
By Whitleytaylor

875 11 5

What happens when your mom sends you away? Anna is sent away after her mom does something completely stupid. ... More

The Quiet Girl.
The Begining.
The third one.
The truths.
Oh no.
Elf Man.
Gay or not?
Boys are stupid
Jamie <3.
Rough Morning.
New room mate.
two out of three... go me.

Nightmare come true.

47 0 0
By Whitleytaylor

Annas POV

I was so scared. He was on top of me punching me in the face.

I tried to get away from him but it was no use. He was way bigger than me.

“They wont like that iv messed with there little friend” Cane smirked.

He ripped my clothes off and started to touch every wear. Not again. I started to cry. This has already happened once before. I grabbed his hands and tried to throw him off.

His eyes turned black and he got up and left.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. 

This room was so cold and dark. It looked like a basement. There was only one little window on the other side. I hurried over to It and tried to climb threw it. I noticed I was to short. My stupid shortness! Ugh. I cant do anything with it. I looked around the dark room and found a chair I lifted myself half way threw the window and was almost out when I heard a dark laugh and something grabbed my feet dragging me back into the basement. I screamed as loud as I could. He shut the window and kicked the chair away.

“If you would just stop and actually not struggle this would all be way more easier.”

I elbowed him in the stomic and kicked his knee back. He slipped back for a minute and I ran. He grabbed my arms and tied them up I struggled against him

“You little bitch!” he slapped me across my face and I realized I was crying.

Something silver caught my eye in his hand. He had a knife. Oh my gosh!

He smiled evilly at me and started to cut little lines down my stomach and on my arms. He then slowly leaned down and licked the blood off. I whimpered and struggle to get him off. He smiled again and I felt fear run threw me.

“Its time.”

I was scared to ask him what it was time for but he stood up and took his clothes off really fast.

My eyes widened. I tried to get up but I got light headed and Cane punched me. I fell back down and right when I looked up he plunged into me deep and hard. I screamed out and begged him to stop. The pain got so bad that I eventually gave into the black and passed out.


Cane POV.

I ran upstairs and took a shower scrubbing my body hard.

I cant belive I just did that.

I don’t know whats happening to me.

I punched the wall. I never wanted to hurt her. I don’t even no how she got here! Its like I snapped out of a trance and I was ontop of her. I ran and got off of her and ran up here. I felt warm liquid go down my face. I felt them. Tears? I have never cried before. I guess theres a first time for everything.

I dried off and laid on the bed and let it all out for once. I cant always be a no fear man. Eventually you break. 

But what is wrong with me? Why do I keep blacking out and doing evil things?

Oh god when lance luke and lea find out im dead. What am I going to do?

Those were my last thoughts before I passed out.



After we heard annas scream we searched everywear for her. We couldnt find anything a smell nothing. I howled into the moon. Its all my fault. I felt like my heart broke in two. I should have never tried to hide it. I should of never been in denial I shouldnt of tried to protect her from it it would have saved it now.

I heard twigs snap and I looked up.

Luke was standing there. In human form.

“Lea its not your fault don’t blame your self well get her back. I mean we have to. Besides shes my best friend I wont lose with out a fight”

I howled into the moon again. And gave him a sad look.

He sighed and patted my back.

“Come on man we need to take a nap and eat. What good is it going to do if we find her and cant fight?”

I looked down he was right. I shifted and we walked in our cabin we keep in the woods.


Anna s POV.

I don’t know what time it is but I woke up and looked out of the window. It was bright outside. I looked around and seen he wasnt down here.

The chair was still by the window and it was open still from when I tried to escape last time.

I tried to sit up it was hard I could barely move with out pain shooting threw me, My clothes were ripped. I looked down at my body and seen that the cuts were all swollen and infected looking. I shuddered think about how he licked off the blood. I forced the tears away. I put the chair up next to the window and climbed out. I held back a scream as the window scratched along my cuts.

I stood up and ignored the pain and ran. I didnt no which way I was going but I kept running anyways. Eventually the sun started to set and panic sunk into me. I was chilled to the bone and I couldnt feel anything. Deep breaths I told myself. It’ll be okay. I couldnt hold up any longer I fell to the ground and cried I curled up into a ball. I don’t know how long I laied there but I heard a stick snap. I looked up and seen a wolf staring at me. 

