That wolf-boy ~ Jacob Black

By avadakedavra_xo

47.5K 727 103


1. Bella's first day
2. 'Welcome back' party/saving Bella
3. Discussion
4. School trip
5. Bella's visit
6. Baseball
7. the tracker
8. Prom
9. Bella's 18th
11. Packing up
12. New York
13. Motorcycles
14. Suicide
15. She's Alive
16. Wolf-Boy
17. Volterra
18. The Volturi
19. Back In Forks
20. Run
21. Wiskey
22. An Imprint?
23. Change the treaty
24. Meeting The Pack
25. Trouble
26. Argument
27. Apologies
28. Passed out
29. Graduation
30. They are coming here....
31. Training
32. The First Date
33. More training
34. Day off
35. One long night

10. Edwards Plan

851 16 3
By avadakedavra_xo

(same day as bella's birthday right now)

"hey Ed" I said as I positioned myself right next to him
"hi" he replied coldly
"whats wrong?" I asked turning him to look at me
"I hurt her."
"you didn't try"
"I still hurt her" he sighed "and now the sense has come to me. Our family isn't for her... she shouldn't be friends with us, let alone dating me. God! what was I thinking? do you relise what kind of trouble I have put her in already? it cant go on"
"what are you saying Edward?" I asked
"maybe we should leave Forks... Let her be a normal teenager, have normal friends, go to normal parties.. and not want to be one of us.."
"leave forks..."
"I know you love it here Ivy... but for her..."

I didn't know what else to say, like yeah sure Edward I'll move away from the place I love for some human... of course I will, yeah not a problem.

"dont be like that" he sighed, I had completely forgotten that he could read minds
"I dont want to leave" I sighed. He went in to hug me but i'd already gone, I was already in my room, door locked, blinds shut and already changing into my "home clothes"

I sighed before sitting on the floor and pulled my hair up into a ponytail, and wiped my make up off before going to sit in my bed. I tried to make myself comfy but I just couldn't, the thought of having to leave forks was too un-nerving for me, and I didn't know why. My only thought was to go down to that piece of drift wood on the beach... try to relax.
I got out of bed and put on a pair of air-forces, grabbed my phone and headphones then headed downstairs, I bumped into Edward and Bella leaving the house.

"where are you going?" Edward asked, pushing Bella out the door in the direction of her truck
"out" I said briefly, I went to pass the two
"Ivy" Edward grabbed my wrist, his grip getting much tighter with every tug I gave
"Edward.. let go"
"no, tell me where you are going!" He demanded, way more firm than what was needed
"Your hurting me, Let go" I tried to free my hand, he just held tighter. I could already see the cracks forming. I think Carlisle heard me because he was by Edwards side the second I was done talking
"I want to know where you are going before I go anywhere"
"she'll tell you once you let go, Edward" Carlisle placed his hand on Edwards shoulder
"I want her to tell me, now"
"dont take this out on her... Let her go"
"Edward.. Please your hurting me"
he harshly threw my hand down, making mine smack against Bella's arm
"Take Bella home, Edward" Carlisle demanded softly, Edward grabbed Bella and pulled her quickly to the truck, the silence flooded over both of them.

"let me see" Carlisle reached for my arm "that won't do any permanent damage, Alright?" he chuckled slightly
I nodded "well, I'm off out"
"dont stay out long. you know Edward will want to talk to you"
"yeah" I sighed before walking out and to Edwards old car, which is now my car. I didn't bother to put my seatbelt on as I sped my way down to the beach, once I was there I practically ran to my tree and instantly threw myself down on it.

I sat there for longer than expected just staring into the sea, that was until my phone started to ring

"hey" I sighed
"come home so you can be here before Edward" Alice whispered to me over the phone
"okay. I'm on my way" I instantly hung up and went straight to my car, I drove as fast as I could towards the house and I think I just about got there before Ed.
the second I parked my car I got out and ran up the garage stairs that lead to the room near the kitchen. I tried to walk quietly towards the main staircase, but it seemed that I wasn't quiet enough.

"Ivy you might as well get it over and done with now, instead of later, huh?" Emmett said meeting me as I took my first step up the stairs
I groaned "fine, where Is he?"
"Carlisle's office"
"ugh why's he in there" I stomped my way to Carlisle's office, just to let Edward know I'm on my way. the second I opened the door I saw Edward stood there, a blank expression on his face.

