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By Shameless_Reads

3.9K 84 8

๐˜๐˜ต ๐˜ธ๐˜ข๐˜ด ๐˜ข ๐˜ค๐˜ข๐˜ณ ๐˜ธ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ฌ... ๐˜๐˜ต ๐˜ฉ๐˜ข๐˜ฑ๐˜ฑ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฏ๐˜ฆ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ง๐˜ข๐˜ด๐˜ต, ๐˜ณ๐˜ช๐˜จ๐˜ฉ๐˜ต ๐˜ฃ๐˜ฆ๐˜ง๐˜ฐ๐˜ณ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ๐˜ช๐˜ณ ๐˜ฆ๐˜บ๐˜ฆ... More



958 12 1
By Shameless_Reads

▛▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝▝ ▜

Lucy Scott had draped herself across the couch, her body languid and her head nestled upon the lap of her close friend, Matthew Taylor. Her feet found their resting place against Michael Munroe, creating a cozy tableau of camaraderie. The room they occupied now held a rare tranquility, a  pause in the  youthful uproar that typically reigned within the sky lodge's walls. It was  a moment of respite from the exuberant chaos of teenage revelry, made all the more peaceful by the array of beverages the Washington family had thoughtfully assembled. 

Amidst the quietude, Ashley Brown's voice timidly pierced the air, a suggestion to break the stillness. "Perhaps we should conjure up some amusement," She proposed, her eyes skimming the room. "The silence is becoming quite eerie, isn't it?" She feigned a shiver, rubbing her arms to generate warmth,  a playful gesture to lighten the mood.

Jessica Riley's interest was piqued by Ashley's observation, prompting her to contribute her own idea. Shifting her position to sit cross-legged on the floor, she offered, "We could play Would You Rather?" Her gaze swept over the group as she awaited their responses, met with a mix of groans and nods. "Oh, come on! It'll be fun!" She cajoled, locking eyes mischievously with Lucy, a conspiratorial smile dancing on her lips. 

Hannah Washington, ever the thoughtful strategist, chimed in with enthusiasm, her glasses slightly perched on the bridge of her nose. "We could learn so much about each other!" She suggested, her glance exchanged with a friendly smile from Michael, an unspoken agreement passing between.

And so,  a consensus was reached, and they gathered in a circular formation on the floor. Joshua Washington took it upon himself to rearrange the furniture, sliding the coffee table aside to accommodate the group. He extended the offer to replenish everyone's drinks, a gesture that aimed quell any burgeoning tension. Christopher Hartley was among the first to accept, followed by Lucy, who  acknowledged the kindness with a nod. 

Observing the individuals before her, Emily Davis's lips curled into a knowing smile. "I'll start!" She declared, her gaze landing on Jessica. After a contemplative pause, her words flowed anew, "Jessica, would you rather get a botched haircut or a disastrous spray tan?"

"Without a doubt, a bad spray tan," Jessica responded with a chuckle, a levity of the moment evident. "It's a temporary ordeal compared to waiting for my hair to regrow..."  She explained, sharing a laugh with Emily. The room itself seemed to exhale as laughter tentatively filled the air, a genuine connection emerging among the friends. Emboldened, Jessica redirected the spotlight. "Lucy," She announced, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "Given the choice... Would you prefer being trapped in a closet with Matt or Josh?" 

Lucy's brows knitted in a perplexed gaze, her carefully groomed eyebrows coming together in puzzled furrow. She shifted her gaze between Matt and Josh,  a quizzical expression taking root. "Um..." She hesitated, grappling with the unusual scenario presented to her, "In what way?" 

Emily adjusted her posture, her demeanor becoming more poised. "Let's envision a classic seven minutes in heaven situation," She suggested, casting a playful wink Lucy's way.

Beth Washington features contorted into a mildly irritated expression, her objection not going unnoticed. "Really?" She interjected, her tone carrying a hint of exasperation, "Isn't that a tad objectifying?" Her comment, however, was swiftly brushed off by Jessica and Emily, their enthusiasm undeterred.

Samantha Giddings, wanting to contribute her perspective, voiced her agreement, "Yeah, I agree," She ventured, though her input seemed to fall by the wayside.

