๐’๐ฐ๐ž๐ž๐ญ ๐‹๐ข๐ž๐ฌ || ๐Œ.๐€๏ฟฝ...

By _sakusa

55.4K 2.1K 976

(M.Atsumu x fem!reader) "๐‡๐ˆ๐’ ๐‹๐ˆ๐„๐’ ๐–๐„๐‘๐„ ๐“๐‡๐„ ๐’๐–๐„๐„๐“๐„๐’๐“, ๐‡๐ˆ๐’ ๐€๐‚๐“๐ˆ๐Ž๐๐’ ๐‚๐”๐“ ๐“๐‡๏ฟฝ... More

Insouciant|| 01
Dies Irae||15
Furciferous|| 24
Raison d'รชtre||57
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1.2K 50 25
By _sakusa

1st P.O.V.

force of character, determination, or nerve.

Tossing the blanket around, letting out huge sighs and exaggerated exhales from my flared nostrils, I sat up and stared blankly at the blank ceiling. Who would have guessed it anyways? That I'll be a manager for a volleyball club which I hugely obliged to. Fate... what is my fate? To die at a young age? To die at an old age? To kill someone and be sent in prison? To help other? To get you heart broken at least 2times in a row? Fate always didn't choose my side, so that's why I gave up on changing my destiny.

My eyes tiredly fluttered themselves open, I threw my back to the mattress looking for the feeling of it again. I placed my arms behind my head to procrastinate till I fell asleep, but I couldn't and that was the problem. I wasn't able to fall asleep. Ever since those horrid memories came racing at me, nightmares that never ended, nightmares that happened even in the broad daylight. This was fate for me, though I can't say I have the worst life, I must be lucky for having to live under roof while some children or people maybe sleeping on the streets. I always try to look at things on the other side, like being in my mom's point of view of why she's always mad at me for no reason, but I can't find answer to it.

What is it that I'm looking for in my life? Love? Happiness? A beautiful family? Or comfort? I never once had known what I was looking for nor what did I want to achieve, being a doctor perhaps? Or being a a chemist? None of those things seemed to have to appeal but my mother had always pushed me to it. What did I want? Maybe I know the answer to this, it was to see my brother breathing again. I want to hear his heart beat, his voice than once sang me lullabies. Maybe that's what I want, well it is truly what I long for.

Reaching my hand up to the ceiling, reaching out my hand, I looked between the space of my fingers and stared at them. What do I want to know? The feeling of comfort maybe? The feeling of happiness? The feeling of forgiveness? The feeling of love? These words that you may understand because of knowledge but never know the feeling of it. Yes I do have friends, I do receive comfort from them but never have I once received comfort from my mother or my love one. Yes I do know happiness, but it had been so long I forgot what it felt like. Yes I do know love, I had received from my friends but never had I once received love from my mother or my love one.

"Happiness it seems you have forgotten my address." I smiled bitterly, clenching my fist and then slamming them back down to the bed. I close my eyes, I embraced my pillow and engulfed the warmth of the blankets. "I just want to be forgiven." I balled my body and bring my pillow closer to my chest, I just want to be forgiven...

It wasn't too long when the alarm clock started ringing, I slammed my hand to the phone to turn it off and rolled myself to the blankets. Four more days till weekend, 90 hours more till Saturday. I ripped off the sheets that was placed above and hopped off the bed and did my morning routine. I wake up earlier than the two, technically 2hours before them. I need to make food for them and also prepare for myself, one time I remember Reiko called me "mom" because I took care of them better than anyone else. I pitied the two, I heard that they always had to eat unhealthy stuff because Rintarō doesn't know how to cook, their babysitter was also useless from what I heard.

"I-I should make onigiris for the team." I'm not being nice, I guess. The only reason I'm doing this because I'm going to make volleyball practice a hundredfold harder. If they want to win then let it be like that, I'll train them hard and make their hard-work pay off. They have huge potential, a huge space for growth. They are indeed strong but they aren't strong enough to even stand against the top school that won volleyball nationals for 4years straight, I'll polish them, hone their skills and do everything to make them better.