"right, get this over with then" I sighed
"I'm sorry for hurting you earlier... I dont know what came over me"
"its fine" I smiled lightly
"and, will you tell me where you went...."
"I went to the beach"
"the beach!! whats so secretive about the damn beach?"
"because 'my spot' is on the border.."
"oh..." he went stern "cant you pick a new spot?"
"no,  I just, I dont know feel connected to that spot.." I sighed
he rolled his eyes "anyway, I've finalized my plan" he cleared his throat
"I dont want to hear it, either way I'm staying here" I protested
"Ivy... please, do you know understand the hell we are putting that poor girl through?"
"if you wouldn't of fallen for her none of this would be happening, We wouldn't know of James and Victoria as we do now, we wouldn't of had to hide out for a few weeks to protect Bella, I mean everything is Bella this, Bella that" I groaned loudly "And now your trying to get us, to MOVE AWAY FROM THE PLACE... THE ONLY PLACE I'VE LOVED LIVING IN! your trying to take everything away from me. I LIKE IT HERE dont you understand that? cant you tell how happy I am here? I have actual friends here... ones that dont think im freakish and... and" the tears that were threatening to spill had poured delicately down my cheeks, some hitting the wooden floor below.
"Ivy... calm down" Edward tried to console me but I was taking none of it
"Edward, do you even get it? if we move away... the- the volturi will be up our asses, wondering why we left our PERMINENT residence, why we'd leave the place Carlisle's job is based. THE PLACE THEY FORGOT I WAS IN! If we leave they will find me, Edward they'll try and take me back... I cant go back to them, I - I cant handle it" suddenly I collapsed seeing it all again -

"Miss Cullen... to what do we owe this tremendous pleasure?" Aro, the Leader of the Volturi asked as I was pushed towards him by my so-called Boyfriend Marco.
"I didn't come here on my own accord Aro" I snapped my head around towards Marco "I was forced here"
Aro tutted "now, now Marco... what did we say? your not to bring Ivy here, the poor, poor girl"
I could tell he was trying to flatter me, make me slowly move to their side, leave my own, newly strung family to join his own ancient family.
"Yes Aro" Marcos hand was still gripped firmly on the back of my dress
"Let her go, I want a word"
Marcos hand dropped from my back as he walked to a group of people who were stood in the room.
"It really is a pleasure to have you here my dear... and my, dont you look so similar to Carlisle... our old friend"
"its the blonde hair..." I sighed "Can I go now?"
"oh no, no, no. I insist you must stay for dinner..." his horrible, clown like smile plastered his paper white face.
"Carlisle must be worried about me... I should get home"
"why go all the way back to Alaska now, especially now we've invited you for dinner"
"Aro you know I'd love to... but as I said, Carlisle must be worried"
Aro's head swiftly turned to the short - 12/13-year-old looking girl stood right next to Marco
"Jane, how about you persuade our Visitor to stay a while, hmm?"
A grin appeared on both Jane and Marcos faces as her bright red eyes locked onto mine.

"this may hurt just a little" Jane announced before muttering something under her breath. seconds after her lips re-connected to each other an huge wave of pain fried my body, making me collapse as I was screaming loudly, hoping that would somehow make the pain stop.
"how about now, Ivy? will you stay a while?" Aro asked again, pleased as he saw me curling into a ball
"YES... okay... I-i'll say" I managed to spit out through the pain
"Jane, that's enough, shes complied" Aro shot his head to her again "Jane"
her eyes flickered away from me as she looked at Aro, the pain stopped, but I stayed on the floor.

"stop Lazy-ing Ivy..." Marcos childlike voice was now above my curled up body, I didn't reply to him
"foods ready" he kicked my side to get me to move, even if it was just slightly - I had no idea whats just happened to him, what he had turned into -


"Ivy, come on darling whats wrong?" Carlisle melodic voice awoke me from the horrible flashback
"Carlisle?" my voice was horse
"what happened?" Esme asked, worry laced in her voice, I looked around the room and saw the whole Coven stood around me
I didn't reply to them I just shuffled my way to Carlisle and hugged into his side, instantly crying
"you need to tell us what happened," Carlisle said
"you fell to the floor and then started screaming after a while" Edward added
I nodded "I saw part of it... part of my p-past" I sniffled
"when exactly?" Esme asked
"well, we were talking - I say we, she started talking about the Volturi, was it that?"
I nodded "the D-day Marco... when he took me there - that, that time Jane used her power against me, just to, to get me to stay with them and it worked... didn't it.... I stayed with them and they are the reason for my problem, the reason I, I - the reason this happens, AND IF WE LE-"
"calm down, lower your tone... take a deep breath, then start again" Carlisle warned me as I started to shout. I took a very deep breath and started again
"if we leave Forks they'll track me down again, try and take me back and I wont, I wont go back to them Carlisle... I wont....."

(1,800 words)

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