yeah, that coward did. Still, we solved the problem, no need to kill my boyfriend just yet. We set everything up in an outside location, he's getting lights right now. I notified everyone, everything is going smoothly right now"

"And the kids? Are they fine?"

"Mhm, Jongho and Wooyoung are taking their naps and the others are helping Yonghwan with the lights. I have their outfits set up in the caravan too"

"I gotta say this, I love you more than that bastard"


Jeonghan and the photographer set up the background for the little shooting, while Seonghwa was getting just a little of his makeup and hair done. It was late afternoon already and he was fearing the elder wouldn't meet his deadline. The set was small and simple, just enough for them to get fast results. 

"Seongie, I've seen a couple of pictures of you, I know you can do this. Now show off your fine ass for me, ah?" Jeonghan said as he stood behind the photographer.

"Just do everything but stand stiff" the woman behind the camera said and she played with her camera settings. It took Seonghwa just two tries to get comfortable this time, it was quite unusual for his shy self. They did get done a couple of poses and photos the elder actually liked, Seonghwa could tell by the proud expression all over his friend's face. And with that, he got more comfortable and motivated for the pictures, slowly taking a liking to it all. "mhm... mind taking couple pictures outside? The sun will set in half an hour, I think that would give it all just the last perfect touch" the woman said and lifted her head from the lens, looked at Jeonghan. 

"Oh yes of course!" the elder said and was already packing up his stuff. 

"B-But your deadline? Do we have the time to change the set?" the younger asked confused.

"Oh we have all the time in the world, but we should get going or we will miss the sunset, ah? Just this last favor, Seongie~" the elder charmed and flattered with his lashes. "I'm sure you're going to love a little outdoor shooting"


"What about you go first, Seonghwa? And I help her get her equipment out"

"I can help you too-"

"Ah, not with that fit on! What if it tears?" Jeonhan replied and turned the younger by his shoulders. "It's fine, we got this here. Just wait for us there, you can get used to the envoiremt too" he said and pointed at a wide circle of high tujas. "You see that? the entrance is on the other side, we plan to make the photos there. Just wait for us"

Seonghwa took a deep breath and sighed. "Okay, fine" he said and held up his fit to walk safely. slowly, the sky turned its colors and the summery blue sky went over to an light pinkish color. the closer Seonghwa came to the new set, the darker more colorful the sky got. Oh how childish he felt for becoming all excited over the many different colors the sunset painted the sky in. A pure smile graced his face as he kept his head lifted, admiring the beauty above. But he had to lover his gaze to search for the entrance to the big tuja circle. He took careful steps around it and the abruplty stopped. "H-Huh?" Seonghwa wided his eyes. "D-Daeseong?" he stuttered and approached his beloved brother to pull him in a dear hug. "What are you doing h-here?"

The elder chuckled and stroked his younger brother's back caringly. "I couldn't be there the first time, so to make it up here I am now" 

"W-What do you mea-" Seonghwa's eyes drifted over to the entrance, the venue set up inside. Laterns were lit up around the high tujas, also decorated with red and white dahlias. The seats were full with everyone he cared about, his children sitting in the front row, waving bal at him in their little white suits. His parents, Yonghwan and Chaewon, even his old band mates. Hongjoong's team and Seungcheol with his family, Jeonghan squeezing himself through the tujas to not miss the big show. "No..." Seonghwa whispered and bit his lip to prevent himself from crying. But it was way harder than he thought. Right down the isle of while petals, Hongjoong was waiting for him under the same gate as ten years ago. With the same smirk, the same loving eyes and with the same gesture; his extended hand. 

Slowly, Daeseong clinged his brother's arm around his and walked him down the isle, just as he had promised the younger all these years ago when they were kids. He was beaming all over his face, was so happy that he could fulfill that small wish of the younger. They passed the seats and the dance floor, slowly reached the small podium. 

For Hongjoong, time had stopped running and earth stopped rotating. He was too captured by the sight in front of him to even care about the world going down. Because his was just with him. He was overwhelmed by feelings he couldn't even name, it all made him feel so full, fulfilled. 

"I'll give you his hand, only when I'm allowed to cut off yours if you hurt him" Daeseong conditioned and firmly held his brother's hand. Threadening was tradition.