I made about twenty-five onigiris and decided to buy some drink for them before practice ends, I'll have Mayumi and Mikazuki watch them to make sure they're not slacking off. I have to make sure the drinks are cold so I absolutely needed to buy them before practice ends, I can't have them drinking some lukewarm drink after some exhausting practice. Lukewarm drinks after a hot practice is absolutely disgusting. I made sure to put their bento boxes, water bottle -Reiko has a water bottle and a milk box since she loves them- I always had a piece of fruit in their bento boxes and their favourite was apple or grapes.

"I'm going." I softly said to Rintarō who was eating his breakfast while talking to Reiko about volleyball tips. He waved me a small goodbye and I left the house, making my way to the café where I always bought my usual coffee.

Listening to the music that played in my ears, my mask that was tucked in behind my ears I carefully fixed. Checking my wallet if it was there, checking my other pocket if I had the house keys and of course making sure I had my phone. I looked to the house where there was always a grandma that always waved at me when I walk pass by, I already see her sitting in front of her house in the patio with her rocking chair. Her eyes were squinted,  her skin crumpled like paper, there was always this shawl wrapped around her that kept her warm even though it was summer.

I walked pass her and gave her a wave. "G'morning kiddo." She smiles at me while she waves at me. She was always like this, greeting me the first thing in the morning as if was her routine. I'm pretty sure she has grandchildren because one time I met her in the grocery she said that I went to the same school as her grandchildren, when we were walking back to our houses she talked about how they were always energetic and stuff like that. She must be a very sweet grandma I always thought.  Her mouth forms a small 'o' then it ends with a smile.

"Y/n." Hearing Suijin's  deep voice under the bright sun set my heart in a bit of a race. "What's up with you waking up so early in the morning princess?" Suijin always treated me like his girlfriend, calling me princess, baby, babe or anything couples call each other basically. There was this one time I clearly can recall as if it happened yesterday, he called me darling and everyone around us was shook and has mistaken that we were dating.

"I'm fine Suijin, don't worry. How's life been treating you?" I reply back to him. He talked about his basketball life and how he currently struggled a bit with enhancing his skills more making me nod. I've known Suijin for years, I had known him longer than the Sakamoto twins and Mikazuki. I knew his habits, flaws, his likes or dislikes, we were a pair before we even met those three. "Wanna go to the café with me, my treat." I gave him a small smile, he replies with a small yeah and to the café we go.

Suijin came from a wealthy family, he grew up with polite manners and knows how to address people properly. Suijin's parents were nice, I'm even quite surprised they let him stay here in Hyōgo just to be with me, well I'm more surprised that every one of their parents let them stay in Hyōgo. I heard that the Sakamoto twins were living at their old grandparents house, it was practically empty since their grandparents has already passed. Mikazuki's mom was always outgoing and let her daughter do anything she wants except for bad stuff of course. Suijin's parents were in an arrange marriage of two large companies, his mother always told me how she didn't like her husband at first but suddenly the flowers bloom.

Suijin's parents weren't tight, they were also outgoing like the Sakamoto's parents and Mikazuki's, they had always respected Suijin's decisions and fully supported him. Suijin had godly like features, his beautiful blue eyes that stand out with his natural blond hair, his sharp jawline, beautiful plump lips that pairs in with his deep voice. Suijin and I were like siblings, though he might act like he's my boyfriend; like holding hands, being together almost 24/7. Suijin was over-protective of me if you can't already tell, he knows my whole life story.

"Y/n c'mon." He rushes me out the café door when he had noticing I spaced out. "It's like the first time I saw you holding a small-sized coffee, why is that?" He turns his to me when he took notice of the small cup I was holding.

"I wasn't really in need of caffeine today I guess." We both took a sip of our drinks and walked to the school, while chatting away. What I said was a bit of a lie, I mean I really needed coffee but I wasn't up for the bitter taste that swarms my tongue. Suijin ordered tea, green tea, he was deeply in love with the taste and that come warmth that comes with it.