"We've pretty much know who she likes, anyway," Chris muttered under his breath, a sidelong glance directed at Mike, who remained blissfully unaware of the undercurrents of conversation.

Lucy cleared her throat, her desire to defuse any burgeoning tension palpable, "Matt," She declared, her choice firmly stated, "Josh  is like a brother to me, so that would be... Well, weird..." She reasoned, a lighthearted smile playing on her lips. She glanced toward Matt, the exchange sparking a playful eye roll from him.

"Ouch, my ego!" Josh exclaimed, feigning melodramatic distress and eliciting a chorus of laughter from their companions.

Lucy shifted her attention toward Mike, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes, "Mike," She queried, steering the conversation toward more whimsical realms, "Given the options, would you  rather streak in front of all of us or submit to a complete makeover courtesy of the girls? Hair, makeup, the whole nine yards?" 

Mike raised an inquisitive eyebrow, his lips curving into a thoughtful grin. "Well, either way, it would surely be quite the spectacle for the ladies... and perhaps even the  gents," He jested, his fingers tracing his chin  as if pondering the dilemma. "I suppose I'd opt for the makeover," He conceded with a chuckle, "I'm particularly keen on displaying my 'goods' for all to see," His response drew laughter from the group,  the tension dissipating in the wake of his lighthearted choice. 

The game carried on, questions and challenges circulating within the circle. Laughter intertwined with eye rolls, and occasionally, a hint of awkwardness  colored the exchanges. As the momentum shifted toward a spirited round of truth or dare, the girls huddled together, forming an alliance against the guys. Giggles and whispers abounded as they shared ideas, the boys casting nervous glances their way. Chris voiced his apprehension to Mike, his discomfort palpable. "I can't say I'm a fan of all that giggling and pointing," He admitted.

Mike, however, appeared to thrive on the anticipation, while Matt's  unease grew and Josh adopted a contemplative demeanor. Emily seized the spotlight, her attention focusing on the boys. "Chris, truth or dare?" She prodded, her voice infused with playful impatience. Her words hung in the air, anticipation thickening as the boys awaited their next challenge.

Chris nodded decisively, his expression determined. "Alright, dare," He declared, punctuating his choice with a confident nod.

Emily's  grin took on a mischievous edge, her mind working swiftly to craft an amusing challenge. "Very well, then," She responded, seizing the vodka bottle from the table with a swift motion. "You dare is to take  a body shot off of Ashley," She revealed,  her tone light but with a clear undertone of anticipation. 

Chris's eyes widened, a blush rising to his cheeks, caught off guard by the boldness of  the dare. He hesitated momentarily, his words stumbling as he navigated  his response. "Uh, um... Yeah," He eventually stammered, rallying his  resolve. "Sure, if it's alright with her," His gaze shifted to Ashley, who nervously complied, positioning herself on the floor and exposing a hint of her  belly. The awkwardness was palpable as the dare was fulfilled, both participants quickly returning to their seats, traces of embarrassment lingering on their features. Chris swiftly redirected the focus, addressing Jessica with a brisk, "Jess, truth or dare?"

Jess responded with an air of confidence, her choice firm. "Truth," She asserted, opting for caution after the earlier display.

"Alright, let's dig deep," Chris grinned playfully, his gaze locking onto Jessica. "Is it true that you secretly harbor feelings for the class president?" His question hung in the air. Jessica placed a hand on her chest, in a somewhat mock-offended gesture.

"No way! That's totally against girl code," Jessica protested her answer delivered with conviction. A sense of self-satisfaction tinged her response, though Chris's lingering skepticism was hard to ignore.

The round continued, each question and dare weaving a tapestry of amusement and playful discomfort. As the turn reached Mike, he zeroed in on Lucy, a smug aura surrounding his query. "Truth or dare, Lucy?" He inquired, a sly grin adorning his face as he regarded his best friend. 

Lucy,  feeling a sense of boldness, chose the dare option. "Dare, I suppose," She accepted, her curiosity piqued by what her ever-creative best friend had in store for her.

"As your ever-devoted best friend," Mike began with a theatrical flourish, "I hereby challenge you to take Matt over there," He gestured toward the corner of the room where a closet awaited, "And prove your assertion that you'd willingly indulge in a seven-minute escapade in  the realm of heaven," His pat on Matt's back carried a playful camaraderie, though Matt attempted to interject before being whisked away by Emily and Mike, who guided both Lucy and Matt toward the closet, expertly shutting the door behind them. 