Then I blacked out.


“just take her back to the house”

“no we cant what if he comes there”

“he wouldnt be that stupid”

“I don’t know it was pretty stupid of him to do this”

“im so sorry guys”

“lea man its cool we have already told you”

“I know I feel so bad.” I decided to put lea out of his sadness and I opened my eyes. I was being carried and in Ellys arms. He looked down and It looked like relief washed across his face.

I smiled slightly at him. Then looked down and realized I was in a tee shirt. Lea was the only one with out one on so I figured it was his. 

“Shes away you guys”

they all looked at me and I just looked at ellys neck considering I was being carried bridle style. 

“How are you feeling” it was lance. He spoke softly and gentle.

“Okay I guess”

“what happened?”

It was Elly who asked this.

I started to remember what happened. And froze, All the memories came flooding back. I looked up at Elly and suddenly felt scared.

“Put me down please Luke”

he gave me a weird look. It was probably because I used hes actual name. He nodded and set me down. I looked up and could see the dorms a few feet away. I looked back at them and ran as fast as I could. When I got there I shut the door and locked it. I ran straight to the shower and turned the water on super hot. I took off leas shirt and I jumped in ignoring the burning pain I was feeling. I let all the blood wash off of me I carefully washed my body and I realized how sore I really was. I let out a sob/sigh. I wish I wouldnt of ran from the dance. I shook my head and looked down. I opened the door a little and listened. I didnt hear anything so I went to the bed room. I put on a big tee shirt and a pair of underwear. I slowly eased myself into the bed. I scooted to the corner of it and balled up letting sleep take me.


I jumped up with a start. 

‘Calm down anna it was just a dream’

‘yeah but it felt so real’

‘obviously it wasnt’

‘don’t have to be so rude’

‘wait am I talking to myself in my head?”

‘Yes yes you are’

I got up and looked around. Great im going crazy im talking to myself in my own head. Thats awesome.

I opened the bedroom door and looked out. I could see the boys asleep on the couch. I instantly felt bad. Maybe I should have slept on the couch I mean theres one of me and three of them.

I sighed and went back to the room. The bed smelled a lot like lea and for some reason that comforted me.

‘Because you like him’

‘get out of my head!’

‘Alright but I warned you’

I curled up in a ball on leas side and went back to sleep.

In the morning I was woke by the alarm. I cursed and got up. I decided to just wear flare jeans and I big hoodie. I didnt bother with my hair or make up I just threw my hood up. 

I walked out to the living room and all the boys were up and dressed.

They all looked at me but I ducked away and walked towards the door.

I felt a hand on me and jumped a foot in the air. I turned around and looked up. Elly was standing there. He looked sad.

“Sorry I didnt mean to scare you.”

I just nodded my head and walked out. I walked to the school. On my way I looked up at the sky and had a vison. Elly was yelling at me with Lea and lance behind him they looked so mad. I couldnt understand what there were saying but it looked like they wanted me dead. I blinked a few times as I came back to reality. .

Could I not trust anyone?

I trusted there brother and look what he did to me.

My own mom slept with my boy friend.

My dad abused me before he was gone.

I need to make sure I cant get close or trust anyone especially Luke lance and lea. 

I sighed. I guess ill be one of the friendless losers. But hey at least it will save me alot of pain and drama issues. I already knew there was something weird about those boys. But im going to make a promise to myself not to get hurt.


It had been two weeks! TWO WEEKS!

And I had nothing to do with the boys. I didnt talk to them or look at them I stayed in the room until bed time and when they were tired I went to the couch and went to sleep. All I ever did was sit and listen to depressing songs. But hey at least it blocked my off from the world. I even stopped talking to all my old friends I didnt talk to anyone anymore.

I mopped around I reached to dorm room and opened the door.

Lea was sitting there looking as tired as I had ever seen anyone. He looked like he was upset to and had been.....crying?

I stared for awhile. He hadnt noticed me. I walked by and went to the room. Lance and luke were sitting there. 

