Set Up ( O2L/ Jc Caylen )

By untimely

37.9K 1.2K 144

What happens when Jack(thatsojack) and Kian set up Jc and Alex, Jack's bestfriend? The two meet in California... More

Schedule Update


330 11 18
By untimely

Mardy Bum- Artic Monkeys

"You can go out and have fun with your friends but I can't do that cause I'm a loser!"

-Josh, Drake and Josh


Alex's POV-

Much to her reluctance, Jc's mother luckily dropped the topic of why I was upset and just let me wallow in self-pity.

After she pulled into the garage, I excused myself, saying that I was going to go rest. My head was pounding so it wasn't that much of a lie.

I feel bad for leaving the rest of the guys, although it's not like it mattered that much since I'm not a YouTuber like the rest of them.

I showered, taking an excessively long amount of time to wash my hair and cleanse my body.

I ended up changing into a pair of black basketball shorts and a dryfit muscle tee.

"Uh, Mrs. Caylen, I'm going for a quick run. I'll eat dinner while I'm out so don't wait up for me. Tell Jc too so he isn't waiting." As if he would now that Jenn is back in the picture.

She pressed her lips into a firm smile, nodding politely. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to call me, or even Jc."

"Don't worry, I will." I smirked, knowing how caring she is and how much I missed having my own parents at times like this.

"But be back for 7:30. Jc's siblings are being dropped off and I think he would like you to meet them."

"I'd love to meet them. Jc has told me all about them. You have such a beautiful family, thanks for everything that you've done for me, it's honestly such a blessing." I smiled genuinely at her before walking out the front door.

I was familiar with the streets of Texas since I grew up around the neighborhood so I took off to the right, running.

All my mind could process was what had occurred on that stage barely an hour ago. How Jc fall for Jenn like that again?

I shouldn't be mad, it's not like we're dating or anything. All we are is friends, that's all.

Nothing more, nothing less.


Images of Jenn's lips on his face flashed on the insides of my eyelids constantly. I just needed something to get my mind off of all the drama.

Running has constantly been my outlet for relieving my stress and forgetting about all the drama in my life.

I had my headphones jammed into my ears and I felt as if I was just wandering, not really thinking much about anything.

That was until I was almost ran over.

A baby blue Mustang practically rammed into my side while I was crossing the road. I held a hand up, apologizing for not paying attention.

Hitting around 5 miles, I decide it's time to eat some food before I start the run back. I glance up and down the street in an attempt to find some quick café or fast food store.

I spot a small coffee shop that doesn't appear to be too busy and head in, prepared with a few dollars.


Kian's POV-

"You're kidding, right?" I shouted at Jc from across the stage.

The meet and greet had recently wrapped up, therefore we were just talking and hanging around when Jc decided to drop a bomb on us.

"There's no way." Sam groaned, putting a finger to his lip in attempt to understand the situation.

"You can't be serious." Connor froze in place, unable to move from the shock of the unexpected announcement that shook us to the core.

"What about us? The tour? Alex?" Trevor shouted, throwing his arms around while his face paled and turned a light shade of red.

"Alex will never speak to you again, or any of us if she gets real pissed about this, which I suspect she will." Jack ran his hands through his hair, unsure of what to do at this point. "Oh my gosh, how could you do something like this to her? She's my best friend."

We all cornered him yelling angry things and defending Alex while he shrunk now, acting frightened. I mean, if we scared him, then who knows what he will do when she catches wind of this.

"We aren't telling her, none of you will." Jc responded, holding his arms out to push us all back as he paced in circles. "I don't even know how this happened and it shouldn't have. I have no clue how to handle it in general, that's why I told you guys about this, not so you could tell her."

"So you're going to lie to her about all of this? That's your stellar plan?" Sam seemed almost just as angry as Jack was about this and I can't blame him. I'm pissed too. Sam and I got close with her and she is such a nice girl, this might destroy her.

"It isn't lying since she won't ask about it. What am I supposed to do?"

Jack groaned, getting more frustrated each and every second more, "Not have knocked up Jenn in the first place!"

"Like you're one to talk, at least I can get a girl!"

Jack ran towards Jc and sent a right hook straight to his jaw. Jc laughed, shoving Jack against the wall and tried hit him back.

The other boys lunged for Jc and I pulled Jack away, dragging him to a separate room. Even as I tore him away from the brawl he was still shouting insults as the vein in his neck became more visible.

"How far along is she anyway?" Jack shouted as I struggled to rip him away from causing anymore damage to Jc and his face.

"I'm not sure, I think she's about three months in."

I sat him down in a chair before beginning to talk, "I know you are beyond furious with him, Sam and I are too, but you have to keep your cool. He kind of has a point with not telling her, Alex will lose it and at that point none of us will be able to contain her. This will save her a lot of heartbreak and pain."

"I know but I hate how he can get Jenn pregnant and be chill with it. I want to mess up his face so bad, you have no idea."