"Enjoy your time! We'll reconvene in seven!" Mike's voice rang out from the other side of the door, his footsteps gradually fading into the distance of the lodge.

Matt's fingers fumbled through the assortment of jackets, his quest for the light pull chain punctuated by a series of clumsy movements. Eventually, his persistence yielded the desired result: a soft click and the illumination of a solitary lightbulb suspended from above. The confined space of the closet suddenly came to life, casting a warm glow upon its occupants. Matt stood there, caught in a moment of awkward uncertainty, his voice breaking the silence. "Uh, should we, uh, sit?" He stumbled over his words, a sheepish smile touching his lips as his hand absentmindedly rubbed the back of his neck. 

Lucy's response was wordless, a subtle nod that conveyed her agreement. Their gazes met, and both lowered themselves onto the closet's floor, their postures mirroring each other in a tableau of hesitance. The passage of time was marked by an almost tangible silence, stretching on for about  half a minute. 

The tension finally broke as Matt ventured into the uncharted territory of conversation, his words carrying a gentle sincerity. "Listen, I know that, well, you might have some feelings for Mike," His voice was soft, laced with a cautious tone as he navigated the sensitive subject. He treaded carefully, unsure of the truth he was unearthing from the depths of Jessica's revelation. "Just... Be cautious," He concluded, a protective edge to his voice, an edge that echoed a genuine concern for Lucy's emotional wellbeing. 

Lucy's gaze remained fixed on him, her thoughts racing to process the unexpected revelation. She felt a flutter of surprise at Matt's insight, grappling with how he had unraveled her secret. It was true that there were mutual attractions among them, but they had both brushed it off as mere surface attraction. The contrast between her feelings for Mike and the physical chemistry she shared with Matt was stark. Her contemplation culminated in her response, a genuine appreciation punctuated by a soft smile. "Matt," She began, her voice sincere, "Thank you for looking out for me," Their connection, built upon years of friendship, now carried a new layer of understanding. 

Matt's shoulders lifted and fell in a nonchalant shrug, is eyes momentarily averting Lucy's gaze. "Well, you know, that's what friends do," He mused, a fleeting smile flickering across his face. As his gaze met Lucy's once more, the conversation took an unexpected turn.

Lucy' impulse overtook her, fueled by the adventurous whispers of inebriation. Closing the distance between them, she leaned in, allowing her lips to press against Matt's. The kiss was a surprise to both, a collision of curiosity and emotion that resonated in the confined space. Their lips danced in  tandem, the connection deepening with each fleeting second, as if an unspoken truth had been unearthed in that very moment. 

The kiss lingered for a timeless stretch, their connection brimming with both uncertainty and newfound clarity. Eventually, Lucy pulled away, a hint of breathlessness tainting the air between them. Matt's voice wavered, caught between surprise and his attempt to regain his composure, "Oh," He managed, his voice cracking with a nervous chuckle. "That... That was unexpected," He admitted, his heart racing in tandem with his words, a palpable nervousness  settling upon him.

In the confined space of the closet, time seemed to stretch into a haze of uncertainty for Lucy. The hushed voices of the others drifted in from outside, carrying fragments of whispered conversations. Among them, Mike's reassurances to Emily were starkly audible. "I would never cheat on you with her," His voice held conviction, "She's my friend, sure, but there's no romantic interest there," The reality that their interactions had been overheard hung heavily in the air, punctuating the intimacy of the moment.

The plan hatched between Lucy and Matt materialized with an unspoken agreement. A quick, surprising unveiling awaited their friends on the other side of the closet. Lucy's heart raced, emotions swirling as she reached out to touch Matt's cheeks, her lips seeking his once more. The door swung open abruptly, interrupting their stolen moment, and Mike's enthusiastic announcement was silenced as his gaze landed on the unexpected scene before him.

Lucy disengaged  from the kiss, her eyes shifting from Matt to their assembled friends. There was a mix of surprise and tension in the air, Mike's laughter carrying a nervous edge. Lucy stood up, the weight of the situation heavy upon her, and Mike followed suit, whispering urgently, his grip taking hold of  his wrist. His voice was low, a plea for a private conversation.