“We need to talk” Luke said threw a detached and cold voice.

I shuttered at that. Id never seen him so... cold.

“We don’t know what happened that night scents you wont tell us. But we understand when your ready to tell us you can then. But we didnt do anything to you. Your treating us like were nothing. Weve watched you for the past two weeks mope around like you hated us or didnt want us.”

My eyes started to water. I felt really bad now. How could I do this to them.

“Everything about you had changed anna you style the way your eyes light up. Your funness your happiness. Most off all our friend. Wear is she now? You just disappeared. Shutting us out. Do you know how bad that hurts”

I sat there stunned Lance had never been that deep before. Or serious.

But I couldnt let them in to hurt me it would be to hard. If they all left that would be three of them gone.

I couldnt handle it.

I looked down.I felt ashamed and guilty. But I couldnt bring myself to do it. 

“Look you don’t have to accept us back but atleast talk to Lea. He feels so bad. Havent you noticed how he doesnt talk at all now. I know he didnt before but you can see the hurt in his eyes anna. He thinks all this is his fault and he hates his self right now. So at least make up with lea before he goes crazy. Please Anna.”

I looked up at luke he looked desprate so did Lance.


Leas POV.

I watched her for the past two weeks. When she was alone I followed her to make sure nothing happened to her. I hated myself so much. I tried to protect her but by doing that it only got her hurt. I think it might be hurt more than I or anyone else can fix. I felt so bad I wish I could change it all and take back the words I said. I whipped the tears away again. I hate myself.


Anna POV

I looked up at the boys again.

“Why don’t you guys go out? Have some fun I know you need it”

They looked defeated and looked down. They walked out. I sat on the edge of the bed.

I mean it wouldnt hurt me to make one friend. I see it was true lea has been out of it and I felt bad because it was me causing the pain. I ran my hands threw my hair.

I decided then that I would let Lea back in. It would help things and I guess I do need one friend. I really miss lea anyways. The couch isnt the same I feel empty without him next to me.

‘Your falling for him and you don’t even no it’

‘shut up no Im not’

‘don’t tell me to shut up yes you are’

‘go away!’

‘I cant im you remember.’

‘Well go do whatever’

‘alright but think about it you know im right’

I mentally slapped myself. I stood up and walked out to the living room. I seen Lea in the same exact spot. Leaning forward with his head in his hands and his eyes closed. I decided it was time to make up wiith him

I walked next to him on the couch I sat down next to him and the wrapped my arms around him tight

“its okay lea don’t blame yourself. Im sorry. Im soooo sorry”

I started to cry. I could feel the tears running down my cheek. 

I felt Lea move and I looked up and met his eyes. We stared at each other for a minute.

“Im sorry for what I said Anna truly sorry.”

“Its fine lea don’t worry about it.”

He smiled it looked like a true smile. He looked relieved and happy.

“Hey wanna watch a movie?”

I smiled “yea”

He got up and grabbed my hand. I gave him a questioning look. We walked into the bed room and I suddenly started getting nervous. He looked back and me and I panicked. I pulled my hand away. 

“Anna calm down there’s a tv in here it’s the biggest I thought it would be better so we could relax. Even on separate beds.”

I calmed myself enough and nodded my head.

“Sorry” I whispered. We walked in there and I sat on the bed me and lea used to share. I looked up.

And there was a plasma screen hanging on the wall.

My eyes opened in surprise.

How the hell did I miss this before?

He looked at me and let out a small chuckle.

“Don’t worry they just put it in here. It’s a present for you from me lance and Luke”

I smiled at looked down. They did care all of them.

He put a movie in and I missed him at my side so I told him he could lay next to me.

I don’t know how long it was but I felt cold so out of instinct I cuddled up to lea. Then I froze until I felt his arm rap around me. I relaxed some and before I knew it I was asleep in leas arms.


I woke up from a noise and I looked up right infront of me was lance and Luke they had a disbelieving look on there face and I realized I was still in Leas arms.... Oh shit. 

(A/N)---This chapter is deticated to Michaela. (: One of my best friends that has been bugging me to update my story. Haha. Michaela this one was all for you. :D

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