I laughed while slapping him on the back, "Doesn't surprise me at all."


Eventually, all the guys calmed down from the surprise news and got in their cars to head to Jc's because his mom was having us all over for a BBQ dinner in the backyard.

As soon as we got there, we could tell that Alex wasn't home seeing as the house was quiet when we walked in except for the sizzle of the food on the stove.

"Ah, boys. It is so good to see you again. Can you help me bring to food out and place it on the tables outside? I'm finishing up with some side dishes." Mrs. Caylen ordered which sent everyone other than Jack and me outside with the dishes full of hot food as they shouted phrases like 'Anything for you', 'Of course Mrs. Caylen", and my personal favorite from Ricky was 'Outside? Ew, is that a thing.'

We sat there in silence for a bit until Jack finally spoke up. "Do you happen to know where Alex went? She's my best friend and I'm a little worried about her."

"Ay, she went for a run somewhere around an hour ago. You can go drive around and look for her if you want. Also, while you're out, can you pick up Jaylyn and Joe Felix for me?"

"Sounds like a plan, we should be back in 10."

Jack and I made a mad dash for our rental car, him as the driver with me riding shotgun. We glanced up and down the streets hoping to find a glimpse of her as we were on the way to pick up Jc's younger siblings. We had gone up and down the roads several times finding nothing.

After we picked up Jaylyn and Joe Felix like planned, we saw her. She was ahead of us so we could only see her back but by her swinging brown ponytail and basketball shorts, we knew it was her.

Jack parked the car next to her as I rolled down the window, "Get in loser, we're kidnapping you."

Her laugh filled the car as she piled into the empty void loitering in the right side of the backseat next to Jaylyn, who sat in the middle of her and Joe Felix. Unfortunately, she wouldn't stay in this bubbly mood for long.

Alex's POV-

I was slightly confused as to why the boys were picking me up and who the younger kids were sitting next to me, but I figured there was some sort of wacky explanation. I assumed that the two perched in the backseat with me were Jc's siblings, although I could be wrong.

The car ride was silent minus the hum of the radio constantly repeating the same songs that are often overplayed, Kian's mumbling, and the nonstop noise of Jack tapping his index finger to the beat on the steering wheel.

It took a few measly minutes until the car pulled into the driveway. The two kids unbuckled themselves and scampered on in. I was going to do the same but Kian grabbed on to my wrist before I was able to make it out of the car.

"Al, before we head in there, are you okay?" His voice seemed hesitant to ask the question, probably thinking I would blow up like a time bomb if he said something to offend me.

"Kian, trust me here on this one, I'm fine." I smiled, showing my teeth as a way to convince him more.

"Also, stay away from Jc tonight during the cookout." Jack ordered me.

"Why?" I was already sort of mad for Jc just merely accepting Jenn back into his life so easily so I was going to steer clear of him anyway, but it felt like Jack was implying that something bigger was happening that he avoided telling me about in fear of me exploding. "Is there something that you're not telling me. I promise that I won't freak out over it."

"No, no, no. Nothing out of the ordinary is going on." Jack glanced over at Kian as he declared this before continuing. "It's just that Jc's mom invited Jenn so she'll probably going to be hanging around him the entire time."

I'm going to be sick. How could she be here? I am pretty positive that the last time I saw her was when Jc kicked her out of the house after she nailed me in the face with a frying pan. Why would anyone in their right mind invite a psycho like that into their home?


Hey there... its been about almost half a year since I have last updated this story because of how insane high school has been and my horrible writer's block (ps. any comments with ideas or predictions are enjoyed ;) ). So, due to that reason, I am pretty sure no one will end up reading this at all, oops. To that one person reading still, thanks and god bless you for staying with me after half of a year. This is like a bad relationship, oh well. I tried to do a longer update with Kian's POV to make up for me being MIA for like ever. I' m sorry..? Yell at me all you want, I deserve it. I can take it. Also, I am very pleased to announce that this story is really close to hitting 30k reads or views or whatever and that's pretty cool since I never update and suck at writing.

Mini self-promo here, I apologize but I do promise that those updates will be somewhat regular, almost like a period. Wow ok, only me. So, I have another story called Agent Heartbreaker featuring Kian and a tad bit of Sam to come. Also, there is Amnesia which is with the amazing Luke Hemmings with a smidge of Harry Styles and the other boys of 1 Direction. Lastly, I have a new one that I absolutely love entitled The Manor Girl, which is also with Luke Hemmings. Just realized how almost all my stories have broken up groups like 1D and O2L, oops. Still going to write them regardless.

Ask me question, give me feedback, that stuff is amazing. Maybe if y'all want a character question and answer, so comment if you'd like that and any questions for the characters.

Ok, and the questions of the update are... (cue drum roll)

Will Alex find out about Jenn's pregnancy?

Does Kian perhaps have a small little crush on Alex?

Would Jc or Jack win in a fight?

That's all guys, peaceeeeeeee

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