"Hmm?" Lucy offered a nonchalant hum, though her gaze held a touch of skepticism. "What's this about?" Her tone was guarded, curiosity intermingled with her apprehension. She tilted her head slightly, addressing he elephant in the room. "Mike, I don't harbor romantic feelings for you," She asserted her voice firm. "I don't know what's being insinuated or discussed behind my back, but it needs to stop. I respect your relationship with Emily too much to entertain any of that nonsense." A nod of confirmation from Beth lent weight to her words. 

"Come on," Lucy urged Matt, a hint of weariness creeping into her voice as she sought to escape the awkward situation. Matt glanced between Lucy and Mike, his face flushing with embarrassment before nodding in agreement. "Where are we going?" He inquired, seeking direction.

"To bed, of course," Lucy replied, her words flowing rapidly, a smokescreen for the emotions that roiled beneath the surface. She was determined to conceal her vulnerability, to mask any hurt that might linger. "Let's call it a night," Her urgency was palpable  as she led Matt away from the gathering, their destination a bedroom on this shared vacation. As they reached their destination, Lucy let out a frustration groan, her body sinking onto the bed.

Matt's gaze lingered on her for a moment, his own emotions a mix of confusion and concern. "Are you alright?" He asked tentatively, his voice laden with worry. He  was met with Lucy's searching gaze, her eyes locking onto his.

The tension in the room was noticeable, each word and gesture fraught with unspoken meanings and concealed vulnerabilities. 

"I'm sorry if I'm messing with your feelings," Lucy' voice carried a mixture of self-deprecation and frustration, a heavy sigh punctuating her admission. "You seem to understand me better than I do myself. It's like you've got me figured out completely," She lamented, her gaze locked on some indistinct point in the room. Matt's silent nods of comprehension provided a comforting presence, his supportive stance not going unnoticed. 

Closing the distance between them, Matt settled onto the bed beside Lucy, his hand gently rubbing her back in a gesture of solace. His voice was tender, infused with empathy as he shared his insights. "I get it, Lucy. I've been in your shoes more times than I care to admit," He confessed, his gaze fixe don her.  "Watching you, the way you look at him, how you two interact... It's evident that there's something more there. You just haven't figured out what to do about it yet." His words carried a mix of understanding and wisdom, an acknowledgment of the complexity that often accompanies matters of the heart.

Lucy's  shrug was accompanied by a wry smile, her words tinged with the lingering effects of alcohol. "Maybe it's just the booze talking, but why don't we just take the plunge?" Her raised brow hinted at a bold proposition, a daring challenge to the barriers that held them back. Matt's reaction was one of shock, his eyes widening at her audacity. 

Unbeknownst to them, Mike stood beyond the door, poised to enter and engage in conversation. His hand, poised over his phone, was primed to send a text - a declaration of his frustration and disappointment. However, upon hearing Lucy's unexpected words, his resolve wavered. He withdrew his hand, frustration and uncertainty clouding his features as he turned away, rubbing his face in exasperation. 

As matt exited the room, leaving a trail of tension behind him, Mike  remained suspended in the hallway. His thumb hovered over the send button, the text message poised for release. The moment hung in the balance as Matt bumped into him, his friend's gaze locking onto his. Matt's words rang out, asserting his choice not to proceed, leaving Mike to grapple with his conflicted emotions. 

"Mike?" Lucy's voice broke the  silence, her eyes fixed on him with a mix of curiosity and concern. The hallway seemed to hold its breath as their gaze met, a brief exchange laden with unspoken questions. 

Emily ascended the stairs, her demeanor cool and composed, retreating into  their guest room without a word. The rest of the group dispersed to  the respective chambers, leaving Mike alone  with his inner turmoil. 

With a muttered curse, Mike's internal struggle found an audible voice, "Shit," He muttered, his internal battle evident in his tense expression. He stood dat the precipice of his emotions, a mix of confusion and vulnerability etched across his features. When Lucy addressed him, his gaze snapped back to her, his eyes reflecting the maelstrom of feelings within. 

Lucy's actions were swift and deliberate as she closed the door quietly, locking the world outside. The sudden intimacy of the enclosed space seemed to amplify their emotional confrontation. As Mike settled onto the bed beside her, his vulnerability on full display, Lucy's gaze remained fixed on him,  her eyes wide and unblinking, absorbing every nuance of his demeanor. 

