Havoc โ”โ” The Originals

By salemshouse

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( ๐‡๐€๐•๐Ž๐‚ ) you say witch like it's a bad thing. ยฉsalemshouse klaus mikaelson More

- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐Ž๐๐„
i. the originals
ii. add another coffin
iii. what could be
iv. you are all class
v. discovery
vi. an old foe
vii. to new orleans
viii. dead girl walking
ix. witch and werewolf business
x. down one sibling
xi. is peace an option
xii. a visit from the dead
xiii. from cradle to grave
xiv. until we meet again
- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐“๐–๐Ž
xv. enemies' blood
xvi. the witch mother
xvii. two abominations, one stone
xviii. the hybrid and the heretic
xix. a phantom
xx. restraint is a funny thing
xxi. the special moments are vibrant
xxii. the rest just fades away
xxiii. family is power
xxiv. wedding day
xxv. the mikaelson sisters
xxvi. wild beauty, wild magic
xxviii. say goodbye to the last of your children
- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐“๐‡๐‘๐„๐„
xxix. one by friend, one by foe, one by family
xxx. cool kids club
xxxi. another day, another weapon
xxxi. happy thanksgiving
xxxii. have yourself a merry little christmas
xxxiii. death, she doesn't give a damn
xxxvi. a pale horse
xxxvii. there's a salvatore in town
xxxviii. say goodbye
xxxix. methamphetamine country
xl. the devil comes here and sighs
xli. cullen mikaelson
xlii. dead, dead, dead
xliii. the fall of the mikaelsons
- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐…๐Ž๐”๐‘
xliv. gather up the killers
xlv. the city that hates us
xlvi. daddy dearest
xlvii. the hollow is coming
xlviii. i don't want to kill you, i want to be you
xlix. a hidden serpent
l. enough
li. the ancestors are back
lii. everything dies
liii. returned to flesh and blood
liv. a spirit that won't be broken
lv. the end of always and forever
lvi. to be continued
- ๐€๐‚๐“ ๐…๐ˆ๐•๐„
lvii. where you left your heart
lviii. even though i hate you i love you
lix. freak filth crossbreed
lx. rostock, germany
lxi. a traitor among us
lxii. chambre de chasse
lxiii. a trip down memory lane
lxiv. i'll always be with you
lxv. a release
lxvi. you may both kiss the bride
lxvii. mystic falls
lxviii. the first turn
lxix. family is our greatest strength

xxvii. st. james infirmary

3.3K 109 2
By salemshouse

"THIS IS NICE." Cullen exclaims, a small smile gracing her face as she looks towards Klaus. The two were walking the busy streets of New Orleans, with Hope. "I wish it could always be like this."

"I know." Klaus mumbles, his attention going to Hope. "We do need to talk about Dahlia."

"God." Cullen groans. "I am so tired of wicked witches."

"And you are?" Klaus jokes, nudging Cullen's side.

"Very funny." Cullen laughs shaking her head. The two parents smile at one another, Cullen's widens even more when Klaus reaches down, taking ahold of her hand. "Lets just enjoy right now. We can talk about Dahlia when we get home." Their contentment is interrupted when a sudden eerie sounding song begins playing from a nearby violin. "That song." Cullen stops walking. "What is it?"

"Flowers, miss?" A random man questions, walking up to the family of three. The man smiles weirdly before looking down at Hope. "A gift for the child."

"Uh, no, we're alright." Cullen shakes her head trying not to be rude. "Thank you."

"You sure?" The man presses. "Black dahlias are in bloom. They're quite lovely." At his words Klaus speeds forward, his hand wrapped around the man's throat.

"Show yourself, witch." Klaus hisses.

Another stranger brushes against Cullen's shoulder, causing her to turn around. "Klaus." Cullen calls, eyes wide as a woman stands in front of her, eyes completely white.

"I am here. I am everywhere. And I intend to take what is mine." The woman states.

"It's her." Klaus breathes as Cullen pulls Hope out of her carrier. "It's Dahlia."


"We need to find a new strategy." Elijah retorts after hearing what had happened to Klaus and Cullen. "Freya, if you please?"

Freya sighs, taking a seat across from Cullen at the dining table. "The spell you described... Dahlia calls it 'kenning'-- using proxies to watch her enemies from afar. But, I've never seen it done on quite this scale."

"Awesome." Cullen drawls. "So, basically every Hurricane-chugging, boob-flashing tourist on Bourbon Street is a potential spy."

"The good news is, I know a little about how her magic works." Freya reassures, setting a tray of tea cups on the table. "This tonic will at least prevent her from using any of us."

"Well, come on." Rebekah speaks up. "This should work like a charm. Bottoms up."

As the four of them drink the tonic Elijah sighs when he notices Klaus doesn't touch his cup. "Niklaus, is there something you wish to contribute?"

Klaus shrugs. "I prefer biscuits with my tea."

Elijah rolls his eyes at his brother's childish words. "Of course."

"Besides." Klaus ignores Elijah. "Our minds are far too strong to be invaded by kenning spells. No, what we experienced was a test-- Dahlia's watching to see how we respond to aggression. She's preparing for battle. My guess is sooner, rather than later."

"That means she knows where we are. And, given the immense nature of her power, we simply do not know what to expect from her. What we need is to create a new stronghold. Something that Dahlia knows nothing about. A sanctuary from any witchcraft." Elijah exclaims.

"That's a fine strategy." Freya says, though it's obvious she doesn't completely agree with it. "I offer another-- we can use Cullen or Klaus to trace her magic back to its source. Find out exactly where she is."

