In the House That Love Built

By grannydew

93K 6.8K 705

After their wedding, the couple travel to Peru. Can has taken a photo shoot assignment for a magazine, and ha... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One

Chapter Sixteen

1.9K 163 13
By grannydew

They stood over the crib, watching him sleep. He still struggled to breath, which concerned Can, but the doctor that visited him, said his lungs were sounding better and to keep up the breathing treatments on a regular basis. Sanem was relieved, but still refused to leave, even for food. So Can made a trip to the cafe for breakfast for themselves and the staff at the orphanage. Everyone appreciated the thought, and loved them for being there. After breakfast Can went to the school, while Sanem took a nap. Beni was still sleeping, which was the best thing for him, the doctor said. Rest was the best thing for his lungs, and it let him gain strength. The older kids had their classes and Can sat in, just watching them. They had found a spot in his heart as well, which was something unexpected for him. He loved to watch them, and they seemed to like him being there, and their outside time was just as much fun for him as it was for them. One of the boys, his name was Luis, was much better at the sports than the other boys, so Can played soccer with him, while the other boys watched. They both were exhausted by the time their free time was over and classes were ready to start again. Can laughed, giving him a high five, as they returned to class. These children were beginning to welcome them, they were something constant in their lives and they needed that. 

He was able to convince Sanem to go home for a while, after Beni woke up feeling much better, and responding more to the treatments. " Let's just go shower and change clothes, then we can come back for the night, if you want." He suggested, hoping she would agree. It was early in the afternoon, when she finally agreed, so he whisked her off to their apartment. She was glad to be home, or this home away from home, as she called it. She relaxed, snuggling up in her husbands arms, this is what she needed,....him.....his touch, his smell. This was it, he just made her better, and she wasn't ashamed to let him know how  much she needed him, as she lead him to the shower. He loved it when she took control, showing him what she wanted, making him feel like he was the only man in the world for her. He was weak for her love, as she joined her body to his, with the water running over them. It was electrifying, and he never wanted it to stop, this feeling of being as one. She needed him,....more than wanting him, what more could a person want in a lifetime, he thought, his mind running wild with desire of her. 

The shower lasted longer than the supply of hot water, as the cold water suddenly broke their spell. They both reached to turn off the water, squealing from the shock of the blast of cold water. He grabbed a towel for her, wrapping her up like a mummy, " Well, that was quite a shock, certainly did kill the moment." He said laughing. She smiled, seeing him there in all his splendor,      " I'm sure this moment isn't dead, my love." She replied, scanning his naked body with her eyes. He never knew he could blush, but  the heat rose though his body, as she looked at him. " No, I don't suppose it is, my beautiful wife, i think it's just started." He whispered, releasing the towel from around her, feasting his eyes on the beauty of her. This passion was unstoppable, there was never an ending to it, it was there forever. As they lay together in bed, satisfied at this moment, that there lives were just where they wanted them to be. The silence was broke with the ringing of her phone, " Yes Esteban, what is it.? " she asked, with Can giving her a quick  look. It was a message from the orphanage, " I just wanted to let you know, Maria called and said Benicio is much better, he has ate some soft food and had some milk. It looks like he's on the mend." He stated. She jumped up, " Oh I'm so glad, thank you for calling me, and let  Maria know we'll be back there soon." She spouted, excitedly. She threw her arms around Cans neck, " He's better, he's eating and drinking," she said, with tears in her eyes. Can was happy to see her so happy, and relived Beni was better, but he knew when this assignment was over, her heart would break when she had to leave him. They would take one day at a time, and he would love her through it. 

It had been days since Emre had heard from Can, but he wasn't sure if he should call. The house was ahead of schedule, with everything almost done, with the exception of the landscaping. They were due home in 5 weeks and he was sure Can would want everything finished when they arrived. But the agency had taken a lot of their time recently, with the new account and the new found love he they had fell into. What a surprise it had been for both of them, so unexpected, and so totally unrealistic. But there they were, both of them enveloped in feelings so strong they didn't know what to do with them. He really needed to talk to his brother, he needed advice. He was one that never expected to fall in love, not with just one woman anyway, but his desire to be with anyone else he been so far removed it scared him. She had take on his heart and made it hers, in the most profound way. His father had seen the change in Emre over the past few weeks, and sure it was the work of a beautiful woman named Leila. He couldn't have been happier than to see his two sons find the kind of love he had found with Mihriban. It only came around once in life, and he himself had missed the opportunity to be happy with her then, but now he was ready to make up for lost time. Leila was just a shocked as Emre, at the feelings that had captured her heart. For one, he was her boss, and second he was quite the ladies man, and had never been discreet about it. But the more time they spent together the less time he spent out and about. In fact she hadn't see him with any other woman in weeks, and the whispers around the office of the many women he was associated with, had stopped. So maybe there was hope for them yet, she thought. She needed someone to confide in, and with Sanem so far away, and on her honeymoon, she hated to involve her in her love life. And then again she may be suspicious as to why they had been spending so much time together, so the less said the better, she figured. 

Emre decided the need to speak to his brother about the final phase of their house was more important than ever when he received the news that the irrigation system that been installed years ago was completely shot and would need to be replaced. Which meant an ok for another $8000 dollars. He knew what the answer would be, but he needed to hear it from him. He wanted a definite date they would be home, so he would be sure and have everything ready. He was glad to hear the sound of his brothers voice. " Hello Emre, how are you, he asked, smiling at Sanem, as she listened. Emre asked, " Is Sanem there with you?  " Yes," Can answered. " It's great weather here, how are things at the agency." He said, as he walked outside. " Emre, what is it, I really can't talk right now." he whispered. Emre told him the problem, and Can ok'd the extra money. " Now, Abi, I need a date you will be home so I can get it all finished up." He said. " It looks like we should be home in  a month, but I can't give a definite date, but I'll keep,you posted." He said, as he told him goodbye. 

" Why does he want to know when we will be home." Sanem said, making him jump. 

She smiled, " What going on, are you keeping secrets from me." She asked......

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