"Y/n! Suijin!" Mikazuki notices us walking to the school and waved at us, Mikazuki always has this warm personality but was crazy like the rest of them. When she's in a really really good mood that means that she will go crazy, what I mean by crazy is totally chaotic. Ryūjin and Mayumi takes notice as well and waves at us.

"Oh Y/n! I applied for manager and that coach immediately accepted me for it, I wonder why." Mayumi says while tapping her her chin while being in deep thought.

"Mayumi you were one of the best aces or outside hitters when we were in junior high, then you suddenly said "volleyball's boring" and quit." I quickly replied and gave her a weird look for not even remembering that she was a volleyball player. "I heard that the coach was desperate as well, both of the coaches were taking a leave I heard." I shrugged my shoulders and we walked to the school side by side.

"Mikazuki also applied as a manager but for the basketball team." Ryūjin said, I looked up at him as he was taller than me, he grew a lot since I last saw him. He had an athletic build, broad shoulders, thick thighs, nice pack of abs, nice muscle shoulders. You can tell that my just looking at how his uniform hugs his muscles. Mayumi was a few inches shorter than her twin, noticing Mayumi today she had her hair out but had put a cute pink cloth headband that had a perfect ribbon.

"Oh, thought you were actually going for the female basketball club." I said to her but she shook her head as a sign of a big no no. Mikazuki was also a great basketball player but she stopped playing it when her team became toxic and she despised that so she left basketball.

"See you later then... wait we're in the same class but Ryūjin you have to class six since twins can't be in the same class." I almost bid my goodbye and almost forgot that Ryūjin was in class 6. Ryūjin was smart, he could go against his twin sister but he makes less effort in his academic.

"The big 5. In the fifth Sakamoto Ryūjin, the fourth Miyamoto Mikazuki, the third Sakamato Mayumi, the second Hayashi Ryūjin and the first L/n Y/n. Shit. They were the five students known for being the most intellect of this year group, being able to rose their junior high school up to its fame for their academics. From Dosho Middle School." I heard those words from amongst the crowded hallways. Yes, we are the big five, known for having the highest IQ in our year group. "Not only known for their academics but being one of the school outlaws of Okojo Middle School." We weren't outlaws, we simply had out fun, we didn't beat up innocent people we weren't bullies but we beat up people who bullies innocent people.

3rd P.O.V

"Big five?" Akagi asks Atsumu and Osamu when he heard about the big five.

"Big five were the people who represented Dosho Middle School despite having bad reputation. They were the five that won school competitions even across the seas, they also compete against countries that are abroad. I never knew Y/n was a part of them." Suna replies making the attention go to him. "The big five were people that had the utmost respect in Okojo Middle School, the school was only known for their sports club teams but the school's fame went up when the big five came in." Suna continues leaving the team in shock. "They were also people not to be messed with."

"Y/n's that smart?!" Atsumu was beyond in awe upon hearing this, he knew Y/n was smart, being able to sleep in classes without having to care about the lesson, Atsumu knew Y/n was able to pass their exams without even sweating a single bead.

"My, my, seems we have caught the eyes." Mikazuki says while covering her smirk with her palm. That's right, the big five were not only known for their intellect but they had the worst temper. "Let's now then gauge them out, shall we?" She giggles evilly, Mikazuki has this psychotic like side that comes out when she's really into something.

Ryūjin rests his arm on Mikazuki's shoulder then laughs behind his masks. "I love this side of yours." He continues to pat her shoulder heavily and laughs, he loved things like this, a bit gore and psychotic. The other four always wore a mask, copying the habit from Y/n and had gotten used to it.

Y/n suddenly turns back and walked to the volleyball boys and warned them. "Make sure you guys eat a lot cause I'll be straining your whole body. Starting from today me and Mayumi will be training you since the coaches decided to leave us, make sure we won't be hearing a single complain. Got it?" They were scared, even Rintarō was, except Kita. Kita knew it was the best for the team which he considers family, Kita knew Y/n would be able to polish their talents and skills they worked so hard for.

"L/n Y/n, thank you for agreeing to be our manager, you could've quitted
from day one yet here you are prepared to hone our skills."
Kita says from his head and smiles softly inside.

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