When Klaus doesn't say anything Cullen rolls her eyes, assuming she would be the one to have her mind picked through. "I guess I can do it."

Klaus smiles, obviously pleased with himself. "Good! Then it's settled. Off you pop to your respective tasks. Me? I've always been of the opinion that the best defense is a good offense. So, I'm going to find a way to murder that godforsaken witch."


"By doing this, we should be able to trace Dahlia's signature all the way back to the source of her power. But, I'll need to dig deep." Freya explains to Cullen as they set up for the spell.

"Do what you need to." Cullen tells her, lying on the table between Rebekah and Freya.

"Rebekah, if I may channel you?" Freya questions, looking up to her sister. Cullen sighs as Freya takes Rebekah's hands, beginning the spell. Instantly Cullen can feel Freya in her mind, searching for Dahlia. Too soon the spell ends and Cullen knows something must be wrong.

"Rebekah?" Cullen questions, a concerned look on her face as she glances towards the original.

"You." Rebekah exclaims, staring at Freya. "You're the reason Dahlia is able to cast such powerful spells. She's channeling you."

Cullen slides off the table, going to stand by Rebekah. "All this time, you've been helping her?"

Freya shakes her head desperately. "I had no idea! She must have found me. She wants to use you against me!"

Both Cullen and Rebekah feel upset at the new revelations. They had both just began to start trusting Freya. Know that Freya couldn't stay as long as Hope was here Rebekah steps forward, placing a hand on Freya's shoulder. "Freya, I want to trust you, I do. But, you said it yourself-- you're bonded to Dahlia. I'm sorry, but it's better that you go. Please."


"What do you mean she's gone?" Elijah questions, narrowing his eyes between Cullen and Rebekah. "She was the only one who intimately the enemy we now face."

"Elijah I understand that we all want to trust Freya, but I'm more worried about Hope right now and whether or not she's safe." Cullen tells him.

"We have done nothing, but doubt Freya." Elijah continues. "Nevertheless, she kept her promise, and she saved your life. We certainly haven't demonstrated the same kindness towards her."

"So, what the bloody hell do we do now?" Rebekah retorts.

"There is a jazz club in Algiers by the name of the St. James Infirmary. Marcel has acquired it, and Josephine is fortifying it as a sanctuary against magic." Elijah explains, glancing towards Cullen. "Pack your things. Marcel will escort you and Hope there tonight at nine o'clock." He then turns towards Rebekah. "You, wait with me."

"What for?" Rebekah exclaims, a confused expression on her face.

"If Freya shall return, we will be here. Now, whether we trust her or not, we cannot win this fight without her." Elijah states, exiting the room, leaving Cullen and Rebekah to glance at one another. Elijah had definitely done a good job at making them feel bad for kicking Freya out.


"I'm fine, Klaus. We're fine." Cullen reassures as she bounces Hope on her side. She had already spent one night in St. James Infirmary and to see Klaus was being overbearing would be an understatement.

"Just call me if you need anything." Klaus tells her. "I'll keep you updated."

"Okay." Cullen responds before hanging up the phone. After placing her phone on the stage her supernatural hearing picks up the slightest noise. It sounded like plants rustling in the wind. Spinning around, Cullen's eyes widen when she sees vines magically creeping up the walls. When a flower sprouts along the leaves Cullen freezes. "They're dahlias. She knows we're here."

Cullen's grip tightens on Hope when a dark haired woman appears in the doorway. "What a beauty! Hello, my child. I--" Dahlia begins to walk forward, abruptly stopping when she notices the line of salt spread across the entrance of the building. "I was hoping for a more intimate chat. Though I sense by entering, you would have me at a considerable disadvantage."

"Why don't you come on in?" Cullen glares. "I would love to show you some heretic hospitality."

"That's right." Dahlia lets a wicked smile appear on her face. "The heretic. A witch and a vampire. A very powerful creature you are. You're not how I'm after today though. I only wanted to see the little one who has been promised to me. Won't be long now-- surely you've noticed the spell protecting you is growing weaker?"

"If you lay a finger on her, I swear I will make you suffer in ways even your evil mind can't imagine." Cullen snaps.

"Cullen, is it? I have no quarrel with you. Esther made this bargain long ago. It's most unfortunate you've been dragged into it." Dahlia tries to calm Cullen down.

Cullen scoffs. "You talk like you don't have a choice, but this is your doing."

"When I give my word, I keep it, and I expect others to do the same. Esther and I made a bargain a long time ago, and so, you see, that child is rightfully mine. The only question you need ask is-- would you deny me, knowing that it would mean your death?" Dahlia tilts her head to the side, a smirk on her face.

"You're not taking her." Cullen hisses.

Dahlia sighs. "You're frightened for... your child. I can assure you, anything that Freya might have told you about our life together... well, she always had a flair for the dramatic."

"Well, it seems to run in the family." Cullen drawls.

"Well, then, of course, most of my troubles with Freya stemmed from the fact that I came for her so late in life. She had such a strong memory of the family that I took her from. But Hope is so young, she won't cling to the memory of you, or cry for you in her sleep." Dahlia exclaims, as if that would make things any better. "You can take comfort in the fact that for her, it will be as if you never existed."

Cullen lets the veins under her eyes appear, her fangs showing a bit. "Come closer. Let's see how a witch with no magic does against me."

Hope must have sensed her mothers discomfort because she starts crying. "Well, you've upset the child. It's a pity-- you ought not to waste your last hours with her this way. You should spend this time saying your farewells. Nightfall tomorrow will come all too soon. Goodbye for now, little one." Dahlia smiles, taking one last look at Hope before walking away.

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