"I will cut them off myself the moment I dare to hurt him" Hongjoong replied and softly took Seonghwa's hands and helped him up the podium. For the already wedded couple, everything bedise them got blured out. It was just them. Seonghwa held onto Honjoong for dear life,  he felt like his knees were about to give in. "Do you like it?" the younger asked softly.

"I-I though you forgot you- you-" Seonghwa stuttered and held down his sob.

"I wouldn't dare to. I promised you an unforgettable anniversary" the other replied "Why are you looking up like this?" Hongjoong asked amused and followed his husband's eyes upward.

"I need to cry but this foundation  was 5200 won" Seonghwa replied and gave up the fight on supressing his tears. he let them fall, was to overwhelmed by the whole scene. "This is exactly what I had told you... ten years ago" 

"And I never forgot it" the younger replied and took a deep breath. "Ten years ago today, you married someone who could have never make one of your dreams come true. I couldn't even afford the wedding you've always wanted. Ten years ago, we were young and in love, we had nothing and you still stayed with me, made me come this far. Back, ten years ago, you married nothing, while I got the worlds biggest tresure; you" Hongjoong said "Now, ten years later, you made me the man I am now, someone you really deserve. You always gave, Seonghwa, and never wanted back. Selflessly you gave up on so much for me and this family, no matter how much time passes, I will never be able to pay you back for all the light and happiness you have brought me" he looked to the side to his six little sons watching the sense with wide and mesmerized eyes. Then, Jongho stood up and walked to the podium with his short little legs. "This is just a little gesture of greatfulness, it won't ever come near the value of things you've given to me" Jongho reached the podium and opened his pals to show what he was hiding. The little boy held up a small, black velvet-covered box and opened it, revealing two rings. "These are the exact rings we wanted back then... Will you make me the honor and let me put it on your finger?"

"Yes...yes" Seonghwa replied and held out his right ringfinger. Hongjoong slipped on the new ring on, right next to the old one. The older tried his best to blink away his tears as he bend down to take the other ring out fo the box Jongho was holding. While, he pressed a faint kiss on his youngets' forehead, sent him off to his seat and stood up straight again.  "Will you do me the same honor?" he asked and opened his palm for his husband's hand to lay in. Hongjoong nodded eagerly, placing his hand in the open palm, and watched Seonghwa put on the silver band. They were ost in each other's eyes for too long, weren't able to com out of the so comforting trance. 

"Yah Hongjoong, time to kiss your groom, ah?" Yonghwan called from the crown and watched the scene like a round father. Indeed, he was the only one attending Hongjoong would call family. Yonghwan was filled with so much pride while looking at the couple. He had seen both of them grow as people and as a family, and it scratched at his emotional side. The boy he had made cry on the first day of training was a whole man now.

Hongjoong didn't have to be told twice, he leaned in and stood on his tiptoes so fast, Seonghwa was caught off guard by the passionate kiss. "I love you" he breathed between their lips.

"I love you. Today, tomorrow and forever"


"Now it is official. Kim Hongjoong got enlisted to his two year service for our country. But he left with a big change, again marking his spot at the top. The former company Hongjoong was under contract in has changed its owner and is now called KQ entertainment. One may say Mr. Kim is slowly taking over the industry. We are already looking forward to the day he comes back to us with his music and warms our hearts. Do well and come back home soon"


How are you today?

This is it. The last chapter for this season.

First, thank you for being here. Because of you I've been holding on through a lot of things that happened while I wrote this.

So I hope, this has given you just as much happiness as this book had given me.

I promise you, that this is still not finished and I will continue it! Actually, a couple specials are in work right now! We won't part ways just yet! I'm not letting you go!

Ah... We cried and laughed through this, didn't we

But there is a lot to celebrate in this book.
1) it's the 100th chapter and I didn't miss count ONCE
2) Hongjoong owns his company now and won't be pushed down at all
3) Seongie finally got the wedding he always wanted
4) Jeonghan bouta convince his hubby to go rough- nwbwhusgu

Ah, as for why I decided this pause, I will be starting a one-shot book soon, so follow me to be notified when😌✨

I am everything but smooth ohmy-

I wanted to try myself with it a little bit

Ah... Looks like the end is coming. I would have never thought that this would come so far. I still remember how the first fifty reads were my own because I kept checking- and now here we are, just about to hit 65k...

I am crying right now I don't know if yall noticed but yeah...

Thank you for being here

Thank you for being here with me

I love you and appreciate you

Take care. Stay healthy.

And don't be my dumb ass.
Be a smarter ass.


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