"I know you heard what I said to Em," Mike began, his voice shaky, raw with honesty. "I wish I could explain it, Lucy, but... It's complicated. I'm with her, and I had to say something,  but... I don't know." His words carried a sense of unease, his attempts at articulation mirroring the tangled emotions he grappled with. In this moment of vulnerability, Michael Munroe revealed a side of himself that few had ever witnessed - a mixture of nervousness, uncertainty and a genuine struggle to express his  true feelings.

"Michael," Lucy's voice quivered with a quiet  admission,  laden with a long=suppressed truth. "I do like you. It goes way back, to middle school even," She confessed, a nostalgic smile tugging at her lips. "I can still remember that time you tagged me at recess and claimed I'd never catch you," A soft chuckle escaped her, a fleeting moment of levity amidst the weight of their conversation. Her gaze remained fixed on Mike, a sea of emotions swirling within her eyes.

Her voice took on a somber note as her confession continued. "When you and Emily got together, it hurt,"  Lucy's words held raw honesty, a glimpse into the depths of her emotions that she rarely revealed. "I ended up with guys who treated me poorly, trying to fill a void that I couldn't understand. But nothing stung as much as finding out you two were together," Her vulnerability laid bare, a confession of wounds inflicted but never shared.

Mike listened intently, his own guard momentarily lowered as he absorbed Lucy's words. Her revelation unraveled a side of her he had never seen before, a stark contrast to the tough exterior she usually presented. His heart ached as he realized the depth of her feelings, the complexities of their shared history coming into sharper focus.

"I wish I had known," Mike's words tumbled out, his own emotions mingling with the alcohol in his system. His admission was a blue, his thoughts and feelings intertwining in a haze of intoxication. It was a reckoning, a moment of truth unburdened by restraint. The distance between them dwindled, his lips meeting hers in a kiss  that was both electric and unexpected. 

Lucy's slight gasp gave way to reciprocated fervor, her body responding to the heat and passion of the moment. Eyes closed, hearts racing, they leaned into each other, a culmination of years of unspoken desires. It was a kiss that defied reason, driven by emotions that had long simmered beneath the surface. 

Their connection deepened, intensity flaring as Mike held her face in his hands, guiding  her  onto the bed. A brief pause followed, a silent confirmation that this was what they both wanted. A smile passed between them, a shared understanding that transcended words. 

As the night progressed, boundaries were crossed and inhibitions faded. Their mutual desire led them down a path they had never ventured before, a journey into uncharted territory. When sleep finally claimed them, the lodge was cloaked in silence, the world outside hushed by the secrets that lingered within its walls.

Morning's light filtered into the room, revealing  an empty space where Mike had once lain. Lucy's eyes fluttered open, her gaze settling on the vacancy beside her. A pang of regret coursed through her as she pieced together the fragmented memories of the previous night. Mike had departed, erasing any trace of his presence, leaving behind only a sense of bewilderment and a lingering emptiness. 

Lucy's heart sank as the weight of her actions settled in. Self-doubt gnawed at her, regret and shame intertwining as she grappled with the aftermath of their impulsive choices. She sat up slowly,  her mind a tumultuous whirlwind of conflicting emotions. 

The open door beckoned, a stark reminder of the reality she had to confront. Navigating her way down the hallway, Lucy's eyes locked onto a scene she never wished to witness - Mike and Emily, wrapped in an embrace. The words that followed, Mike's explanation to Emily, cut through her like a knife, a painful reminder of the tangled web they had woven.

Overwhelmed by a surge of nausea, Lucy retreated back into her room, seeking refuge in the sanctuary of solitude. The weight of her actions bore down on her, a cascade of regret that threatened to drown her. She buried herself in the sheets, longing for oblivion, desperate to escape the fallout of a single night's recklessness. 

As Lucy grappled with her turmoil, a sense of foreboding hung in the air. Unbeknownst to them all, the events of that fateful night would set in motion a chain of consequences that would forever alter the course of their lives. 

▙ ▖▖▖▖▖▖▖▖▖▖▖▖▖▖▖▖▖▖▖▖▟

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